Pamela(AllHoney)'s Reviews > True Confessions

True Confessions by Rachel Gibson
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The first book in Rachel Gibson's Gospel, Idaho series. A tabloid writer and a small town sheriff make a delightful romantic adventure. Hope comes to Gospel, Idaho for vacation and to lay low after issuing a restraining order on outraged dwarf. Dylan is the small town sheriff who sits up and takes notice of the flatlander who invades his community. Hope is having a bit of writer's block and the people of Gospel have given her plenty of inspiration to pull her out of it. This had many of the elements that I enjoy in a romance. A steady paced flow that doesn't lag and a good measure of comedic relief and a dreamy, gorgeous, small town sheriff. This was one of those feel-good romances that make you want to keep reading.

“I feel like I should probably ask you to leave. But I don’t really want you to go. I want you to stay, but I know you shouldn’t.
- Hope”
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Reading Progress

September 26, 2011 – Started Reading
September 26, 2011 – Shelved
October 2, 2011 – Finished Reading

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