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699 pages, Paperback
First published May 2, 2017
“Where are my sisters?” The thought clanged through me, jarring as a pealing bell.
Rhys paused, hand slipping from my hair as his smile faded. “At the House of Wind.” He straightened, swallowing—as if it somehow checked him. “I can—take you to them.” Every word seemed to be an effort.
But he would, I realized. He’d shove down his need for me and take me to them, if that was what I wanted. My choice. It had always been my choice with him.”
“You have a choice,” he murmured against my cheekbone. “Either I lick every inch of you clean …” His hand grazed the tip of my breast, circling lazily. As if we had days and days to do this. “Or you can get into the bath that should be ready by now.”
I pulled away, lifting a brow. “Are you suggesting that I smell?”
Rhys smirked, and I could have sworn my core pounded in answer. “Never. But …” His eyes darkened, the desire and amusement fading as he took in my clothes. “There is blood on you. Yours, and others’. I thought I’d be a good mate and offer you a bath before I ravish you wholly.”
I huffed a laugh and brushed back his hair, savoring the silken, sable strands between my fingers. “So considerate. Though I can’t believe you kicked everyone out of the house so you could take me to bed.”
“One of the many benefits to being High Lord.”
“What a terrible abuse of power.”
That half smile danced on his mouth. “Well?”
“As much as I’d like to see you attempt to lick off a week’s worth of dirt, sweat, and blood…” His eyes gleamed with the challenge, and I laughed again. “Normal bath, please.”
“Don’t ever,” Rhys said, hands sliding into his pockets, “speak to my mate like that again.”
"Rhys stepped off the stairs and took my hand.
Night Triumphant—and the Stars Eternal.
If he was the sweet, terrifying darkness, I was the glittering light that only his shadows could make clear."
His touch turned different. Exploring. Broad strokes and feather-light ones, arches and swirls and direct, searing lines.
The Written Review
Just published my latest BookTube Video - so excited to share it!
After that ending only one quote can adequately sum up my feelings:![]()
Something thumped in front of me. A bottle of wine. “It’s fine if you drink directly from it,” was all Mor said.This book ensared me - body and soul - and the last hundred pages? Whew. Talk about stress - like actual heart-pounding stress.
“She is High Lady of the Night Court. She may do as she wishes.”Feyre, now ruling the Night Court with Rhysand, is about to go to war.
Mile after mile. A kingdom of the rotting dead. And still I looked.Every direction they turn, the King is two steps ahead - already butchering and torturing anyone who stands in his way. His army - limitless, his powers - fueled by the very Cauldron itself.
I repeated their names silently, over and over into the darkness. Rhysand. Mor. Cassian. Amren. Azriel. Elain. Nesta.And yet, despite all the pain and the sorrow flowing around them, one thing remains steadfast. One thing remains absolutely certain.
I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have … The wait was worth it.Whew. This book was the most stunning of the series so far.
“I would not have known what it is to truly hope, even when the world tells you to despair.”
“It’s a rare person to face who they truly are and not run from it – not be broken by it.”
“Maybe one day, when the earth had grown old and died, when the stars had vanished, too…maybe then, we would return to this place.”
"Remember that you are a wolf. And you cannot be caged."
A nightmare, I’d told Tamlin.I was kinda hoping for more telepathic interactions? I wanted Feyre to say something like, “Oh Rhys was just terrible to me.” and Rhys to just pop up and be like, “Terribly good in bed.” or something like that. But that never happened. SJM really threw away her shot.
I was the nightmare.
I met those laughing, fierce hazel eyes.
Cassian’s smile softened. “Hello, Feyre."
My throat tightened to the point of pain, and I threw my arms around his neck, embracing him tightly.
“I missed you, too,” Cassian murmured, squeezing me.
“If you hadn’t stolen my bride away in the night, Rhysand, I would not have been forced to take such drastic measures to get her back.”So Rhys and Feyre and the rest of the squad decided to throw a party. By party I mean, they decided to get all the incredibly powerful, opinionated fae in one place and try to come to an agreement. This is such a smart idea. Just wow. They also invite Tamlin to be nice and then they act surprised when he shows up??? Like you guys sent him an invite to your birthday party??? It would be rude of him not to come???? Why would he turn down free cake like that?!?!?!
I said quietly, “The sun was shining when I left you.”
Tarquin took him in. Then me. And the others. “I rescind the blood rubies. Let there be no debts between us.”
“Don’t expect Amren to return hers,” Cassian muttered. “She’s grown attached to it.”
“Feyre Archeron,” the Suriel said again, gazing at the leafy canopy, the sky peeking through it. A painful inhale. “A request.”So after murdering Ianthe, Feyre goes back to the dying Suriel and I have The Hunger Games flashbacks to Rue’s death scene. I was kind of expecting Feyre to gather flowers to place around the Suriel. And obviously, even though we are in a world surrounded by magic, there is no way to save the Suriel. He dies. I’m devastated. You are devastated. I still vaguely remember the Suriel from the past two books.
I leaned close. “Anything.”
Another rattling breath. “Leave this world...a better place than how you found it.”
“Only you can decide what breaks you, Cursebreaker. Only you.”
“I hope you find happiness, too.'
"And I did. Not just for what he'd done for Rhys, but...Even for an immortal, there was not enough *time* in life to waste it on hatred. On feeling it and putting it into the world.
So I wished him well -- I truly did, and hoped that one day...One day, perhaps he would face those insidious fears, that destructive rage rotting away inside him.”
"I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years."
Where A Court of Mist and Fury was romance heavy (not that I'm complaining), A Court of Wings and Ruin was action-packed and was cluttered with twists and magical intrigue and SJM definitely didn't let the romance aspect of the book obliterate the subplot, deftly exploring all the details.