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Gospel, Idaho #1

True Confessions

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Welcome to Gospel, Idaho where everyone knows that there are two universal truths. First, God did His best work when He created the Sawtooth Wilderness Area. Second, every sin known to heaven and earth -- from the hole in the ozone to alien abductions -- is all California's fault. This is the story of what happened when a Californian came to visit...

L.A. based tabloid reporter Hope Spencer has come to Gospel hoping for inspiration. Well, she gets inspiration...Hope has never met anyone quite like the residents of Gospel. From the Dean sisters with their color-coordinated hair to the toilet-tossing sportsmen...to the murder victim whose body had been found in her house years before. She discovers that reality is stranger than fiction -- even tabloid fiction!

And then there is local sheriff Dylan Taber. He is no made-up character from one of her stories. Dylan is all too real...and soon Hope is forced to face the awful truth -- she's been too long without a man. But once she gets wind of a Hollywood actress somehow mixed up Dylan's life, Hope realizes that if they are to have a future together, he has some true confessing to do.

356 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 2001

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About the author

Rachel Gibson

68 books5,306 followers
Rachel Gibson is a New York times and USAToday bestselling author of 22 books.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 260 reviews
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,344 reviews1,443 followers
December 13, 2011
Well it's official now. After reading a string (7? 8?) of Rachel Gibson books (in a row) I've got to face it--this woman has me hooked! She's done it to me again. I laughed (out loud), I cried (sniff), and I could...not...put this book down! Oh my, studly cowboy Sheriff Dylan Taber! (swoon) What a man! What a father (there's just something about a hero who's an awesome dad...)! What a lover! What a stupid fool (okay, he ticked me off there near the end of the book).

No synopsis, no real review here, just a suggestion. If you love funny, sexy, hot, engrossing contemporary romances, filled with teasing and sexual tension between the H/h, and books with quirky small town backdrops that feature spunky heroines who won't settle for less than they deserve and super sexy heroes who make your heart go thump thump, then you have to try one of RG's books. I don't know how she does it, but every single RG book I've read so far has been an absolute winner, and I am having the time of my life because she has a huge catalogue of books (yippee!), so I've got lots to look forward to in the coming weeks! And I'm not stopping until I either run out of books, or run into a clunker. 5 stars for delicious Sheriff Taber alone.:D
Profile Image for Beatriz.
926 reviews823 followers
July 11, 2019
Disfruté mucho esta novela. Conecté de inmediato con el estilo de Rachel Gibson y de ahí fue un no parar hasta terminar el libro. Muy bien ambientado y me encantaron los personajes principales, cada uno ocultando una vida de soledad, que tratan de llenar con su trabajo y otras actividades, pero que siempre les pasa la cuenta al final del día. En este sentido, me gustó que la autora no se quedara solo en lo superficial y profundizara y caracterizara tan bien a sus protagonistas. Las escenas íntimas también me gustaron, sobre todo ese deseo contenido que prima tanto al principio como al final.

También me divertí mucho con el trabajo de Hope y sus historias sobre alienígenas. Me recordaron a Will Smith y Tommy Lee Jones en la película “Hombres de Negro”, cuando buscaban pistas de extraterrestres precisamente en las revistas sensacionalistas del tipo Weekly News of the Universe.

Por lo anterior y porque la novela tiene un tono algo machista, esperaba que fuera más antigua, pero no… Imagino que la autora fue consecuente con la ambientación que creó en este pueblo perdido en Idaho.

Reto Rita 3.0 (julio)
Profile Image for Yolanda.
668 reviews189 followers
February 26, 2017
le vuelvo a dar 4 estrellas porque me ha hecho volver a pasar muy buen rato.
Me encanta Dylan con su Stetson, su atractivo y el amor por su hijo Adam. Hope, tras un bajón importante, encuentra en Dylan la chispa que faltaba en su vida.
Gospel y sus vecinos, su día a día... me gustan, no lo puedo remediar.
Es una de esas historias, sencillas, divertidas y sexys que hacen que me enganche desde el primer momento. Me lo paso pipa con las historias de la Gibson, me hacen terminar el libro con una sonrisa y pensando en lo bien que me lo he pasado, es de lo que se trata cuando leo un libro suyo.
Profile Image for Floripiquita.
1,396 reviews166 followers
August 5, 2017
Mi libro número 11 del #RetoRita. Me ha parecido un libro sencillo, de fácil lectura y con uno de esos pueblos americanos que se convierten en un protagonista más, pero me ha costado engancharme a la historia y no he llegado a entender cómo la lujuria entre los personajes llega a convertirse en amor. Ahora, hay que reconocer que entre el stetson y su aversión a los calzoncillos, Dylan Taber tiene su aquel.
November 1, 2023
This was a quick, cute but forgettable romance. The impossibly handsome hero (a cowboy sheriff from Idaho, no less) and impossibly beautiful heroine (who somehow makes a fantastic living working for one of those "Bigfoot spotted in Walmart" tabloids) try to resist each other because of various secrets in their pasts; but then they have the kind of impossibly mind-blowing sex that stops the earth in its orbit (one scene lasted for 12 pages) and realize that they love each other more than either one ever thought possible.
Profile Image for Pepa.
1,013 reviews267 followers
July 12, 2019
Reseña completa: https://masromance.blogspot.com/2019/...
Le voy a dar 2 estrellas aunque no me ha gustado porque no diré que no entretiene
Pero con esos mensajes tan machistas no puedo, y sobre todo, en la romántica contemporánea.
Vaya frases que deja la autora, porque no es que sea él o ella, es que es la autora.... Ya que en ningún momento las suelta para dar relevancia al machismo del prota. No, lo dice tal cual.
No es una novela tan vieja, la verdad
Por lo demás si soy sincera, nada destacable. El típico pueblo de la america profunda, con personajes sosos y sin chispa, mucha lujuria y concepto de «ella necesita un hombre en su vida que la proteja»
No sé si es esta novela o la propia autora.... yo con estos mensajes no puedo.
Profile Image for Nuria Llop.
Author 12 books119 followers
October 19, 2017
(16ª lectura #RetoRita)

Una novela entretenida con alguna pincelada de originalidad que me ha gustado y el retrato fiel de ciertas realidades que pueden parecer absurdas, pero que no lo son (me abstengo de citarlas para no hacer spoiler).
Con un estilo ágil y desenfadado, la autora nos cuenta cómo las mentiras y el ocultar las verdades pueden conducir al desastre. Nos atrapa con unos protagonistas bastante creíbles (en EEUU, claro) y unos secundarios entrañables, algunos un tanto esperpénticos, y nos regala momentos divertidos junto a otros ligeramente emotivos. ¿Merece un premio RITA (Mejor Romance Contemporáneo, 2002)? Quizás sí (comparado con otros RITA contemporáneos que he leído, es infinitamente mejor y eliminaría el “quizá”), porque es una buena novela, muy cuidada y elaborada; los curiosos y acertados títulos de cada capítulo son una muestra de ello. También el que incluya los “ingredientes” de un bestseller: un romance, sexo, un pequeño misterio, un muerto (en este caso, fallecido en el pasado), un niño espabilado y unos protas atractivos tanto en físico como en personalidad. Sin embargo, creo que tiene bajones, algún cabo suelto y el final es un tanto brusco y soso. Algunas escenas quedarán en mi recuerdo, pero es probable que olvide pronto el resto de la novela. He leído otras de esta autora (no todas) que me han gustado más y las considero mejores, incluso he releído alguna, pero también son más sencillas que esta, menos elaboradas. Cito por ejemplo: “Jane juega y gana” y “Debe de ser amor”. Aún con todo lo dicho, recomendaría “Confesiones verdaderas” a cualquier lectora de romántica contemporánea y a las que os gusten las historias alocadas con tintes de comedia hollywoodiense.

Profile Image for Georgie-who-is-Sarah-Drew.
1,275 reviews142 followers
August 24, 2017
This opened very promisingly -
There were two universal truths in Gospel, Idaho. First, God had done His best work when He’d created the Sawtooth Wilderness Area. And except for the unfortunate incident of ’95, Gospel had always been heaven on earth.
Second—a truth just as adamantly believed as the first—every sin known to heaven and earth was California’s fault.

I didn't feel that the characterisation lived up to the dry narrative style: both MCs came across as a collection of attributes rather than 3D people, and each is the most handsome / beautiful / sexy man/woman in the town. I think perhaps Rachel Gibson was conscious of how shallow body-worship is, as the H was quickly made more realistic because "his teeth weren’t movie-star straight. They were white enough, yes, but they were a little bit crowded on the bottom." So a real human being, then.

The plot takes time to develop ---OK - I've just noticed this is the first book in the series, which is why so much time is devoted to describing the town and its weird inhabitants. Anyway, for those who, like me, thought - it isn't, and all the trailing of intriguing clues etc is wasted page space. I suppose the mystery might extend into subsequent books, but I don't think I'll be reading on to find out.

Pity about the people and plot, because I actually enjoyed Rachel Gibson's style.
Profile Image for Arantzazu.
297 reviews16 followers
July 26, 2017
Es más 3,5 pero como me ha gustado tanto redondeamos hacia arriba.
Puede parecer la típica novela de la cual no esperas mucho y .......sorpresa se puede sacar jugo y un par de reflexiones interesantes.
Profile Image for Rachel.
638 reviews38 followers
June 13, 2015
Overall rating: 4 stars!

Love triangle:
Sex with om/ow:
Intimate pasts:
OM/OW drama:


My review:

This was a pleasant, sweet and easy romantic read.

Dylan Taber gave up on love and big city life once his son was born and he saw what a danger being a detective in a big city could be. So he leaves his girlfriend at the time (because she refuses to go with him - not to mention - their relationship was pretty much only existent because of little Adam) and moves back home to the small town he wanted to get out of as soon as he was old enough to do so. Only this time, he was there to stay and definitely appreciated it more.

Hope was not only trying to escape the unfolding court drama from getting a restraining order on a crazy midget stalking her, but also had a serious case of writers block. The solution? The magazine she worked for decided to send her to a small town - Gospel, Idaho. Hope is from California, so a big city girl trying to settle into this small town wasn't easy. This was all made worse once she ran into the extremely good looking town Sheriff, Dylan.

This was a pretty simple story with a little humor. You have the big city girl meets small town sexy sheriff that has a small son storyline. Unfortunately, I would have liked more interaction with the kiddos in the story. There is a misunderstanding towards the end that causes the hero to push the heroine away only to come to his senses shortly after. I was happy with how that played out because he didn't wait until he had proof that Hope was telling the truth, he had already made the decision to have faith in her because he loves her BEFORE he found out the truth. Also, as I said before, I would have really liked an epilogue because I found it ended too abruptly - although nicely ;)

"It's burned, Dad," Wally complained.
"Put lots of ketchup on it," Paul advised. "You'll never know the difference."

"This si what I wanted to show you. This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen." He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "It reminds me of you," he said.

"In my life, I've been with women I didn't care about and women I cared a great deal about. But I've never been with a woman who makes me feel the way you do." He lowered his head and whispered against her lips, "Sometimes when I look at you, it's hard to breathe. When you touch me, I don't care about breathing."

Profile Image for Bona Caballero.
1,466 reviews63 followers
February 23, 2022
Con esta novela descubrí a Gibson y me encantó. Es la que más me gusta de ella, después de Jane juega y gana. Podría ser hasta de cinco estrellas, dependiendo del ánimo con el que estés.
Hope, periodista californiana en crisis, viaja a un lugar perdido de Idaho, donde hacen cosas muy raras como concurso de lanzamiento de váteres. Allí chocará y se sentirá atraída por el sexi sheriff, Dylan.
Me parece una novela casi perfecta en ese tipo de contemporánea divertida y con la sensualidad suficiente como para que sentir mariposas en el estómago con según qué escena.
Crítica extensa, en mi blog.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,427 reviews196 followers
March 9, 2024
Sweet romance about a woman who has been knocked around by life and finds it tough to completely trust and a man who has also had some knocks but has decided that he can put his life on hold for his son. Each have valid reasons and past experiences that led then to this point. I loved the way Gibson peeled their layers away until you got to see how it takes both trust and love to make it work.

Hope Spencer has hit a dry spell, both professionally and personally. As a staff writer for a tabloid specializing in alien abductions and bigfoot stories, she is just plain out of gas. her husband divorced her and quickly moved on. She needs a change so her boss has sent her to Gospel, Idaho figuring a complete change from L.A. will energize his star writer. The Sawtooth Mountains and clean air are just what Hope needs, it doesn't hurt that what she finds here is a cast of citizens so out there that no fiction could do them justice. But what she doesn't need it the hunky town sheriff.

When Hope and Sheriff Dylan Taber meet sparks fly. Dylan has been fending of the advances of the females of Gospel for over five years. He has never met a woman who caught his attention the way Hope has. Hope is hiding what she is really doing in Gospel and Dylan has a few secrets of his own and a seven-year-old son he is determined to protect.
Profile Image for Carmen.
764 reviews69 followers
November 17, 2017
Es una historia sencilla que nos cuenta cómo dos personas que están solas se encuentran y se enamoran. Cada uno tiene su propio pasado y deben aprender a compartirlo. Me ha gustado mucho y tiene lo justo de amor para ser una lectura Rita muy entretenida. La trama es muy sencilla pero sólida, cercana y simpática, sin complicaciones.

Profile Image for Simply_ego.
190 reviews
January 24, 2017
#Reto Rita
3,5 más bien.
Ha sido una lectura un poco lenta. Si es verdad que me hacía mucha gracia todas las descripciones a cerca la pintoresca localidad de Gospel, pero se me hacía cuesta arriba también tantas vueltas que daba la autora sobre eso mismo. Se podría decir que es un personaje en si mismo y se me hacía un poco cargante en algunos momentos.

Se nos presenta unos personajes bien construidos. Nos ha relatado sus miedos que podrían ser justificados pero para mí tan poco lo erran tantos. Habrían podido avanzar más si no hubieran permitido que esos miedos los dominaran.

Hope, mujer ya con una carrera bien definida pero con una vida personal estancada (tal vez demasiado) debido a hechos del pasado que la marcan y la bloquean de una manera drástica. Ella no es consciente de ese vacío hasta que llega a Gospel y siente que tiene que avanzar. Ella avanza poco a poco, relacionándose y creando vínculos con otras personas y a tener esperanza (curioso que se llame Hope) en conseguir una vida plena.

Dylan, es un hombre con muchas responsabilidades (algunas auto-impuestas) que no le permiten-no se permite más bien- tener una relación ninguna mujer. Ha habido veces que me han dado ganas decirle "vamos chaval no seas miedica".

El titulo es muy acertado, si hubieran sido sinceros con ellos mismos y con el otro, no habrían sufrido tontamente.

La relación entre ellos, aunque los momentos de tensión sexual han sido estupendo, no he visto esa evolución de una atracción física - más que obvia, ya que los dos están de estupendos- al amor. Me ha faltado conversaciones sobre sus vidas, para que se fueran conociendo bien. Conversaciones donde empiecen a conocer al otro y admirarlo y a necesitarlo. Ha sido como, PUMM, y ya. Y sinceramente ha sido una pena. Rachel Gibson siempre me ha parecido que se le da muy bien relatar los hechos que hagan que los protagonistas lleguen a quererse no solo a estar atraídos el uno por el otro (esta parte lo siempre realmente bien).
Profile Image for S.
388 reviews91 followers
November 14, 2015
What I liked:

1. The small town setting in the Idaho mountains. I so enjoyed the hike and sleeping under the stars.

2. Dylan. Oh so sexy sheriff with a lot of charm and charisma. I wouldn't say no to that :-)

3. Hope. Honest and courageous and she really did grow a lot, and I liked that she didn't crumble when things got though.

4. Adam. Dylan's seven year old son. He was adorable and really added to the story. And the way Dylan was with him.

5. Shelley and the other small town cast.

6. Dylan and Hope together. They are so one of the best couples I'be met in cont romance and their chemistry is sparkling from the start. And they gave me plenty of lol-moments. Wow.

What I didn't like:

1. The stupid unnecessary BIG misunderstanding that almost ruined everything. You can broke something so that it cannot be fixed and it sure was a close call.
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
772 reviews244 followers
March 26, 2017
4 Estrellitas bien merecidas. Con éste van tres los libros que he leído de Rachel Gibson, y creo que he tenido la suerte de leer los libros acertados porque todos me han gustado mucho.

"Confesiones verdaderas" es un libro dulce y tierno que me ha hecho disfrutar un montón. La prosa de la autora, tan directa, me hizo engancharme desde las primeras páginas, reconozco que no le hizo mucha falta, engancha solo.

En ésta ocasión no tenemos a los rudos jugadores de hockey, si no a un sheriff de pueblo. Un hombre seguro de sí mismo, tierno, encantador, pero también del estilo de los de ésta autora: arrogante, pedante... sexy. Si a eso le añadimos el ingrediente que más me ha gustado de la novela, que es padre soltero, tendríamos casi casi al hombre perfecto.

La historia comienza cuando Hope Spencer, una periodista con una carrera estancada, decide pasar medio año lejos de Los Ángeles, en un pueblo de las montañas de Idaho para buscar inspiración y encauzar de nuevo su carrera. Lo que menos esperaba era encontrar a un hombre del que pudiera enamorarse. Un hombre que no quiere enamorarse mientras tenga un hijo pequeño en quien pensar.

El título del libro le ha ido como anillo al dedo. Ambos protagonistas tienen secretos e inseguridades, y les costará mucho confiar el uno en el otro, pues ambos tienen sus razones para pensar de ésa manera

El tropel de secundarios me ha encantado, desde la vecina Shelly, hasta los niños, pero sobre todo Adam, el hijo de Dylan. Éste nos dará algunas de las escenas más bonitas y tiernas del libro. Siempre temo que en las novelas haya niños que no se comporten como niños o que les den un carácter nada propio de su edad, pero no, Adam es un niño de siete años que realmente aparenta su edad, y como todo niño, desea la mayor normalidad en su vida, un papá y una mamá.

En el fondo es un libro sencillo que he disfrutado un montón y se lee en una sentada, lo recomiendo para pasar un agradable fin de semana.
Profile Image for Thenia.
4,126 reviews185 followers
June 18, 2019
The story of Hope, a reporter who moves to Gospel, Idaho for some inspiration and finds love and a new life instead.

Gospel is nothing like Hope expected, from the colorful residents and the mystery surrouding her house's previous owner, to Dylan, the attractive local sheriff and single father that reminds her how long it's been since she's been without a man.

It's not long before inspiration strikes and the flirtation between her and Dylan turns into more, but both Hope and Dylan are keeping secrets that end up coming between them. .

A light and fun story set in a strange town where the most absurd things are considered normal.
Profile Image for Cassandra Dexter Colby.
325 reviews177 followers
September 17, 2017
A ver... yo no sé si es que la contemporánea no es lo mío (con excepción de lo que he leído de SEP) o qué, pero todas me parece teleflíns. Esta novela no me ha dicho nada de nada. Mucho instalust, mucho tiazo en plan vaquero, que no digo yo que no tenga su gracia el hombre y su añdjfañsldjkfsa, pero no me he creído la historia. Unos personajes y un pueblo muy pintorescos, dos protagonizas muy diferentes pero que se quieren comer vivos en cuanto se ven y luego, si eso, el amor. Lujuria y una manera de enamorarse que no me he tragado, lo siento. Lo mismo no estaba yo muy receptiva, pero no, es que no me ha llegado para nada.
Profile Image for María Alejandra.
1,172 reviews52 followers
July 9, 2019
Una lectura sencilla, sin mucho drama. Algunas cosas me han hecho reir (sobre todo las historias de Hope). No me gustaron algunas actitudes o dichos machistas de Dylan y la falta de un epílogo siempre me hace quitarle puntos a una historia.
Profile Image for Zairobe25.
832 reviews
December 22, 2015
3,5 me gustó bastante, como todos los libros q he leído de esta autora, una queja que tengo es la falta de epílogo, pero el libro fue lindo, una lectura dulce, tranquila y entrañable.
Profile Image for Tracy.
933 reviews70 followers
April 25, 2011
Glass Houses and Stones
California girl Hope Spencer blows into the small northwest town of Gospel, Idaho for a six month stay, hoping to break through her writer's block and to clear out of L.A. until the dust settles from a legal battle that ended in her getting a restraining order against a stalker. Sheriff Dylan Taber takes one look at the flashy car and flashier woman and bets his deputy that the delectable Ms. Spencer won't last a week.

Gossip is about as far removed from California as it can possibly be, and Hope feels like she just set down on a different planet, but the colorful townspeople stir her creative juices and soon she's submitting fresh articles for The Weekly News of the Universe, making her editor very happy. It may be the sort of newspaper that publishes fiction about bigfoot sightings and alien abductions, but she likes it, and she's happy to be productive again.

Happier to have met the gorgeous sheriff, who stirs more than just her creative juices. For the first time in so long, Hope doesn't feel the pressing weight of loneliness, and as she and Dylan get closer and closer, she starts to wonder if maybe she can trust him with some things she's been keeping secret. Dylan, though, has his own secrets, and his life revolves around protecting his seven year old son. No matter how close he and Hope become, there are things he hasn't told her, things he hasn't told anyone. But when he suddenly becomes aware of some of the secrets Hope has been harboring, he realizes that there's no way he can trust the woman - there's too much at risk...and way too much to lose.

They're made for each other, but in this case, that may just not be enough.

True Confessions hits several good notes, and Rachel Gibson writes a smooth narrative with a colorful and quirky backdrop of scenery and secondary characters. From a stylistic standpoint, I have no complaints. Unfortunately, as sometimes happens, this story just didn't resonate with me. I had problems with both the plot and the characters, and though it was easy to see that Gibson has a lot of talent as an author, this one missed the mark for me because of it.

I found both Hope and Dylan difficult to like consistently through the story. Hope was a little too much of a stereotype rather than a unique character, the girly-girl that screams and flees from bats and always has the perfect hair, perfect makeup, perfect nails. Through the book her aversion to the great outdoors and lack of genuine appreciation for nature and the majestic scenery around her started to wear on me. I also had a big problem with the ease at which she kept secrets and flat out lied to people. In fact, she lied to everyone she spoke to, in one form or another, for one reason or another. And Dylan wasn't much better, though I certainly understood his desire to protect his son.

Not surprising that the lack of truth and trust were big issues on the rocky road to HEA, but I still felt that the book kept missing the point with its focus and "resolution." Like despite the happy ending, too much was left unaddressed or really dealt with, and too much skimmed over (like Adam). There was also a plot thread or two left dangling. That left me feeling like there were a few too many missed opportunities.

At turns, both characters acted with more than bit of hypocrisy, and I still don't understand why Hope was so tolerant while Dylan was hiding their relationship from the town. Being a man's dirty little secret isn't my idea of a good time. Their attraction started out mostly superficial, and while it did deepen, the readers weren't allowed to see that as it happened, more told about it in summary. That's a shame. I enjoy watching a relationship develop and evolve from attraction to something deeper. I would've enjoyed seeing the same with Hope and Dylan.

True Confessions isn't a bad book. It's just one of those books that seemed a little off note to me, and most of that was because of personal reading preference. I have no doubt that many would thoroughly enjoy it. I liked Gibson's writing style, so this book certainly didn't turn me off ever reading anything else she's written. I just didn't connect very well with this particular story and these particular characters. It happens.

Reviewed for One Good Book Deserves Another.
Profile Image for Myself.
256 reviews8 followers
January 4, 2018
Pues le doy un 4.
Rachel Gibson no me desilusiona nunca la verdad, me entretiene, me hace reír.... Y las veces que me he leído este libro siempre me ha gustado.Y ¡madre mia! con el sheriff Taber......
Profile Image for Susanna Herrero.
Author 24 books1,585 followers
August 23, 2017
No ha estado mal, pero no es de mis favoritos de la autora. Demasiadas reflexiones de los protagonistas, páginas y páginas pensando... se me ha hecho un poco lento y es una pena porque la historia está muy bien.
Profile Image for Melis.
514 reviews
January 10, 2019
Uzun aradan sonra Rachel ablayı okumak iyi geldi. Kendisini çok çok eski zamanlardan beri okurum. Ve bu kitabıyla da beni yanıltmadı. Ama sonu çok çabuk bitti. Birazcık daha uzun olmasını falan beklerdim. Neyse yeni yılda iyi kitaplarla başladım inşallah öyle de biter🙏🏻
Profile Image for Oly.
313 reviews48 followers
July 4, 2019
Me gustan los libros de Rachel Gibson, disfruto mucho con sus historias, pero después de un par de días me olvido totalmente de ellas (estoy casi segura de que esto es una relectura). De ahí la nota.
Profile Image for Jenn.
330 reviews27 followers
November 29, 2012
True Confessions is a really light read, one that is meant for a lazy weekend, or when you just have a lot going on in your real world and you want to unwind in someone else's troubles... Rachel Gibson writes her female characters strong and witty, and their male counterparts truly male and protective.

Hope is sent to Gospel, Idao; (aka the middle of no-where), so she can write her crazy big foot stories for L.A. tabloid. She expected to stay for 6 months and reorganize the chaos that is her life. She was suffering horrible writers block and was still coming to terms with her divorce. She never imagined that she would find love in a place where people ate testicles and called them "oysters"...

Dylan was the town sheriff. Not just any sheriff, he was a hot sheriff that every women wanted. Dylan never dated anyone because he had a 7 year old son that he was trying to set an example for. Adam's momma was a selfish divatastic hollywood bitch who preferred her stardom as an angel on a weekly television show over being a mother to Adam. So Dylan stayed away from women... but there was something different about Hope. Adam actually liked her. He never liked any woman that came near his daddy...

My thoughts:
True Confessions is not meant to leave you panting or hanging on the edge of your seat, but it is a good relaxing easy read. Sometimes, you just need one of these to let yourself unwind with a happy ending.

I loved the camping trip that he took her on! So romantic! Come on guys: start taking notes! Also, Hope's actions with Adam were sweet, especially when Gibson would give us a snippit of what Adam thought. About how he should find he a special rock. :)

Loved the ending!!

"Have you told Adam how you feel about me?"
"Yes, and while he wasn't jumping up and down, he did say that he was going to find you a special rock. That means he likes you". He picks up her hand from his thigh and kissed her fingers. "I guess I need to find you a special rock, too. A big sparkly one"...
Profile Image for JoAnn Ross.
Author 228 books798 followers
June 9, 2013
I'd never read anything by Gibson, but picked this book up on a whim because I loved these lines: "Welcome to Gospel, Idaho, where everyone knows that there are two universal truths. First, God did His best work when He created the Sawtooth Wilderness Area. Second, every sin known to heaven and earth—from the hole in the ozone to alien abductions—is all California's fault." That bit about California made me lol and read it to my husband, because it's a truth we both were taught growing up in Oregon. Along with the fact that Californians were all trying to steal all our Pacific Northwest water. :)

Her style is light and breezy, just what I needed when I was in bed with some virus from hell. I recognized the town, which was much like the ranching town I grew up in, and Dylan was one hot cowboy hero. ( Fact check: I also grew up surrounded by cowboys and in real life, they're not all like him!) The fact that he was a dad gave him bonus points for me. I also loved the crazy Bigfoot type supermarket tabloid stories Hope, who was going through a massive writer's block when she first arrived in town, writes.

There are the expected secrets and misunderstandings along the way to the couple's HEA and there were times both of them frustrated me, but I kept reading ALL NIGHT and by the next morning after I'd finished, I'd become such a fan I sent my husband to the bookstore to buy her entire backlist. She's remained a fun escapist auto-buy author.
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews371 followers
September 8, 2015
The first book in Rachel Gibson's Gospel, Idaho series. A tabloid writer and a small town sheriff make a delightful romantic adventure. Hope comes to Gospel, Idaho for vacation and to lay low after issuing a restraining order on outraged dwarf. Dylan is the small town sheriff who sits up and takes notice of the flatlander who invades his community. Hope is having a bit of writer's block and the people of Gospel have given her plenty of inspiration to pull her out of it. This had many of the elements that I enjoy in a romance. A steady paced flow that doesn't lag and a good measure of comedic relief and a dreamy, gorgeous, small town sheriff. This was one of those feel-good romances that make you want to keep reading.

“I feel like I should probably ask you to leave. But I don’t really want you to go. I want you to stay, but I know you shouldn’t.
- Hope”
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1,001 reviews224 followers
May 13, 2020
3 to 3.5 stars. Kinda cute story set in the picturesque Sawtooth Mountains area, in a little town full of colourful and eccentric secondary characters. Big city girl with a past comes for a break from her life, meets the hot single dad cop. Light and enjoyable, but nowhere near as good as her Chinooks hockey team series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 260 reviews

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