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310 pages, Mass Market Paperback
First published January 3, 2017
Sarina Bowen is the 24-time USA Today bestselling and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of contemporary fiction, including: The Five Year Lie, the True North series, and the Brooklyn Hockey series. She's the co-author of Him/Us and the WAGs series with Elle Kennedy. And more!
At thirty-two years old he was suddenly more conscious of the toll the game took on his body. And the fighting he did for his team made everything riskier. So much could go wrong in those violent sixty or ninety seconds.
“Patrick,” she warned. “I’m not joking. We obviously have a bit of chemistry . . .” She rubbed a bit of oil onto her fingers and then started in on the muscles just above his knee.
He snorted. “We have a bit of chemistry. And hockey has a bit of violence. We practically burned down your bed together.”
I freaking adored Patrick!! I loved that he wasn’t perfect. He isn’t a charmer, but he was so sexy with his gruff and grouchy personality and his big body and heart. He had a terrible childhood and it made him dislike being touched by others, showing any weakness and it was so wonderful seeing him become comfortable with Ari touching him. I loved how hard he fought for Ari once he gave into his attraction for her and how he wanted to protect her and keep her safe.
Ari was so messed up after her ex and her reluctance to start something with Patrick so soon after her break-up was totally understandable. She loves her job, helping the players keep their bodies and minds healthy for their games, and I loved how patient and understanding she was with Patrick, especially at first when it was so difficult for him to allow her to touch him, but slowly she won his trust, making him like and want her touch and help.
You’re everything that I want, and everything I need. You already have my heart, and I don’t want it back. You understand?”
I loved the romance and the fact that they were kind-of friends before they became more, and how their attraction to each other just deepened their powerful connection. It was wonderful seeing Patrick who has basically always been alone, and who liked it that way, realise how much he liked having Ari in his home and his life, how much he wanted to have her near him. The sexy times were so hot, especially that massage scene! Yowza ;-D
I love all Patrick’s teammates and the other secondary characters and I really want to know what’s going on between Nate and Becca!!
I love sports romances and this author’s writing. She writes so much depth to her romances, and I adore that. My only complaint is that I would have liked a HEA ending instead of the HFN we got, but for these two characters the ending was perfect for them. If you love sport romances, then this is the book for you. Highly recommended.
Wanting Ari wasn’t like any of those other other wants. It was far more terrifying. In the first place, there was too much that was out of his control. He’d always been able to say: if I just work a little harder, I can have this. If I just put in the hours. That wasn’t the case with Ari. Even as he dreamt up the next romantic thing he might do for her, he knew it might never be enough. She could decide that a punk from the wrong end of Minneapolis wasn’t what she needed in her life.
“I’m so gone for you,” he ground out, still laughing. “I’ve got it bad. It might take me years to convince you I’m a good guy, but I’ll never stop trying.”