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Renee Ericson Renee Ericson > Quotes


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“He wants me, all of me—my baggage, my body, my heart, my soul—and I want everything that he is.
So, that’s what we give to each other.”
Renee Ericson, After Tuesday
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“Her light shines through the tunnel to my heart, clenching every pulsing beat with radiance and luminosity.”
Renee Ericson, After Tuesday
“I saw the soul of the man who knew my everything, as much as I knew his.”
Renee Ericson, Forgotten Yesterday
“This girl needs a vacation, so I’m taking one right now. I’m packing my bags and leaving on a motherf’ing Jäger plane.”
Renee Ericson, After Tuesday
“Men aren't known for spilling their guts. It's like their penises block some forms of speech.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“Can I call you Fozzie?”
“Can I call you Evelyn?”
“Not if you want me to answer.”
“It’s safe to say, the same goes for calling me Fozzie. I’m not a Muppet.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“Plans are for fools who are naive and selfish. No one can predict anyone’s life, no matter how hard they might try. At the end of the day, everyone was gifted with something called free will.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“I’m surprised you don’t have any tattoos. I thought that was part of the artist uniform.”
“Who says I should be that much of a cliché? I’m naturally a masterpiece.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“Love is a driving force for a person's decisions, motives, and purpose in life, as is evidenced by many stories told throughout history. It has caused happiness, joy, war, and deceit. Without love, one cannot function and thrive among their peers or humanity as a whole. Its absence can cause irreparable harm to thought processes and logic—or in Van Gogh’s case, make one crazed.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“He truly was mine and I willingly, in every way, belonged to him.”
Renee Ericson, Forgotten Yesterday
“This is the face of a man looking at a woman he loves. He has no money or prestige, only his heart.”
Renee Ericson , More Than Water
“I love you, Evelyn.” Leaning in, he grazes my earlobe with his mouth. “For longer than you might have known.”
He chuckles against my cheek. “That’s all you have to say? Likewise?”
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
“I was getting there.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“I’ve been strong and responsible for too many people for too long. This girl needs a vacation, so I’m taking one right now. I’m packing my bags and leaving on a motherf’ing Jäger plane.”
Renee Ericson, After Tuesday
“There’s a saying that timing is everything, but my life’s clock must be broken.”
Renee Ericson, Forgotten Yesterday
“The law of attraction didn’t apply to us, so we made up our own rules.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Us
“Damn, Ruby,” Lexi adds, “I didn’t know you were so skillful with giant balls.”
Renee Ericson, After Tuesday
“Like a flame breaking the boundaries to survive underwater, we, too, are something beautiful. We are a substance of our own design. We’re more than water. We’re more than fire. We’re a miracle, a living and breathing combination, with no formula to define us.  ”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“This kiss will consummate a part of myself with him that is newly revealed - the living and breathing substance pulsating between both of us.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“Further in, looming somewhere underneath his outward expression, lies a hint of regret and sorrow.
I can see it.
I can feel it.
We’re both so lost—looking to be found.”
Renee Ericson, Forgotten Yesterday
“Dovrei chiedermi che cosa stiamo combinando.
Dovrei fermare tutto adesso.
Dovrei strappargli gli abiti di dosso perché sono fottutamente arrapata, e il mio vibratore è scarico.
È così bello sentirlo vicino a me.
Il calore del suo corpo.
La sua bocca sulla mia.
Le sue mani su di me.
Il suo respiro che si unisce al mio.
Cazzo, è bellissimo.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water - Oltre Te
tags: sex
“«Sono stanco di fingere, Evelyn—fingere che siamo solamente amici, e questa sera, fingere di essere una coppia.» Passa una mano sul suo viso. «Ma più di tutto, sono esausto di fingere di non amarti—non solo con te, ma con me stesso.» Foster sussurra. «Mi sono innamorato di te dal primo momento che ti ho conosciuto, anche se ho provato con tutte le mie forze a evitarlo.» Avanza lentamente verso di me. Pochi centimetri ci separano. «Quindi, te lo sto chiedendo, c’è mai stato niente di vero per te?»”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water - Oltre Te
“Second chances only come around once, and I’m not wasting this one with you.”
Renee Ericson, Deciding Tomorrow
“What do you call it when you end up right where you’re supposed to be?”
Foster simply replies, “The perfect chemistry.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Us
“Love is patient, impractical, and sometimes hard. It has made us crazy at times and broken us into a million little pieces. It has healed us both, filling in the cracks created by our lives and our past, and welded us into a stronger, more permanent fixture.”
Renee Ericson, Deciding Tomorrow
“Life is full of concessions when love is in the picture—especially”
Renee Ericson, Deciding Tomorrow
“You’re the reason I live, Ruby—the reason my heart beats, my blood flows through my veins, and my lungs take in air. You’re the only reason I wake up every day.”
Renee Ericson, Deciding Tomorrow
“I don't ask any questions. I don't say a word. There's a time to be quiet, and this is one of them because all sound is just white noise when inner thoughts are the only language one can comprehend.”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water
“Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori is from a poem written a long time ago by a man called Virgil. The loose translation means, love conquers all things, so we too shall yield to love.”
Renee Ericson, Deciding Tomorrow
“«Questi due individui,» comincio a spiegargli, «vivono sotto una machera, ma non l’hanno creata loro. Hanno entrambi una visione limitata. È pesante e annebbiata. A volte è come se stessero per affogare a causa dell’onda. Comunque, c’è molto altro oltre. È una questione di prospettiva.»
«E il punto in cui le loro mani s’incontrano?» chiede, senza guardarmi. «Che cosa è?»
«È tutt’altro. È il modo in cui riescono davvero a trovarsi. È la forza di cui hanno bisogno per scacciare la falsità, l’onda.»
«Ha un nome?»
«Non ufficialmente, ma nasce dal loro amore. Distrugge tutto il resto. Attraversa le barriere, permettendogli di essere liberi come individui e come coppia.»
Foster mi stringe la mano. Si abbassa e mi bacia una guancia.
Immagino il calore che cresce dove i nostri corpi si uniscono, espandendosi tra di noi mentre tutto il resto scompare.
«Ed è così che ci vedi?» mi sussurra.
«Sì.» Annuisco. «Nessuno di noi è l’acqua. Tu non lo sei, e nemmeno io. Siamo più dell’acqua.»”
Renee Ericson, More Than Water - Oltre Te

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More Than Water (More Than Water, #1) More Than Water
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