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As a member of the most powerful family history has ever known, thirteen-year-old Dan Cahill has been shot at, kidnapped, and even thrown into a pit with a deadly snake. He's survived it all due to luck, smarts, and his older sister, Amy, who always sticks by his side.

Now Dan and Amy are facing their greatest threat yet, an enemy who has found a way to use the source of the Cahill family power against them. To stop him, Dan and Amy must set out on a desperate mission that will take them from one of the world's hottest regions all the way to the frozen blast of the Arctic Circle. But with the enemy closing in , Dan finds himself facing the one terror he never imagined - being betrayed by his own sister.

192 pages, Hardcover

First published December 1, 2013

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About the author

Jeff Hirsch

16 books387 followers
Here are some things about me.

I live in an extremely Brazilian section of an extremely Greek neighborhood—Astoria, Queens, which is just to the right of Manhattan. (That's as you face Manhattan. If you were, say, lying on your back in the middle of Central Park with your head in a northerly position, we would be to your left) I live there with my wife who has a blog and our two cats who do not. One day I hope to have a very large dog that I can name Jerry Lee Lewis.

I used to write plays (I actually have an MFA in it, which is currently number 8 on US News and World Report's annual list of the top twenty most useless masters degrees) and now I write books for teens. I've written two. One was about a girl who wanted to be a rock star and could graciously be called a learning experience.

The second, is The Eleventh Plague and it comes out Sept. 1, a fact I still find pretty amazing.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 151 reviews
Profile Image for Bridget.
976 reviews5 followers
February 10, 2014
The reason I didn't give it five stars is because I'm worn out on behalf of the poor characters. I wish they had let this series go. It was bad enough when they were just being run ragged and in danger all the time. Now they have to be falsely maligned and publicly humiliated, too? The books are still exciting and clever, but I just want all the problems to be solved and over with.
Profile Image for Aafia.
11 reviews
May 21, 2014

Yay. Another terrible book in the 39 Clues series. I honestly don't understand why Scholastic couldn't have made Into the Gauntlet the last book (of course, with some Amian added in to make it canon). But no, they find random unknown authors to write some angsty nonsensical action romance drama, further deteriorating the 39 Clues canon. And worse, THERE'S NO HOPE FOR AMIAN!

The Good:

...I'm drawing a blank here. Time to go look through the book again...

1) The hacker subplot.

Both April May and Pony are relatively intriguing characters, and the similarities between them are striking. Like, they both drink Electroshock Cherry Limeade in mass quantities, which I now really want to try even though it's probably harmful for your health. Pony does seem incredibly naive for a hacker, though, so I can't see things ending well for him, but there seems to be a possibility that April May just might switch sides... then again, she might totally exploit Pony's naivete and destroy the Cahills, not that I would really mind at this point. But of course, things will obviously go right because the Cahills are so perfect (not). But things seriously do always work out for them in the end.

2) Nellie as a scientist.

It'll be interesting to see how long she can keep on sounding intelligent and retain her head scientist position. Avogadro's law, Eppendorf tubes, and neutrinos are high school chemistry stuff that I'm learning right now, not "science gibberish".Impressive, "Dr. Gormey." (Now I'm starting to feel some sympathy for Nellie, though, because chemistry is HARD and I'm starting to wish moles were only animals.) Also, why would the scientists start putting sodium in everything just because Nellie said so? It's a highly reactive alkali metal that can explode beakers if you put it in water, but who knows... maybe those scientists zoned out in chemistry class too.


He can obviously never stop being amazing. Ian is maybe the only constant good thing that's been a part of the series from the beginning. I wish he would stop pining after Amy, though. She's too far gone since she's obviously obsessed with Jake's "big stupid face that looks like it's carved out of marble" (this is a legit quote, guys!) and is having some... issues. Like, serious issues. But wait! "Amy's heart ached as Ian looked at her across the runway." ...fine, that quote might have been taken out of context, so Amy doesn't actually like Ian in that way. Not that she deserves him anymore. It's weird because I sort of ship Amian but I also sort of don't. To phrase that better, I ship old Amy with Ian because new Amy has horrible judgment and is rather irrational.

Wow.... even "The Good" section is filled with negatives.

The Bad:

1) Jake.
He's a non-endearing jerk (Ian is the endearing one), but he's perfect for Amy *gasp* (more on that later). And guess what? Amy thinks he has a "big stupid face that looks like it's carved out of marble" (sorry, but I'm not going to get tired of quoting that any time soon). HER EXACT WORDS!

2) Amy.
Yes, our beloved, shy and stuttering heroine from the first series is now a stubborn, irrational, and boy-crazy mess. She pretty much thinks everything is of great significance and overreacts. Example: Your brother has a flier for a clown school in his bag, which you just happened to be snooping inside. If you're Amy, to you, this must be a true sign of the ultimate betrayal on his part, and you're not the betrayer at all for distrusting your own brother so much that you have to rummage through his things. Dan and Amy's sibling relationship has gone from implicit trust to not even being able to look each other in the eye. Why are the new authors destroying everything good from the first series? Other than Ian, of course.

And then she just randomly makes stupid, self-sacrificial decisions just because she can. Amy doesn't have to make sense because she's the Cahill leader (sounds so much like my science teacher except for the fact that she's not a Cahill leader). Exactly who thought Amy would make a good leader? Fiske, who's going a bit crazy in some retirement home? Old Amy made sound and compassionate decisions but lacked confidence, while new Amy has plenty of confidence but is utterly lacking in common sense.

I mentioned earlier that I ship Jamy now only because both Jake and Amy are impulsive and make bad decisions. If they choose to make the bad decision to be with each other, then I'm happy for them. I only hope Ian finds someone who's worthy of being with him... maybe Sinead?

3) The 6 collectible cards.
Ugh, do they even try anymore? I've seen 7th grade guys in my former school's newspaper do a better job with Photoshop (and that was on a picture of Kim Jong Un's face). Enough said.

4) So many authors (this is about all the books rather than just Breakaway).
I think the saying, "Too many cooks spoil the broth" best describes my point, and by that I mean that each author portrays the characters differently, whether in a small or large way (like how Jonah's really talented musically and the world loves him but when he tries to entertain his fellow Cahill hostages in Day of Doom with his musical talents, everyone finds him really annoying. Or how Jonah varies in how 'gangsta' he acts). The first series and books 1-5 of the second series are pretty good about maintaining consistent personalities. But David Baldacci is not a chidrens' author. Maybe Jeff Hirsch is, but then again, I've never heard of him before. Both of them make me wonder if they even read the other books in the series because of their ineptitude at writing realistic emotional scenes about the Cahills.

I'm sure there's a ton of negatives I could dig up, but unfortunately, I don't have my copy of the book anymore (pesky library due dates), so I'll just end my review here. It's weird though, because most people's reviews that I read are like, "Great job! Everyone is so in character," and then I wonder if they meant to review some other book...
Sorry if I sound too harsh about the book; it's just that I really don't like it.
Profile Image for Lila.
813 reviews198 followers
March 13, 2023
Someone has taken the serum and is adamant about getting rid of Cahills

Now they have to rely on the wisdom Olivia Cahills has compiled (with the help of her maestro di vita Leonardo da Vinci) of the greatest civilizations in order to create the antidote for the serum). This hunt once again leads them around the globe.

This time however, they have to find ingredients that involve extinct species and plants that no one even knows for sure what they looked like.
Profile Image for Lady Flo.
204 reviews25 followers
June 30, 2016
Have I mentioned that I HATE AMY?! Probably yes!
The book generally was interesting, but it was so much tedious and dragging thanks to Amy. There wasn't any real adventure except when Amy locked in the vault. The best part for me was Pony and April May POVs as they gave something different than usual stuff.
Profile Image for Alexis.
442 reviews1 follower
April 24, 2014
In a nutshell: more discoveries, more clues, more twists.

Notes: I'm starting to think the unstoppable series is quite forgettable.
2 reviews10 followers
January 18, 2014
Review based on ARC
Please note spoilers!!!!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Afrah.
18 reviews19 followers
December 19, 2016
The Atlantis part of the book was kind of (just kind of) cool. Honestly, anything to do with Atlantis would gets me interested. However, leave it to Scholastic to write one series too much and ruin the whole goddamn idea. Seriously, most parts of this book were really boring, and it seemed as though the writer wanted you to go like "Wow this is so twisted and cool" when in reality it was like "That don't make no sense." Essentially, the book consisted of Amy's horrible decisions. Amy was a complete idiot throughout the entire book; she got depressed and mad over everything and started ordering everyone around because she was " the all-powerful Cahill leader". She was also a jerk to Dan and Jake. How can you be a jerk to Dan and Jake? They're so lovable...

Also, Amy punched a T.V. and almost punched everyone else like 3 times. She was just great in this book. So great...
Profile Image for Janvi :).
43 reviews
December 29, 2021
It's the end of the year and like everyone , this one is ending with the Cahill gang just like the next one will start with them! This book is just like the previous one GENIUS !! It clearly shows so much that unseen when it comes to weilding immense power. How sometimes the only thing you can do to save your loved ones is to make them hate you..... Also how can we forget the impressive history, geography, science and life lessons that are a part of the deal ? I mean I have become way more aware of the world's doomsday plans and silphium alongside Plato and Atlantis than I was a day ago. I have to recommend it cause I have nothing but my love for this book and a teeny weeny grudge against it for not reporting the status of agent saladin, but hey, they already have a lot on their plate so I forgive them :D
Profile Image for Emma.
233 reviews
July 1, 2014
I am going to kill Amy before Pierce does! HOW COULD SHE DO THAT TO JAKE?!?!?!???!?!? And then she was going to make things all happy happy good good and then SHE DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And what's up with Fiske? What sort of meds is he on?
168 reviews
February 11, 2014
I am getting tired of Amy Cahill always feeling that she has to do everything herself to protect others. I understand why the authors do that, but I am getting tired of it. Glad the series is almost done. Starting to get tiresome.
Profile Image for Khả Hân.
25 reviews1 follower
October 15, 2017
3.5 stars
Was about to drop out of this series, the ending hit me and now I have to know what will happen next. Ughhhhhhhhh, good job Jeff!
This is such an improvement from the first one. More action, less pointless conversations. Best part must be the chapter in Pony’s and April’s povs. I want to know more about these two geniuses.
The thing is, I don’t know if I can stand Amy and Jake for another 200 pages. Both of them are annoying and behave in a i-know-what-is-best-for-us way.
Profile Image for Linda Munro.
1,934 reviews27 followers
September 9, 2022
I read these books with my grandchildren ages ago, now I have decided to listen to them.

This is a quest to find clues which will lead the winners to the greatest power on earth. But how are two basic children supposed to compete with their worldly relatives?

Dan and Amy continuously face threats from their relatives, but is it possible that they will be facing threats from each other?

This is an interesting series!
Profile Image for Dani Shuping.
572 reviews41 followers
December 16, 2013
ARC provided by NetGalley

Amy and Dan Cahill have survived, no mean feat given how many family and friends have passed on around them. But a new threat has emerged, one that has power over the media, who will stop at nothing to overthrow the Cahill’s and create his own army. And mass produce the serum to make the world his own. The challenges are greater than ever before for Dan and Amy and to protect those around them…Amy may have to stand alone before an unstoppable enemy.

I missed the whole 39 Clues series the first go around. I mean, I saw the books but just wrote it off as something that looked...hooky. But I read the first book in this series (it’s the 3rd series) and instantly got caught up in the action and the intrigue. Two young characters just trying to survive and they get no respite from the enemies that surround them…and very few that will stand next to them. So I was eager and excited to read the next volume in this series…and I found myself walking away slightly disappointed. I don’t know what it is, but having the characters scattered in different places and trying to remember where they were five chapters previously just broke up the action for me. It just wasn’t as exciting as it was in the first book and it didn’t feel like the plot moved forward as much as it should have…or could have.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a great series and I would recommend it without a heartbeat, but this one just didn’t do much for me. I’m still looking forward to the 3rd book because I want to know what happens, but they’re going to have to step it up a notch or two. I give the book 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Melissa.
403 reviews3 followers
March 13, 2014
Actually I'm kind of bummed. I've read all the books in this series and am self-admittedly probably the only person over 40 who has read each of them in one sitting within the first week of publication. I haven't been able to explain why I like them so much since they are the same thing over and over - how many times can Amy and Dan just barely survive and why are they so smart that they've continued to outsmart all the bad guys?

This one might be my last. I've got no problem with the book itself. I'm just done. Too many for too long.
Profile Image for Cindy.
855 reviews98 followers
July 7, 2016
I am not sure why I still try with this series. I guess its because I sort of liked the first and then it turned into a money grabbing empire.

I can't stand most of the characters. The stories are inconsistant with the previous books. Amy just pisses me off because she's a moron who has become some love sick puppy dog who thinks she knows it all. Everyone else is just as frustrating there is Jake who is a smirking jerk 90% of the time and I just sort of want to slap him a few times to knock the attitude out.
Profile Image for Sophia.
108 reviews24 followers
January 31, 2014
After the trainwreck that ended the last series? Why the fuck are they still coming out with more books. Not even the promise of Ian could get me to pick up this series again.
Also is that Thor's hammer?
Have we gone from 'magical elixers that sort of have something to do with science' to Thor's hammer 'myth myth fucking myth' so quickly? Christ who is writing the plots for this series again? Do you even care anymore?
Profile Image for Estela Corrêa.
185 reviews10 followers
February 22, 2022

Aaaah que vontade de dar um socão na Amy, quase perdoei ela quando ela escreveu aquele e-mail mas foi lá e fez burrada de novo *grita* Estou gostando bastante dos vários povs dessa temporada, todos eles estão bem interessantes, mas senti tanta falta dos squadzinho que ficou em Attleboro. Eu tô muito invocada que tem alguém envenenando o Fiske e eu não vou aceitar matarem ele assim, os bichinhos não aguentariam perder mais alguém da família com tanta pressão sobre eles.
Profile Image for Rachel.
998 reviews6 followers
July 7, 2014
This was really pretty awful. Prepare to be beyond annoyed with all the characters. The only moment of greatness was when Nellie channeled Ian. I've always been fond of the two of them (though Ian took awhile), so no surprises there. Our main characters though, particularly Amy? The WORST in this book.
Profile Image for Sarah-Kaitlyn.
68 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2014
OMG I can't wait for this book ugh I wish it was coming sooner
Profile Image for Mark.
11 reviews
April 4, 2014
awesome. great book.


awesome how they found Atlantis and funny Mr.rosenbloom got mad at the cahills.
Profile Image for DelAnne Frazee.
2,027 reviews24 followers
August 9, 2017
Title: The 39 Clues - Unstoppable Book 2 - Breakaway
Author: Jeff Hirsch
Publisher: Scholastic
Published: 1-28-2014
Pages: 193
Genre: Children's Fiction
Sub-Genre: Mysteries & Detectives, Action & Adventure, Families & Siblings; Family Life
ISBN: 9780545521420
Reviewed For NetGalley and Scholastic
Reviewer: DelAnne
Rating: 4.5 Stars

A Nightmare Come True

As a member of the most powerful family history has ever known, thirteen-year-old Dan Cahill has been shot at, kidnapped, and even thrown into a pit with a deadly snake. He's survived it all due to luck, smarts, and his older sister, Amy, who always sticks by his side.

Now Dan and Amy are facing their greatest threat yet, an enemy who has found a way to use the source of the Cahill family power against them. To stop him, Dan and Amy must set out on a desperate mission that will take them from one of the world's hottest regions all the way to the frozen blast of the Arctic Circle. But with the enemy closing in , Dan finds himself facing the one terror he never imagined - being betrayed by his own sister.

Dan & Amy have matured through the different series. Both have developed and become more rounded and real. The adventure in the unstoppable series has twists and turns. There is a red herring hidden in to lead readers away from the goal, but Jeff Hirsch ties it all together in the end.

My rating of "The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book 2: Breakaway" is 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Amazon Link: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00ESIVYN...

B&N Link: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/brea...

Books-A-Million Link: http://www.booksamillion.com/p/Clues-...

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9 reviews2 followers
March 12, 2018
The 39 Clues is a fictional story written by, Jeff Hirsch. There is now a new series, with the same people, but in a different setting. Dan is hurt and scared, he got shot and kidnapped and on top of that he got thrown into a pit full of deadly snakes, he is in deep deep trouble! Thankfully he is smart and had good luck as well as his sister or he wouldn’t have made it. There is now an even bigger threat then they had ever before, this threat doesn’t like their family at all and is using the Cahill family power against them. They have to make a desperate decision from going to one of the hottest places on Earth to one of the coldest places on Earth. The story takes a wicked twist when Dan sees himself not being able to trust Amy. This is absolutely crazy, I can believe it.

I personally really liked this book, it was my favorite so far, there was still never a dull moment and was really exciting to read. I know I say this all the time but I couldn't stop reading it. I also learned a couple of things about Amy, and how the enemy made her turn her back on her own brother and ride or die, Dan. It was really fun to see the choices that Amy and Dan took while they weren’t together, rather than when they are together, it showed me more of their personalities and characteristics. I can’t wait to read the next book!

If I were to recommend this book, I would still recommend it to middle school students. That reason is because this book’s reading level is still around middle school levels. People who like mystery, then this is the book for you. I really liked this book and was a really good book to read! If you read this book, you will fall in love with it just like I did, and the other books in the series!
Profile Image for Yukiraking.
324 reviews2 followers
April 26, 2020
It was hard to enjoy this book. I loved the idea of it. I wanted to love the book too, but Amy was so difficult to like in this one. In fact, I just didn't like her. I wanted to read the parts without her in it, and since the story couldn't make sense without it. Amy is so self-centered in her quest to protect everyone. She can't do everything alone, and she doesn't want to, but Dan's decision from book 1, to quit being a Cahill makes her so angry that she doesn't make good decisions.

She thinks being a leader means giving orders and expecting everyone to either agree with her, or follow the orders anyway. It's as if she doesn't remember how they won in the last two series. It's like she thinks it's her and her alone that won everything. What I've been able to read of Grace, she wouldn't be happy with Amy now. Neither would Olivia, who's journal they're following on this new quest.

I'm hoping that due to the end of this book, that Amy will be less annoying, but I doubt it. I just hope that there will be more of the other characters in the next two books that will wrap up this series. I don't want to just read about Amy anymore. I want to read about the Cahill family as a whole. I want to know where Sinead and her brothers are, where Hamilton's sisters are. I want to know why there are no Cahill adults that can help the kids, particularly when Hamilton and Jonah have parents that do care about them, and Pierce is not only targeting Amy and Dan anymore. I just want the family to be united, like Olivia wanted.
Profile Image for Kryssy.
610 reviews2 followers
July 14, 2024

This was the WORST addition to the series i have read. Even giving it the benefit of doubt knowing i am noy the target audience. I LOVED the first series when i originally read it. And even in the last year, i lived the Cahills v. vespers series. But this series is not it. Everyone is always arguing with someone or not knowing what to do

The only plot points i could tell you is that nellie gets a fake job (for idk what), pierce is hunting amy and dan (don’t know why), and Atticus’s dad is looking for something and ended up in Atlantis??

There is no sense of urgency like the previous books. Other than trying not to be found

- Heading to Tunisia for the next ingredient. Same place rosenbloom dad is located
- Nellie is in her own plot that involves falsely getting a job
- Sammy recreates the serum again and sends amy a vial
- Ask rosenbloom dad about the ingredient. It doesn’t exist anymore
- He found something valuable to him in olivia’s book
- Jake and amy got attacked at the marina
- Amy responds to the media and calls out pierce
- Dr is in Atlantis???
- Pony talks to april may (pierce’s assistant)
- Cara (pierce’s daughter) switched protein/serum smoothies so she gets a full dose
- Nellie and sammy discover pierce is mass producing the serum to create an army
- Exclusive: jonah and hamilton are out for coffee. Ham is the one recognized as being part of amy’s “web of evil”
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Chalinviri .
431 reviews
July 8, 2023

Este libro está mucho mejor que el primero aunque Amy esta bien desquiciada.

La misión es simple, deben encontrar las pistas para bloquear la reliquia familiar Cahill, el nivel de peligro qué corren es porque están incluyendo a personas ajenas.

Aún así, sigue con el relajo de tener una guerra mundial en su Cabeza, Amy esta obsesionada con que todos estén a salvo, qué tona desiciones muy tontas y me desespera, Dan también se enoja, se creo una brecha entre los 2.

Fascina el trío Jonah, Ian y Hamilton, los mandaron de regreso pero de vez en cuando debe aclararle a Amy algunas cosas (De verdad quiero más interacción Cahill).

En medio de este ambiente tan deprimente, leer algubos chistes flojos calman la tensión.

Por cierto, no tengo idea de donde está Saladin, también... Si los Cahill son famosos a la mala, porque siguen encontrando gente que no los conozca... Y perdón, pero esas fotos sensacionalistas qué onda con eso!!

En un mundo de tensión, ver las caras de "La RED MALVADA DE LOS CAHILL" me mató de risa, en serio? Con lo presumidos qué son Ian y Jonah, como no previnieron eso.

Aunque este libro me gustó más que el primero, definitivamente no llega a la altura de Cahill VS Vesper ni mucho menos las 39 pistas.

Bueno, vamos a lo que sigue...
Profile Image for Fatima Sarder.
450 reviews
May 7, 2021
I'm starting to see a pattern here:

Amy goes ahead with some irresponsible, crazy idea (because she's the leader of the Cahills so why not?), always argues with her boyfriend Jake. Thinks way too much about her dead boyfriend Evan and wants to do everything alone despite failing horribly.

Then she gets the ingredients of the serum antidote via some inexplicable means and this important bit is mashed at the end of the book because obviously her arguing with her friends is more important to the reader than the actual happenings.

I miss the old characterizations. Amy's character growth is going downhill
Profile Image for Сибин Майналовски.
Author 78 books160 followers
February 19, 2017
Ми то всичкото хубаво, ама много се разводни цялата история. Добрите бягат, лошите ги преследват, най-накрая нещо се нааква, клифхенгър... и хайде към новата книжка. Хубаво е да се къртят кинти, спор няма, ама чак пък такава сапунка не е на хубаво. Плюс това в тази книга специално има толкова много душевни терзания, че за малко да пусна сълза. Ади нема нужда. Хубавото в случая е, че книжлето е тънко и се чете за половин ден - тоест, човек не може да мрънка после, че е загубил чак толкова много време от живота си... :)
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,670 reviews21 followers
August 17, 2018
It's been awhile since I last delved into the world of the 39 clues. Like many other readers, this one fell flat for me. It didn't help that I couldn't remember certain plot points (where did they meet Pony? what happened to Fiske?) from the previous book. I miss the original series where you had so many characters from the family-- it was fun to see Alistair, and Mcintire, and quips from Grace's past. I did enjoy Nellie's small role in this story. I may continue the series, but certainly am not rushing out to do so.
Profile Image for Somnath Roy.
67 reviews17 followers
July 22, 2022
The journey continues and it holds strong. There is hope for this series.

Pretty exciting as Amy deals with the guilt of the danger she puts her friends and family in while there is a madman out there trying to kill every single one of them regardless. There a few minor inconsistencies here and there, but apart from that, pretty well-written.

The four book format seems to be suiting them as the quality of the story isn't really degrading. Faith in the 39 Clues restored. There is the matter of how the characters do a complete 180 every other book, but we're way past that point by now.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 151 reviews

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