Larry Kendall

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Larry Kendall

Average rating: 4.5 · 1,527 ratings · 104 reviews · 4 distinct worksSimilar authors
Ninja Selling: Subtle Skill...

4.50 avg rating — 1,522 ratings5 editions
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Ninja Selling: Subtle Skill...

4.50 avg rating — 4 ratings
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Ventas Ninja

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating2 editions
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Ninja Selling 3 by Larry Ke...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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Quotes by Larry Kendall  (?)
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“The enemy of Mastery is not mediocrity. It is distractions. The addiction to distractions ruins many potentially awesome lives.”
Larry Kendall, Ninja Selling: Subtle Skills. Big Results.

“Unfortunately, most people have not taken the time to write down positive, measurable goals. As a result, they can’t tell you what they want. Instead, they tell you what they don’t want. One way to positively program your RAS is through a life list.”
Larry Kendall, Ninja Selling: Subtle Skills. Big Results.

“Daily Habits Daily gratitude: Get up in the morning and give thanks. Show up for work, and stop opening your email first. Stay on your agenda. Write two personal notes each day. Focus on your hot list daily. Focus on your warm list daily.”
Larry Kendall, Ninja Selling: Subtle Skills. Big Results.

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