From the best-selling author of Spartan Up! a complete 30-day workout and diet plan to help you reach peak performance
Joe De Sena designed the Spartan races to test overall strength, flexibility, endurance, and speed. His signature take-no-prisoners approach to achieving physical and mental fitness has taken the endurance world by storm and inspired millions. Now in Spartan Fit!, De Sena breaks down that approach and gives readers the tools they need to conquer the course — and life,
• A 30-day workout and diet plan to prepare for the Spartan Sprint — or to just get you in shape • Full-body workouts requiring no gym, no weights • How to build on one race to the next • Inspiring, motivating stories of Spartans
A complete Spartan training guide, Spartan Fit! will arm readers with the strength, knowledge, and grit to never question their potential again.
JOE DE SENA is a cofounder of Spartan Race, which began as an obstacle race based on the extreme spirit of the legendary Death Race, and has become a multi-million dollar global lifestyle company in less than 10 years. It was voted Outside magazine’s Best Obstacle Race. In one year’s time he competed in the Raid International Ukatak in Canada; the IditaSport in Alaska; the Odyssey Adventure Race and the OAR Beast of the East, both in Virginia; the Raid the North Extreme in Newfoundland, the Adrenaline Rush in Ireland and the Discovery Channel World Championships in Switzerland. He resides in Vermont with his family. For more information, please visit
Or 30 days to go from Very Fit Person to Extremely Fit Person (ie not exactly beginner friendly - this is not your average Couch to 5k programme!)
I listened to this as an audiobook, narrated by the author. The format doesn't altogether work because although the accompanying PDF includes instructions for the exercises, it doesn't include the actual programme, so you would need to write that out yourself if you wanted to follow it. Also, the book mentions recipes, which are not narrated in the audiobook or included in the accompanying material.
I was already considering a Spartan Race before the book and feel even more inspired to take part now, but I agree with other reviewers that have said the book reads a bit like promotional material for the Spartan races - although I think this is more from Joe De Sena's enthusiasm for the project than anything else.
I enjoyed Spartan Fit by Joe De Sena with John Durant. I don't run the Spartan Races, and don't have plans to do so, but I like the intent behind them, and I liked the theme and idea of this book and its training, even if I won't actually follow the routine as set forth in the 30 day program.
Spartan Fit is written to help the reader know about Spartan Races and prepare to run one. (It's almost an advertisement at times for the Spartan Races, but I think that is due to Joe De Sena's passion for the races he created.) But I look at it as a training method that can be adopted and adapted by many people who want something a bit different from the standard running and weightlifting routines most are use to. If you want to be Spartan Fit for Spartan Races, or just Spartan Fit for life, the ideas in this book can help you get there, especially if you are a beginner, and if you don't want a traditional routine.
I found the parts about the races interesting, and I found the parts about Sparta, the warrior culture, and so on to be motivating. The seven pillars of endurance, strength, athleticism, recovery, nutrition, mind and code are important components of a well rounded health and fitness lifestyle, so I really liked the descriptions of these.
The actual 30-Day Plan to Spartan Fit isn't something I'll follow, but it gave me ideas of how I can change my workouts and do something different.
I also found it interesting that Joe De Sena is working to get these races accepted as an Olympic sport in the future. Who knows if it will happen, but I wish him the best with it, and am all for anything that helps people challenge themselves work toward health and fitness.
If you are interested in learning more about Spartan Races and training for them, or just want a motivating read on a different way to workout that will prepare you for such races, Spartan Fit is a quick motivating read that will do just that.
Finished this book over 2 long walks at 2x speed on the audiobook. What are my takeaways? 1) I need to get in better shape; 1a) I then need to get in even better shape; 2) I need to get out of my comfort zone; 3) the world around me is a gym; 4) I need to use the world around me as a gym; 5) I need to start and follow this 30-day plan and succeed; 6) I will then have a clearer mind, a fitter body and life will be that much more rewarding;
I choose to get up at 450am tomorrow morning and start with a morning routine as Step One.
I enjoyed Spartan Fit by Joe DeSena. He designed the intense Spartan race to test conditioning of humans like strength, flexibility, endurance, speed etc. His approach to achieving physical and mental fitness has really impacted the fitness and inspired many people. He breaks down his approach and gives people who are reading the book, the tools they need to defeat the course and life, including things like a workout and diet plan to prepare athletes for the his race, the Spartan Sprint, or to just get you fit. Next it has body workouts that require no gym and no weights it also shows you how to build on one competition to the next competition. Finally it contains motivating stories of people who have conquered his race. This book will give you strength, knowledge, and grit, and to never question your potential.
Really motivational. I love learning about ancient Greeks so all the info gathered on Sparta was fun. I’m not going to be doing one of his obstacle courses anytime soon so there are a couple chapters full of rules and race info that I glossed over but I really liked the rest. Recommended to my hubby and brother already.
Also gives you a good history of gyms, marathons, olympics etc mixed in.
And I really like his approach to fitness. It’s extreme and I know I’m not even close to being able to complete his course but I’m definitely motivated to push my limits and stop making excuses. Not just for weight loss but to really see what I can do. Mind and body health. Might have to reread for monthly motivation.
He wrote an amazing introduction to the workouts that consumed me in the reading and left me motivated to get to the workout section and train to be like the people he wrote about. However, the workouts looked to be really good but for the advanced mode there weren’t too many options to make it much harder, it gave for different ways to do the workouts instead of more volume. For the nutrition pages I would have liked to see more meals but I still really appreciated the fact that he gave out recipes and instructions. Overall it was a great book and I even got my family members reading it and doing Spartan races too!
Spartan Fit! Take your fitness to a new level and challenge yourself in a new way. Joe De Sena takes us through the steps and gives us the exercises we need to do to transform our bodies and shape our mind and spirit. Like the Spartan's of old we are asked to push ourselves outside our comfort zone and become aware of our true potential. We also learn the history of the Spartans and many of our sports still practiced today, we learn also oh Mr. De Sena's goal to have obstacle course races included as part of the Olympics . Give it a try, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Splňuje podobné parametry jako kniha, na kterou navazuje (Spartan). Více prostoru je tentokrát věnováno samotnému tréninku a jídelníčku. Osobně jsem si spíš vzal inspiraci z některých technik tréninku, ačkoliv 30 denním plánům příliš nedůvěřuji a není příliš realistické tyto plány splnit (to bych musel dát výpověď v práci, přítelkyni, svým přátelům a začít se modlit, abych to zdravotně vydržel). Podobné mouchy má i jídelníček, ale rovněž ho beru spíše jako inspiraci. Svůj účel tedy kniha splňuje, jen je potřeba brát ji trochu s nadhledem a ne příliš doslovně.
This book is exactly what it promises. And look, I can't do a Spartan race right now; I can't even do the first test exercise where you see how long you can hang on a bar. Fine, cursed shoulders. But I read this book because I wanted a reminder of the mental part of fitness. Physical therapy is my entire workout at the moment, and that's fine. This book helped me get back in the mental game. Do what you can, right now. It's enough.
Joe De Sena is an impressive man. In this book, he describes his life story, how he established Spartan Race, what is the spartan spirit. That's nice and inspiring. Then there is the exercises section, how to prepare for a Spartan Race. Nice variety of exercise, but not for begginers. Also, for most of these exercises you need to train outside and special equipment, although not very expensive, is recommended.
Read the book because it was free on Amazon Prime. Gave it five stars because he helped me see health in a wholistic way and not focus on aerobic or strength or core or whatever. Being healthy involves all around exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Even though I don't agree with everything he says I am grateful for this book in challenging me to live better.
I loved learning about the Spartans and their way of life, which mirrors in a way, the inspiration of the Spartan Race. It's a full motivation book and although I am not planning to do an SR soon, it definitely gave me some tips and advice to include in my workouts. Also, I am a bit biased but the author went to Cornell, and when I found out, it was genius!
I have found the best discipline in the Spartan Race philosophy. Thank you. It has helped me to be a better version of myself and I am looking forward to achieve more races
I liked it and though some of his examples were a little too extreme which he acknowledges and it motivated me to want to do a Spartan Race which I plan on doing on May 11. I am looking forward to taking this on.
Always thought of joining a Spartan Race. This book just solidified that decision and got me moving towards a definite goal. The principles are simple yet affect your life in a deep, purposeful way. Set a date, train hard, and see you at the starting line.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
A great book, but I think I should have gone with a paper version instead of the audio version. The audio version was inspiring, but it's very hard to really go back and reference anything.
The recipes and workouts look awesome. Can’t wait to try the Blueberry Burgers. But now I’m both excited and terrified to run another Spartan. This guy is hard core! 💪🏻
Добавил бал за послесловие и несколько хороших идей. Книга - хороший мотиватор, но мотиватор более эмоциональный, чем рациональный. А всё потому что "Мы - СПАРТА!!!"