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M'n Legendarische ex

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A debut that took Great Britain by storm, My Legendary Girlfriend introduced the world to the loveable, lovestruck Will Kelly. It’s been three years since his heartthrob, Agnes, wrecked his life with a chat that started, “It’s like that song. ‘If you love somebody, set him free.’” But no matter how much time goes by, Will doesn’t feel very free. He still makes lists of each birthday present Aggi ever gave him, has gymnastic fantasies about a perfect reunion night with her, dwells on the first words she uttered to him.

How long can a person stay down in the dumps after being dumped? And how much longer before Will dumps Martina, the sweet but clingy girl he’s seeing? Will anyone ever measure up to his Legendary Girlfriend?

Fresh, endearing, and full of humor, My Legendary Girlfriend tells a story that will ring true for everyone who’s ever tried to mend a broken heart.

From the Hardcover edition.

352 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1998

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About the author

Mike Gayle

32 books2,018 followers
I was born in the 70s — the 70s were great. I would recommend them to anyone.

I was also born in Birmingham — in my humble opinion the greatest city in the world with the nicest people too.

I used to live in London — a great city too. But a bit on the pricey side.

I also used to live in Manchester — another great city (although technically I lived in Salford which is next door but that’s sort of splitting hairs).

Before I went to university I wanted to be a social worker — I have no idea why. It didn’t last long.

After I left university I wanted to write for the NME — I’ve always loved music but it was only when I went to uni that it started loving me back. I can’t play any instruments or sing so writing about music seemed to make sense.

My first paid writing gig was for a listings magazine in Birmingham — (Actually my first unpaid writing gig was an interview with Kitchens of Distinction for Salford Student Magazine. I can’t begin to tell you how terrible it was.)

I used to write a music fanzine — it was called Incredibly Inedible and I co-edited it with my mate Jackie. We typed up the first issue on my dad’s olde worlde typewriter and then literally cut and paste on to A4 sheets using scissors and glue. Over the three years of its existence we interviewed many bands and artists including: Smashing Pumpkins, The Cranberries, Pavement, Bill Hicks and Blur.

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197 (6%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 261 reviews
Profile Image for Baba.
3,873 reviews1,359 followers
September 21, 2022
The book that launched the career of Black British 'chick-lit/lad-lit' bestselling writer Mike Gayle. Gayle's debut novels typifies his body of work of male centric stories set in and around relationships with some light humour, self deprecation and some well thought out and masterly dictated life lessons for ...men! 7 out of 12, a Three Star read :)

2005 read
Profile Image for Maria Espadinha.
1,092 reviews461 followers
March 23, 2020
💔 As Vicissitudes dum Coração Partido 💔

Quantos de nós não padecemos já daquela depressão pós-final-relação. Escancaramos a porta à agonia, à abulia ... permitindo que se instalem comodamente por tempo indeterminado. Seguem-nas o desleixo e o desmazelo, que é bem capaz de significar o mesmo que o primeiro, mas que aqui se propõe situado uns graus acima!...

Esbracejamos, estrebuchamos e almejamos erguer-nos...
Levantar-nos de supetão e arrepiar caminho...
Porém... há um peso atrelado aos pés a impelir-nos para baixo, e ... ao invés de subirmos, descemos... mais... mais... e mais... até que... bruscamente estancamos. E estancamos não por autocontrole ou volição dirigida, mas simplesmente porque esgotámos o trilho da descida (adoro versejar em prosa😉) — já não há mais para descer, e ... se entrementes o suicídio não nos badalar à porta, é, por fim, a almejada subida que surge no menu das vias possíveis, como escolha única!...

É pois um quadro destes que iremos encontrar na “Namorada dos meus Sonhos”, que... se bem que dramático, surge retratado com abundantes pinceladas de humor!

“Talvez, pensei, eu me tivesse transformado num portal entre a Terra e o Planeta da Estupidez.” (adorei esta!!!)

“Às vezes torno-me tão entediante, que até eu próprio deixo de conseguir ouvir-me.” (e mais esta!)

“Ela parecia Satanás em roupas interiores da Gossard.” (e esta!... e muitas outras!!!..)

Will Kelly é o “sol” (muito ofuscado), em torno do qual tudo gira — a personagem protótipo de coração destroçado, que chegou a ser comparada por alguns, a uma Bridget Jones do género masculino.

“A minha vida era assim: muito daquilo que eu não queria e uma sede permanente das coisas que o meu coração mais desejava.”

De facto, dá alguns ares à Bridget; porém, ao focar-se num homem como personagem central, contém detalhes q.b. que levam a bom porto o “vive la diférence”!

A Namorada dos meus Sonhos, é uma daquelas leituras onde vale a pena investir. É um lugar comum que muitos irão revisitar e uma oportunidade imperdível para nos rirmos de nós mesmos!😜
Profile Image for Maria Espadinha.
1,092 reviews461 followers
August 17, 2019
What Goes Down Must Come Up

After a heart break it’s quite common to live a period of “can’t live with her (him), can’t live without her (him)”.
We are lost and every second of our lives is filled with rubbish...
Down and down we go, until there comes a point where there’s no other way except start rising, cos we just reached the bottom of the “down trail”! 😉

The road to success is crowded with failures!
That’s real life and it defines Will Kelly (the main character of this novel)😉

A medley between comedy and drama, My Legendary Girlfriend provides a great opportunity for some good laughs at our own selves 😉
Profile Image for Gina.
35 reviews2 followers
March 7, 2009
Every time someone out there buys a Mike Gayle book, another little bit of me dies.

You know I feel far, far more satisfaction in writing about books I thought were awful that were good. And tonight I remembered that woeful book by Mike Gayle 'My Legendary Girlfriend'. Also this is to warn others. It's so bad you will want to pan fry your eyes in garlic butter and feed them to Michael Winner.

I think that's a very important to know the risks when reading this sort of bile. People need to be protected from it, in the same way that no one protected me, namely Robin as it was his book. Why didn't you protect me from this book. Why Robin, why?

test test test test test test test test test
Profile Image for Mags.
237 reviews41 followers
October 2, 2010
This book, it depressed me. It felt like I was being dragged through a very slow and painful death--Will Kelley's death. This novel is like a rubber band that's stretched too far and would most likely snap. Which would make it deserve at least 3 stars, but I gave it a 4 because I liked how I didn't expect the ending. I'm GLAD he got up, move on, and never returned to that Agnes girl who's probably going to end up with an idiot. Will is a lovable character, and my pity and sympathy were turned to him during the time I was reading his enlongated stories as his days of depression pass by.

I also love Mike Gayle's narration, and how there's a twist in every corner. There will be times that the story is boring--be warned. It made me think, "When will all this whining over a girl who doesn't deserve his 'great love' ever end?" But I don't want to go into the advice of "Move the fuck on and stop being a pussy" because we've all been through this not-over-it-yet phase. And Gayle sure has been through a LOT of real-life heartbreak stories (he's a relationship adviser of some sort), so he surely knows what he's talking about.

So, anyway, 4 stars, because I like Gayle for his realistic writing, and I love his website for advices for first-time writers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
May 1, 2013
I loved this book. I can see the pretentious nature of the main character,Will and why that would be a turn off to read about. But I reckon the reason why I enjoyed this book was because it actually felt like a slice of authentic life,even down to the smallest mundane details. Felt very unique to me.
Profile Image for Carri.
146 reviews14 followers
December 19, 2013
I sort of loved this. At first i was all like, "oh I am gonna love this". Then I started reading and it starts out sooooo slow that I thought "oh no I am gonna hate this". At one point I thought that i might not finish but I am really glad that I stuck it out. It got better. It got great! LOL! I was totally blown away by the end, I totally thought it was going one way until like 4 pages left it the book, then he totally flipped it on me. I loved that. I was surprised. I actually had to go back and read part of it to make sure that I understood it correctly. I am really glad that I saw this at the city mission for a $1 and decided to give it a shot. :)
Profile Image for Hasni.
10 reviews4 followers
November 11, 2012
This book is very interesting!! and I like the way this was written.at the beginning I felt sorry for Will Kelly because he suffered without his love. I think he was a strange and good man and his love for Aggie was admirable. Personally I think he lost her for his own good.I think Kate& Alice were better than Aggie.So I'm happy About the end and I think he got "The Legendary Girlfriend" in the end.
Profile Image for Juliana Graham.
490 reviews8 followers
March 19, 2012
A strange one this. I've had this book on my bookcase since around 2004 when it first came out. I read it then and I LOVED it. It was one of my favourite books EVER. I used to recommend it to people, lend it to people and generally sing its praises.

Maybe I identified with the 20 something lead character who was a fairly mediocre teacher wishing to be something else, pining over the love of his life who had cruelly dumped him and generally muddling along waiting for something exciting to happen.

The time came last month for me to re-read the book - I've run out of bookcase and couldn't bear to throw this one out without reading it again and maybe even deciding to keep it if I still loved it as much as I did the first time. I'm sad to say, I didn't. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the book, I still found the occasional part laugh out loud funny, I was still rooting for Will to sort his life out. But there was something missing. Maybe I'm too old and cynical now. Maybe the ever so slightly predictable ending irked me because in real life, things like that don't ever seem to happen. Maybe you should read the book and decide for yourself.

My copy has now gone to the charity shop - maybe you'll love it, maybe you'll only like it - but either way it's worth a read and Mike Gayle is great! Still plenty more of his to read...
Profile Image for Steven Scaffardi.
Author 2 books82 followers
April 17, 2016
I never would have found Mike Gayle had it not been for my flatmate insisting I read one of his books. I have to admit I wasn't too sure at first. The blurb read a bit too much like chick lit novel for my liking. I'm a man, and I like manly things dammit! Luckily I got past my silly male ego and embraced my metrosexuality, and a good few years later and I'm one of Mike Gayle's biggest fans. My Legendary Girlfriend was Gayle's first novel, having spent time as a journalist and features writer. This book was a huge success as Gayle followed in the footsteps of fellow lad lit author Nick Hornby to write a book about relationships from a male perspective with very high praise indeed.

To read the rest of my review please visit my blog:
Profile Image for Kristi.
162 reviews11 followers
September 8, 2013
I've mostly stopped reading chick lit books because I'm about 10 years out of their demographic range and the older I get, the more immature and whiny the protagonists seem. That said, this looked promising, so I gave it a go. While Will is every bit the whiny, melodramatic 20-something you'd expect, he also has enough heart and charm to win you over. Who hasn't spent too long agonizing over a lost love? Or rushed into a new love too quickly? I'm pleased the author took the time to wrap up everyone's storylines, so nothing was left hanging. The twists were fun and mostly unexpected. This was a fun book to spend a rainy weekend reading.
Profile Image for Kricket.
2,311 reviews
October 18, 2007
I found this in the teen room at the library. I'm thinking that it was an accidental purchase, since it's definitely geared to an adult audience, but when you read the blurb on the back it could really go either way. It's just when you get into the story-- ugh. If one of my male friends was behaving the way the main character was, I'd have encouraged him to seek psychiatric help rather than dating/marrying him. Will was not lovable. Will drove me nuts. Ick ick icky.
Profile Image for Nathan.
595 reviews12 followers
January 20, 2012
This one struck a chord with me, and I really liked it. Heartbroken man mopes around his flat for a weekend and talks on the phone a lot. That's about it, structure wise. Nothing deeply profound, and it invoked more wry smiles than belly laughs, but a nice little story nonetheless. Fans of Star Wars and of Gregory's Girl would probably like this. 3.5/5
21 reviews2 followers
November 30, 2016
Legendary or not his book was a very easy read that spoke volumes from the writer, Mike Gayle. My Legendary Girlfriend takes you through the eyes of a young adult male who is searching for the one. He is lucky enough to indeed find the one, however like life it is not who he thought it would be. Isn't that perfect and true to life?
July 22, 2013
No words! Simply excellent as I'm writing this I'm thinking I'm going to read it again. Anyone could relate to it, hilarious x
Profile Image for Stephanie.
235 reviews32 followers
March 1, 2017
I fell head over heels in love with Mike Gayle's sophomore release MR. COMMITMENT, so when I stumbled across MY LEGENDARY GIRLFRIEND - which happens to be his first book, I had to read it! I was not disappointed!

As usual Gayle takes his time when telling a story. There are many parts of the book that will have you screaming "hurry up!", but his well thought out characters and plot is what makes this book a hit.

Will is the ill at ease, sarcastic protagonist in this delightful novel. It's been three years and he still hasn't gotten over the day his ex-girlfriend Aggi dumped him - on his 23rd birthday - without rhyme or reason.

There hasn't been a woman since who has come and knocked ol' Aggi down from that tremendously high pedestal Will has put her on. He obsesses over her day and night, and beats himself up trying to figure out what he could've done differently. He just cannot get her out of his system. That is until he gets a phone call from the girl who lived in his flat prior to him moving in. Could this stranger be the one who helps Will come to grips on the true meaning of love?

In just one weekend, he learns what usually takes a lifetime for some. Maybe there is someone out there that can measure up to his "legendary girlfriend".
22 reviews2 followers
April 13, 2011
This is one of my go-to guilty pleasure books. I'm well aware the writing isn't the best, and I even have a few problems with some characters (namely the legendary girlfriend - you're far better without her, Will!), but I still love it. I enjoy a lot of British humor - books, TV shows, movies, comics, etc - and this just has a completely different pacing than a usual American comedic novel. The way it's written and the way things are phrased really appeals to me, and it helps me in my own writing by allowing me to see how syntax and a turn of phrase can welcome one audience and alienate another.
19 reviews
January 5, 2008
Anyone who's ever gone through a rough breakup - and let's face it, that's all of us - will find literary comfort food in this book. The story spans the course of a weekend, starting with our hero's crushing breakup with his longtime girlfriend. We're with him through the various stages of angst and wondering, but somehow the read is comforting and even funny. I swallowed this book in one weekend and enjoyed the diversion.
Profile Image for Nate.
271 reviews
November 18, 2014
A superb debut novel with an ending I wanted from the start. My wife is a massive fan of Gayle's work and I thought it about time to give one a shot, but I always start from the beginning when starting a new authors bibliography. I'm glad I did as I thoroughly enjoyed this, from beginning to end. It's well written, beautifully crafted and a superb and fresh concept for a plot. I will certainly be picking up some more from Mike Gayle very soon.
122 reviews2 followers
July 16, 2021
I enjoyed re-reading this book but Mike Gayle has definitely improved as an author after this book. I found the main character Will annoying and not very likeable but I was still engaged enough to find out how the book ended.
Profile Image for Claudette.
379 reviews
June 25, 2013
Mike Gayle is a good writer. His genre is very different from other authors as he writes with humour.
Profile Image for Ana Miguéis.
14 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2024
"O amor não deve trazer dor" Oprah Winfrey

Uma leitura deliciosa! Mike Gayle consegue através da sua escrita humorística, mas com os pés assentes na realidade, contar a história de Will de uma maneira divertida, viciante e altamente auto-depreciativa.
É um livro que avança pouco no tempo e no espaço, mas é de tal maneira absorvente que nem me apercebi que Will passou um fim de semana inteiro no apartamento de Archway a viajar pelas suas memórias.
Leiam "A Namorada Dos Meus Sonhos", não se vão arrepender!
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