Seed pod, Himalayan balsam, Belfast - September 2014(1)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
An almost ripe seed pod, on a Himalayan balsam plant, beside the towpath. When... (more)
Seedhead of Common Hogweed
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Seeds of Heracleum sphondylium, pollinated by tiny beetles, and now slowly... (more)
Sycamore seeds
by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NS5574
The classic 'helicopter' seeds on a tree beside Finlay Rise.
Alliaria petiolata seed pods
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Garlic Mustard or Jack-by-the-hedge (Alliaria petiolata) makes these long thin... (more)
Seed Pods
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
We have many photographs of Cow Parsley in flower - I've taken several... (more)
Seed pod, Himalayan balsam, Belfast - September 2014(2)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
Grass seeds
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Grass stems heavy with seeds
Willowherb seeds about to take to the air, Churchland Lane
by Patrick Roper
for square TQ7818
Seeds of American willowherb (Epilobium ciliatum) being stretched to... (more)
Gone to seed
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Hedge Mustard gone to seed
Seeds already
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Some of the Cow Parsley flowers have already been beetle-pollinated and started... (more)
Alliaria petiolata
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The seedpods of the Jack-by-the-hedge, or Garlic Mustard, Alliaria petiolata... (more)
Valerian seed production
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Roundels of seeds
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Neatly arranged seeds on the Hogweed
Seed Pods on Hogweed
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
In contrast to the tiny delicate florets, the seed pods of Hogweed are hulking... (more)
Seedheads on Herb Robert
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Geranium robertianum, or Herb Robert, is found everywhere in Bourne Woods, and... (more)
Three-sided seed pods
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Continuing my campaign of augmenting our large collection of bluebell images... (more)
Vetch pods on sandstone rock, Churchland Lane
by Patrick Roper
for square TQ7818
Seed pods of the smooth tare (Vicia tetrasperma) arranged by a mouse on top of a... (more)
Grass seeds in a tarn, Great Green Hows
by Karl and Ali
for square SD3589
Seeds sunk in a shallow nameless tarn.
Seed heads
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The cowslip flowers have gone, and the seed heads are maturing.
This was a... (more)
Giant Hogweed Seed Head, Mundesley
by Christine Matthews
for square TG3136
There are a number of these plants on the cliff - there is a notice not to touch them.
Pretty in pink
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Sycamore keys maturing. Later they will be a thin, papery brown. Botanists... (more)
Valeriana officinalis
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The pink and white flowers have gone, and tiny parachute seeds have mostly blown
Hyacinthoides non-scripta
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Seedpods formed on the erstwhile flower stems of the English Bluebell.
Taraxacum officinale on the wing
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Dandelion clocks
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The spherical delicacy of Taraxacum officinale seedheads. Prolific seeders -... (more)
Wych Elm
by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NS5574
The developing seeds of wych elm, Ulmus glabra. The tree was growing beside the... (more)
Fluffy Thistledown
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0716
Don't try to count the individual seeds, that would be a fruitless task.... (more)
Success and Failure
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Taraxacum officinale - seedhead
by Bob Harvey
for square SK9829
Catkins by Sandy Lane
by Oscar Taylor
for square SU4974
Temple Sowerby, Acorn Bank: Mizuna and lettuce seedlings
by Michael Garlick
for square NY6128
by Bob Harvey
for square SK8632
I was impressed by the skeletal beauty of this seedhead, whose function has long... (more)
Maturing seedpods
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The bluebell seedpods are turning brown now.
Bluebell Seedheads
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Seedheads on the bluebells
A nutling
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
A tiny swelling flower but turning into a Hazel nut. Note, too, the hairy leaf stems.
What's the time?
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0720
Who can resist photographing a perfect Dandelion Clock? Well, I can't.
Bluebell seedpods
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The flowers gone, the seedpods are swelling.
Huge crop of Rose Hips
by David Pashley
for square TG3329
Acorns by the Hillingdon Trail
by Rod Allday
for square TQ0983
Seedheads on Herb Robert
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The woods are stiff with Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum. Here it is with... (more)
Buds on Burdock
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The tips of the Burdock are now swelling into flower buds that resemble the... (more)
Alder seedhead
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Dandelion clock, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5080
Macro of a dandelion clock (Taraxacum officinale) growing in normal abundance... (more)
Autumn Snowberries
by David Pashley
for square TL8193
Berries of the Snowberry bush near Lynford Lakes.
Tarrant Hinton, seedheads
by Mike Faherty
geograph for square ST9412
Traveller's Joy seedheads (Clematis vitalba), sprawling over an ash tree... (more)
Poppy seedhead, Minnowburn, Belfast (August 2014)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3268