Eliezer Yudkowsky's Blog

March 14, 2015

Author’s Note 122: FINAL

And so it ends.

One way or another, I expect to write more, though I haven’t yet settled on Precisely Bound Djinni and their Behavior versus The Collegeof Sunlight and various other options.

Please add yourself to thisemail listto be notified when I begin writing again:

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If that form works for you, then you should see an “Almost finished…” page after you click. If it doesn’t work, try: http://eepurl.com/besNKX. If you haven’t been getting noti...

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Published on March 14, 2015 08:45

March 10, 2015

Author’s Note 119: Shameless Blegging

So! HPMOR is ending, and there are two things I long ago decided I would do when that occurred.

First, the following request: I would like any readers who think that HPMOR deserves it sufficiently, and who are attending or supporting the 2015, 2016, or 2017 Worldcon, to next year, nominate Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality for Best Novel in the2016 Hugos. Whether you then actually vote for HPMOR as Best Novel is something I won’t request outright, since I don’t know what other novels...

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Published on March 10, 2015 10:58

March 4, 2015

January 28, 2015

Author’s Note, Ch. 103

The final arc of HPMOR, chapters 104 through 120, will begin posting on February 15th, 2015, at 5PM Pacific Time, and finish on March 14th, 2015, at 9AM Pacific Time. (The first draft of 104-120 is now complete at 88,310 words, most of italready edited, plus 2,300 words for Ch. 103.)

Oliver Habryka is coordinating wrap parties for HPMOR; please email him if you’re interested in having a wrap party in your city. There will at least be a major wrap party in Berkeley.Updates on this later.

If ther...

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Published on January 28, 2015 17:00

January 1, 2015

Progress Report, Jan 2015

Ch. 118-120 remain to be written, but I am taking the tentative plunge and saying that I currently but not solidly plan to begin posting HPMOR Ch. 103 on February 15th, 2015, and conclude with Ch. 120 on March 14th, 3.14 or Pi Day, at 12PM Pacific Time. The idea of a finale celebration has been floated. I’m curious as to what readers think about declaring Pi Day celebrations as the Schelling Point for HPMOR readers to meet up if there’s no larger local meetup. I’d also like to knowwhether the...

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Published on January 01, 2015 17:00

December 1, 2014

Progress Report, Dec 2014

76,800 words in and Ch. 117 is done. 3 chapters left to go. My current plan is to postthe final arc in February, but I’m not committingto a definite start date until the first draft is complete. (Earlier chapters have also been significantly polished.)

I am currently reading Gate! Thus the JSDF Fought There,which appeared in response to my plea for manga with Level 1 Intelligent characters. Gate! Thus the JSDFso far appears to be doing well in terms of characters acting like they have inner sp...

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Published on December 01, 2014 17:00

November 1, 2014

Progress Report, Nov 2014

Not much HPMOR writing to report since October; 72,000 words in and working on Ch. 116 (of 120).

For RaNoWriMo (Rational Novel Writing Month) I have started to publish some abridged excerpts of my plannedHow to Write Intelligent Characters minibook. Discussion takes place on the Yudkowsky’s Essays facebook group. Consider it a Harry Potter Day gift.

Reading The Unwelcome Warlock (on Kindle Unlimited) has reminded me of how awesome Lawrence Watt-Evans’s Ethshar novels are—he just puts Level 1 In...

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Published on November 01, 2014 17:00

October 1, 2014

Progress Report, Oct 2014

Ch. 103-115 are written, at 66,650 words. Many of those chapters are in at least second-draft state. Ch. 116-120 remain to be written, but these will hopefully be shorter and faster—we are past what I thought of as the main hump of writing. The next three months will be on a tight schedule at MIRI, though, and I’m not currently holding out much hope for beginning to post before the end of 2014. I do hold out a lot of hope for starting to post the final arc pretty soon after that. Ch. 103 is a...

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Published on October 01, 2014 17:00

September 12, 2014

Progress Report, Sep 12 2014

37,000 words into the finalarc, and just startingCh. 109. It’s a good pace, but I’m not sure I’m going to be done with the final arc by the time it’s time to fly back from North Carolina, there’s just a lot of final arc to write. (At the pace I am currently writing, I would be producing one 100,000-word novel every 40days if I could keep it up, and not a trashy novel either. This isdespite the fact that I’m typing these very words from inside the waiting room of an urgent care office. Nosilly...

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Published on September 12, 2014 17:00

September 1, 2014

Progress Report, Sep 2014

Hi everyone! I am ensconced in North Carolina, near Wilkesboro, which is an hour fromGreensboro orCharlotte. The good news is that Ch. 104 is complete at 10,331 words and I am 744 words into Ch. 105. The bad news is that things are looking very crunch-time busy at MIRI up until the end of 2014 once I get back, so I have revised significantly downward the probability that I will be able to start posting the final arc before the end of 2014. Grump grump, trust me I’m not happy about it either....

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Published on September 01, 2014 17:00