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A Light in the Attic

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Last night while I lay thinking here
Some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
And pranced and partied all night long
And sang their same old Whatif song:

Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?...
This 20th anniversary of Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic includes a CD of highlights from his Grammy Award-winning album.

Here in the attic of Shel Silverstein you will find Backward Bill, Sour Face Ann, the Meehoo with an Exactlywatt, and the Polar Bear in the Frigidaire. You will talk with Broiled Face, and find out what happens when Somebody steals your knees, you get caught by the Quick-Digesting Gink, a Mountain snores, and They Put a Brassiere on the Camel.

From the creator of the beloved poetry collections Where the Sidewalk Ends and Falling Up, here is another wondrous book of poems and drawings.

176 pages, Hardcover

First published October 7, 1981

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About the author

Shel Silverstein

132 books10.1k followers
Shel Silverstein was the author-artist of many beloved books of prose and poetry. He was a cartoonist, playwright, poet, performer, recording artist, and Grammy-winning, Oscar-nominated songwriter.

Shel Silverstein will perhaps always be best loved for his extraordinary books. Shel’s books are now published in more than 47 different languages. The last book that was published before his death in 1999 was Falling Up

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews562 followers
February 13, 2022
A Light in the Attic, Shel Silverstein

A Light in the Attic is a collection of poems by the American poet, writer, and children's author Shel Silverstein. It was first published by Harper & Row in 1981.

I can't afford
A skateboard.
I can't afford
An outboard.
I can't afford
A surfboard.
All I can afford
Is a board.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «فانوس زیر شیروانی»؛ «نوری در اتاق زیر شیروانی»؛ «چراغی در زیر شیروانی»؛ «چراغی زیر شیروانی»؛ نویسنده شل سیلورستاین؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش ماه نوامیر سال 2001میلادی

عنوان: فانوس زیر شیروانی؛ نویسنده: شل سیلورستاین؛ مترجم فاطمه جعفرزاده، تهران، انتشارات کیا، سال1378 ؛ در48ص، شابک9649219390؛ موضوع: شعر برای کودکان و نوجوانان از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده20م

عنوان: نوری در اتاق زیر شیروانی؛ نویسنده: شل سیلورستاین؛ مترجم حمید خادمی؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، کتاب پنجره، چاپ دوم سال1380، در197ص، مصور، شابک9649225757؛ دو زبانه فارسی انگلیسی؛

عنوان: چراغی در زیر شیروانی؛ نویسنده و تصویرگر شل سیلورستاین؛ مترجم طوبی یکتایی؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، تندیس، سال1379، در127ص، مصور، شابک9649198431؛

عنوان: چراغی زیر شیروانی؛ نویسنده: شل سیلور استاین؛ مترجم رضی خدادادی (هیرمندی)؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، هوای تازه، سال1383، در200ص، مصور، شابک9647222874؛

نقل از متن: خانه تاریک است و پرده ها کشیده اند / اما چراغی زیر شیروانی روشن است / من میدانم آن چیست / شوقی است که بیتاب سوسو میزند / حتی میتوانم آنرا از بیرون ببینم و میدانم / که تو آن بالایی و بیرون را نگاه میکنی.؛
بچه خفاش جیغ کشید: «کلید خاموشی رو بزنید، من از روشنایی میترسم!»؛
شتره رو لباس زیر پوشونده اند / آخه میدونید، لباسش درست و حسابی نبود، یا آبرومند / شتره رو لباس زیر پوشونده اند / حالا دیگه کوهان هاش بیرون نمونده اند / اونا طرحهای آبرومندانه ی دیگه ای هم دارند / حتی اصرار دارند که همه ی خوکها شلوار پاشون کنند / اگه بهشون اجازه و امکانات بدیم / تن اردکها هم لباس میپوشونند / از وقتی که شتره رو لباس زیر پوشونده اند.؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 20/12/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 23/11/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Austin.
56 reviews20 followers
March 7, 2008
Every child eventually discovers the perverted old man who wrote songs for Johnny Cash, did illustrations for Playboy, appeared on the Dr. Demento show numerous times, and managed to get a few books published along the way.

For some reason, parents never seem to think this creepy old guy who was so fond of children was in any way "disturbing," something I'm continually impressed with in the "ban now, ask questions later" climate of modern culture. If there are people who don't like Shel Silverstein, I don't want to meet them. Or, more to the point, you shouldn't meet them if that is an option.

Children need to experience this kind of creepy / weird / funny / sad stuff, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of having a conduit through which they can make sense of most of the rest of the world. Knowing that Shel sees things this way, too, makes it all easier to take, and makes your own oddness that much more tolerable. We, as humans, need to come to terms with inexplicable and unfathomable in the world, and it wasn't until Shel that we began to realize that the only way to gently help our children do just that, is to let a perverted old weirdo with a large stack of Playboys in his basement lead the way.
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,107 reviews315k followers
August 3, 2016
“Do a loony-goony dance
'Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain't been there before.”
Profile Image for Linda.
Author 2 books232 followers
April 20, 2024
I read this with my son when he was little many times and have many happy memories!
Profile Image for Aria Carstairs (Hiatus).
19 reviews200 followers
February 18, 2023
I'm in love with the following poem (page 59) 😍😍...

If we meet and I say, 'Hi,'
That's a salutation. 👋
If you ask me how I feel,
That's consideration. 🤔
If we stop and talk awhile,
That's a conversation. 🗣️
If we understand each other,
That's communication. 💬
If we argue, scream and fight,
That's an altercation. 🤬
If later we apologize,
That's reconciliation. 🤝
If we help each other home,
That's cooperation. 🚶
And all these ations added up
Make civilization. 🫂
(And if I say this is a wonderful poem,
Is that exaggeration❓)"

Not at all, mister. I commend your ability to string together seemingly random words to form such a glorious and lyrical piece of poetry.

Needless to say, I will definitely be continuing to read more of yours works, despite the fact that they are intended for younger audiences. It's a shame, really, that you have succumbed to the inevitable end that we all face as human beings. The world needs more people like you.

Ciao 👋
Profile Image for Júlia.
250 reviews6,999 followers
October 19, 2022
Did I read a children’s book last night for comfort? Yes, yes I did.

This is definitely not as amazing as where the sidewalk ends, but these poems hit just as hard. They’re fun for kids (totally recommend you to read them to your children: 5 and up) and you’ll be shocked every time these give you some adult life lessons as well 🫶🏻

also they’re so hilarious and intelligently written, every kid who grows up with this will 100% be smarter than everyone else.

Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,029 reviews13k followers
November 25, 2019
I got some Shel Silverstein books from the library to feed my nostalgia, and it was an interesting reread. They're as funny and easy and light as I remember, but I'm shocked by how much I didn't remember. Maybe I just skimmed it for the pictures as a kid, but still, these were entertaining to read out loud to my cats.
Profile Image for Janine.
42 reviews9 followers
April 9, 2007
The feelings I have about Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic and Where The Sidewalk Ends contrast so sharply with the books themselves. I loved these funny, whimsical and sometimes downright sadistic poems with all of my young heart. Even now, I feel like I'm getting away with something when I think of Clarence Lee from Tennesee who loved the commercials he saw on TV. I am still afraid for Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too who never returned to the world they knew. In Shel Silverstein's books I found all of my childish wishes drawn out to their natural, absurd conclusions. But I was also given a glimpse of the way that language could create beauty and inspire wonder, for we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in! I never guessed how a bald, bearded, barefoot man with a guitar could read my mind. It is not too much to say that I revere both works. Which is not the point of these poems at all.
Profile Image for پیمان عَلُو.
336 reviews216 followers
March 26, 2024

دختر بچه دلش می‌خواست پیانو بزند
دست به کلید‌ها نمی‌رسید
دست که به کلیدها رسید
پاهایش به زمین نمی‌رسید
دست به کلیدها رسید
پاهایش به زمین رسید
اما دیر بود،
دیگر دلش نمی‌خواست پیانو بزند…


کوچولو و پیرمرد:

پسر کوچولو گفت:
بعضی‌وقت‌ها، قاشق از دستم می‌افتد
پیرمرد گفت: من هم همینطور
پسرِ کوچولو گفت:
بعضی‌وقت‌ها شلورارم را خیس می‌کنم
پیرمرد با لبخند گفت:
برای من هم پیش می‌آید
پسر کوچولو گفت:
زیادی گریه می‌کنم
پیرمرد به علامت سر تصدیق سر جنباند.
ای وای مثل خودم
پسر کوچولو گفت:
بزرگترها که به من توجهی ندارند
گرمای دست پیرمرد را حس کرد
پیرمرد گفت:
درکت میکنم پسر کوچولو!

دعای کودک خودخواه:

حالا که می‌خواهم‌بخوابم
از خدا عمر دراز می‌خواهم
اما اگر یک آن در خواب مُردم
ای خدا جان
عروسک‌هایم‌ را بشکن
نکند کسی با آن‌ها بازی کند



هیچ وقت شنا نمی‌کرد
سوار قایق نمی‌شد
هیچ‌وقت حمام نمی‌کرد
صبح تا شب
می‌نشست توی اتاق
پنجره را قفل می‌کرد
در را می‌بست
نکند در باز شود
نکند موجی از آب سرازیر شود
هی زار زد و هی گریه کرد،
دروازه‌ها را بست
اتاق پر شد از اشک‌هایش
و در اشک‌های خود غرق شد.



یک‌روح دیدم
جانم را می‌خواست
راهش را گم کرده بود
آدرس می‌خواست

یک‌شیطان دیدم
روحم را نمی‌خواست
دوچرخه‌ام را می‌خواست قرض بگیرد

یک دراکولا دیدم
خونم را نمی‌خواست
یک دالر میداد
دو پنجاه سنتی می‌خواست

هربار که موجود جالبی دیدم
مشکلی داشت



اگر با یک دیگر روبه رو شویم و بگوییم سلام
این خوش آمد گویی است گویا
اگر بپرسی حالم چطور است
این‌توجه نشان دادن است
اگر اندکی بایستیم و حرف بزنیم
این مکالمه است
اگر همدیگر را بفهمیم
این ارتباط برقرار کردن است
اگر جدل کنیم و جیغ بکشیم
این اختلاف است
اگر بعدش معذرت بخواهیم
این آشتی است
اگر در خانه همدیگر را یاری بدهیم
این همکاری است
جمع این‌هاست دیگر
اگر بگوییم این شعر عالیست، خودخواهیست؟

هیچ کس:

هیچ کس مرا دوست ندارد
هیچ کس،
هیچ کس نگران من نیست
هیچ کس از درخت برایم شفتالو و گلابی نمی‌چیند
هیچ کس،
هیچ کس به من آبنبات و‌نوشابه نمی‌دهد
به شوخی های من گوش نمی‌دهد
هیچ کس به وقت دعوا به کمکم نمی‌آید
هیچ کس
هیچ کس مشق‌هایم را برایم نمی‌نویسد
هیچ کس دلش برایم تنگ نمی‌شود
هیچ کس برایم گریه نمی‌کند
هیچ کس،
هیچ کس فکر نمی‌کند چه آدم نازی هستم
اگر از من بپرسی بهترین دوستت کیست
یک دم بر می‌خیزم
جواب می‌دهم:
هیچ کس!
دیشب حسابی ترسیدم
از خواب بیدار شدم
دیدم«هیچ کس»نیست
دستم را به سویش دراز کردم
اتاق تاریک بود
در جای همیشگی‌اش نبود
نبود که نبود
در خانه
هر سوراخ سنبه‌ای را گشتم
ولی همه جا یکی را دیدم
گشتم و گشتم و گشتم
تا خسته شدم
حالا دیگر شکی نیست
حالا سحر رسیده
هیچ کس برای همیشه

Profile Image for Ronyell.
988 reviews331 followers
March 15, 2014
“A Light in the Attic” is one of Shel Silverstein’s best yet most controversial books of poems ever written. This book is full of poems about clowns, pirates, monsters and all manner of strange people and animals doing crazy things. “A Light in the Attic” may be too suggestive and morbid for smaller children, but older children will easily delight themselves with the silly shenanigans of the characters.

Shel Silverstein’s writing is as witty as it is funny as he writes each character’s stories in a poetic prose. One of the funniest poems I have read was “Squishy Touch” when the main character turns everything into Jell-O. Shel Silverstein’s illustrations are highly creative as the images make the characters look scratchy and also I love the images being presented in black and white colors, a technique that is usually used for long books. The image that probably stood out the most was the image of the Gink as it has a large mouth with sharp teeth and the image of the kids coming out of the Gink on the next page.

Parents should know that there are some suggestive and morbid content in this book that young children might not understand. One poem that might be too suggestive for children would be the poem “How not to have to dry the dishes” as it entices children to break the dishes in order not to dry them. Another poem that might be too morbid for children would be “Little Abigail and the Beautiful Pony” as it deals with the death of a child and parents might want to explain to their children about the concept of death before they read this poem.

“A Light in the Attic” is an excellent book about silly poems about silly people who do crazy stunts and it will surely be an instant for many children young and old. I would recommend this book to children ages six and up since smaller children might be a bit disturbed by the suggestive and morbid content displayed in this book.

Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog

Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.5k followers
May 3, 2014
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! When I saw my Goodreads friend 'post' she read this book, I smiled BIG time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Neda.
474 reviews80 followers
May 16, 2015
"The saddest thing I ever did see
Was a woodpecker peckin' at a plastic tree.
He looks at me, and "Friend," says he,
' "Things ain't as sweet as they used to be."

While reading I noticed that I've had read it long ago.. But I just couldn't stop! I just love Shel!
Profile Image for N.N. Heaven.
Author 6 books2,021 followers
September 29, 2017
Why I love it: Really? This is a banned book? Somewhere, Mr. Silverstein is shaking his head sadly. It’s a hilarious book of illustrations and poems. Silly poems. Its message is clear: use your imagination, laugh often and your life will be good. It promotes kindness, goodness and understanding. There’s nothing wrong with that.

My Rating: 5 stars
Profile Image for Valerie.
155 reviews81 followers
August 5, 2008
Recently, I started re-reading A Light in the Attic with my younger daughter, who's four-and-a-half. I think when I first read it I must have been about eight or nine years old, because I remember reading it myself, and loving it. (I must have checked it out of the library about a million times.) What's not to love? Shel gives us such gems as:

There's a Polar Bear
In our Frigidaire--
He likes it 'cause it's cold in there.
With his seat in the meat
And his face in the fish
And his big hairy paws
In the buttery dish,
He's nibbling the noodles,
He's munching the rice,
He's slurping the soda,
He's licking the ice.
And he lets out a roar
If you open the door.
And it gives me a scare
To know he's in there--
That Polary Bear
In our Fridgitydaire.


I have a hot dog for a pet,
The only kind my folds would let
Me get.
He does smell sort of bad
And yet,
He absolutely never gets
The sofa wet.
We have a butcher for a vet,
The strangest vet you ever met.
Guess we're the weirdest family yet,
To have a hot dog for a pet.

Of course, she loves almost all of the poems. And I'd forgotten that the wonderful illustrations were also by Silverstein. One word of caution for parents reading to younger kids: some of the poems do deal (albeit in a silly way) with issues such as drowning (in your own tears), getting kidnapped (by a Wild Barbazzoop), and Ticklish Tom (who unfortunately giggles his way onto a railroad track). Small matters, surely, but good to know when you're reading something to your child that's slightly over their head in terms of age-appropriateness. It's nice to be prepared for the moment just after you've finished reading, and your little one turns to you and says, "Mommy, what's kidnapping?"
Profile Image for Karen.
2,273 reviews732 followers
November 11, 2023
The world lost a light when Shel Silverstein passed away in 1999. So much of what he shared through his poems were messages, that although they appeared to be children’s books, seemed more relatable for adults.

Especially in this book.

Consider Cloony the Clown:

“One day he said, “I’ll tell this town
How it feels to be an unfunny clown.”
And he told them all why he looked so sad,
And he told them all why he felt so bad.
He told of Pain and Rain and Cold,
He told of Darkness in his soul,
And after he finished his tale of woe,
Did everyone cry? Oh no, no, no,
They laughed until they shook the trees…
And while the world laughed outside.
Cloony the Clown sat down and cried.”
~ Cloony The Clown

It sounds depressing. Not necessarily something I would read to a child.

This one, I have to admit, it may have even broken my heart, just a little.

In Wonders NearBy he has readers having us wishing what we should have or could have or would have done. Though the truth is what is done is done. It really is a great reminder to live life the best way we know how.

Wonders NearBy
I’ve never dealt draw poker
In a rowdy lumber camp,
Or got up at the count of nine
To beat the world’s champ,
I’ve never had my picture on
A six-cent postage stamp.
I’ve never scored a touchdown
On a ninety-nine-yard run,
I’ve never winged six Daltons
With my dying brother’s gun…
Or kissed Miz Jane, and rode my hoss
Into the setting sun.
Sometimes I get so depressed
‘Bout what I haven’t done.
~ Never


Don’t be discouraged.

Throughout this book there are hopeful and inspirational poems that are child worthy.


This book has something for everyone.

It is an easy-to-read, entertaining collection.
Profile Image for Dea꧂.
467 reviews
March 18, 2022
I rarely read poetry because it's a hit or miss for me. There are always some poems that I really like and the rest of them I just skim read. But I find children poetry more tolerable and usually more amusing.
This poetry collection was very funny, quirky and easy to read. Some of the poems may seem suggestive and even a little bit morbid (especially the last few in this collection) but overall I think most of them promote positive thinking and kindness.
I haven't read this as a child and I think I value this better as an adult. Most of the poems are very straightforward but also profound and witty in a way I probably wouldn't have appreciated as a child.

Some of my favourites are:

Draw a crazy picture,
Write a nutty poem,
Sing a mumble-grumble song,
Whistle through your comb.
Do a loony-goony dance
'Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain't been there before.


This one is my favourite because we bookworms would have more time for reading when we wouldn't have to work, but then how would we buy ourselves new books to read!?
Profile Image for DJ Harris.
114 reviews64 followers
March 27, 2013
Need to feel like a kid again? Cozy up with this humorous and whimsical book of poetry. Kids of all ages are sure to enjoy Shel Silverstein's fanciful word play in this amusing collection.

Besides reading this book myself, I also purchased a copy of this book for my children and grandchildren. It is a good book to get your children into reading.


A Light in the Attic (Hardcover) by Shel Silverstein


"Somebody Has To

Somebody has to go polish the stars,
They’re looking a little bit dull.
Somebody has to go polish the stars,
For the eagles and starlings and gulls
Have all been complaining they’re tarnished and worn,
They say they want new ones we cannot afford.
So please get your rags
And your polishing jars,
Somebody has to go polish the stars.

Profile Image for Stephen.
1,516 reviews12k followers
July 29, 2010
4.0 to 4.5 stars. One of those books that can be enjoyed by children and adults depending on how deeply you dive into the meaning of the stories. Incredibly imaginative and very well done.
Profile Image for s (i'm a minor).
14 reviews
April 17, 2021
I've got no complaints. Seriously. This is such a wonderful all-ages poetry book with illustrations; a childhood favorite of mine. Anyone who wants a lighthearted, funny book should probably read this.

I can't afford
A skateboard.
I can't afford
An outboard.
I can't afford
A surfboard.
All I can afford
Is a board.

Gumeye Ball
There's an eyeball in the gumball machine,
Right there between the red and the green,
Lookin' at me as if to say,
"You don't need any more gum today."

Wild Strawberries
Are Wild Strawberries really wild?
Will they scratch an adult, will they snap at a child?
Should you pet them. or let them run free where they roam?
Could they ever relax in a steam-heated home?
Can they be trained to not growl at the guests?
Will a litterbox work or would they leave a mess?
Can we make them a Cowberry, herding the cows,
Or maybe a Muleberry pulling the plows,
Or maybe a Huntberry chasing the grouse,
Or maybe a Watchberry guarding the house,
And though they may curl at your feet oh so sweetly,
Can you ever feel they you trust them completely?
Or should we make a pet out of something less scary,
Like the Domestic Prune or the Imported Cherry,
Anyhow, you've been warned and I will not be blamed,
If your Wild Strawberry cannot be tamed.

Our turtle did not eat today,
Just lies on his back in the strangest way
And doesn't move.
I tickled him
And poked at him
And dangled string in front of him,
But he just lies there
Stiff and cold
And sort of staring straight ahead.
Jim says he's dead.
"Oh, no," say I,
"A wooden turtle cannot die!"

"A genuine anteater,"
The pet man told my dad.
Turned out, it was an aunt eater,
And now my uncle's mad!
July 26, 2020
I was introduced to the works of Shel Silverstein when my fourth grade teacher read Where the Sidewalk Ends to my class. Sadly, the author passed away not long after I discovered his poetry; still, he lives on thanks to his timeless works. This book has some crazy poems; between the zany words and hilarious illustrations, kids and even some adults are sure to laugh. Occasionally, the poems were crude, but only in a "PG" way. While I was disappointed when I found out about Mr. Silverstein's lifestyle--and, if you check out his Wikipedia page, you'll see why--that doesn't reflect on this book.
Profile Image for Gauri.
257 reviews6 followers
December 16, 2016
I read a little bit from this book everyday to my younger brother this past week. I can't remember if I finished this myself in my own childhood, but it felt like I read it for the first time, so I'll put this in the list of books I read this year.
This is a book full of poems about jokes or about little lessons presented in comical ways. It gets little kids thinking and gets them interested about deeper thinking. Definitely a must-read for children!
Profile Image for Amber J (Thereadingwitch).
1,073 reviews76 followers
January 4, 2022
This was one of my favorite books as a child, and I loved being able to read it again. Even more so I got to read it to my 7 year old daughter and some to my 10 year old nephew. They both loved it. They laughed at most of them and my daughter commented about it being sad when it was a sad poem. I got two more of his books from the library and I'm very excited to read them for both myself and my daughter.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
1,787 reviews279 followers
December 17, 2017
A load of fun to read these poems. I can see how they might be considered a little subversive by some and can see how they banned this book for a little while somewhere! I'd buy this for all my little relations no problem.
Profile Image for Ammara Abid.
205 reviews156 followers
December 5, 2016
Absolutely brilliant.
Every time I read it, every time I love it more.
Many poems are my favorite, I can't write all of them here but couldn't resist myself sharing these two,

The Nailbiter
Some people manicure their nails,
Some people trim them neatly,
Some people keep them filed down,
I bite ’em off completely.
Yes, it’s a nasty habit, but
Before you start to scold,
Remember, I have never ever
Scratched a single soul.

Zebra Question
I asked the zebra
Are you black with white stripes?
Or white with black stripes?
And the zebra asked me,
Are you good with bad habits?
Or are you bad with good habits?
Are you noisy with quiet times?
Or are you quiet with noisy times?
Are you happy with some sad days?
Or are you sad with some happy days?
Are you neat with some sloppy ways?
Or are you sloppy with some neat ways?
And on and on and on and on
And on and on he went.
I'll never ask a zebra
About stripes
21 reviews
July 14, 2010
Shel Silverstein was the author of my childhood, and I was surprised to find that, in (sort of) adulthood, A light in the Attic hasn't lost any of its charm. In fact, I've discovered new layers of humor and meaning I couldn't have processed when I was eight.

I credit Shel Silverstein with my early love of poetry and, ultimately, literature. Recommend to anyone at any age, but a GREAT gift for a godson/ goddaughter, niece/ nephew, etc.. They'll cherish it forever!
Profile Image for Holly R W.
425 reviews65 followers
August 12, 2018
This book holds happy memories for me. I used to read the poems to my son Matt, who is now 26 years old. He and I both enjoyed their sweet silliness and the great illustrations!
Profile Image for Cathy.
81 reviews9 followers
October 27, 2007
Shel Silverstein was misunderstood.

He was a genius, but not an evil one. Just a hilarious one.

His books are looked at with suspicion. But shouldn't be, because they are full of fun, pun, and literate value.

Here is why this one was challenged by others, however:

"features a caricature of a person whose nude behind has been stung by a bee; the poem 'Little Abigail and the Beautiful Pony' is morbid; imparts a 'dreary' and 'negative' message; encourages kids to break dishes so that they won't have to wash them; suggestive illustrations; glorified Satan, suicide, cannibalism, and also encouraged children to be disobedient; suggests drug use, the occult, suicide, death, violence, disrespect for truth, disrespect for legitimate authority, rebellion against parents; behavior abusive to women and children, suicide is the best way to manipulate parents; mockery of God; selfish and disrespectful behavior; very vile; contained subliminal messages"
Profile Image for Mohammad Roufarshbaf.
204 reviews27 followers
September 8, 2020
مثل بقیه ی کتاب های شل، این کتاب پر بود از ایده های خلاقانه و داستان ها و نقاشی های بامزه.
من بیشتر از همه به داستان زیر خندیدم:
The MEEHOO with an Exactlywat
با خودم فکر کردم یک نفر چقدر باید ذهن خلاقی داشته باشد که چنین ایده ی بامزه ای را در سر پرورانده باشد.
در خلال خواندن این کتاب به این نتیجه رسیدم که دیگر کمتر از گودریدز استفاده کنم. دلیلش هم این است که دوست ندارم با خودم یا دیگران در رقابت باشم که حتماً تعداد کتاب بیشتری بخوانم. هم چنین دوست ندارم کتاب هایی که فعلاً در لیست اولویت های خواندن من نیست را به خاطر شهرتشان در شبکه های اجتماعی بخوانم. از این پس سعی می کنم از گودریدز فقط برای یافتن بعضی کتاب های خوب مرتبط با علایقم استفاده کنم. اگر حس و حالش را داشتم شاید ریویو ای هم بنویسم. اگر نداشتم در خودِ کتاب ریویو ای برای خودم یادداشت می کنم، مثل اوایل دهه ی نود که گودریدز نداشتم و در کتاب برای خودم می نوشتم.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,537 reviews

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