Jasun Ether

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Jasun Ether



Average rating: 4.27 · 473 ratings · 24 reviews · 1 distinct workSimilar authors
The Beasts of Success

4.27 avg rating — 473 ratings3 editions
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Quotes by Jasun Ether  (?)
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“A person doesn't try to obtain freedom if they think they're already free.”
Jasun Ether, The Beasts of Success

“That's Bill Brady. He goes through months of withdrawal after football season is over. In order to cope with football withdrawal, he'll stand in font of his window that overlooks the street and look for pedestrians. After he spots one, he'll make a beeline to his porch, then pause for a bit to crouch down and yell out 'hut hut hike' before running full bore to tackle or sack the passerby.”
Jasun Ether, The Beasts of Success

“He tackled a woman's baby carriage. After the seven-month-old baby skidded across the pavement and began bawling his eyes out, Bill Brady started shouting at the toddler, 'What are you, a pussy? Walk it off! Walk it off!' After the mother shouted out her baby's age and how he wasn't able to walk yet, Bill Brady started barking in the vexed mother's face like she was a referee who had made a bad call.”
Jasun Ether, The Beasts of Success

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