Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata)
by Anne Burgess
for square NG1695
Category: Flora
The flowering season for Bog Bean is almost over, but there were still a few in... (more)
Black Bog-rush (Schoenus nigricans)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
This is a plant with a northern and western distribution, but it is plentiful on... (more)
Hair Moss (Polytrichum)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2653
Category: Flora
Fruiting bodies begin to sprout on a patch of Hair Moss. The pinkish specks are... (more)
Bulrush (Typha latifolia)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ4260
Category: Flora
This one has shed most of its seeds but still maintains its spiked shape.
Norway Maple (Acer platanoides)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3457
Like the maples in North America, these too turn into bright colours in autumn.
Corn Sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ4461
The roadside verge is full of the white seedheads of Corn Sow-thistle.
Common Hemp-nettle (Galeopsis tetrahit) with Bumble Bee
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3652
THe flowers of Common Hemp-nettle are usually pink, but this plant has the less... (more)
Butterfly on Bramble Blossom
by Anne Burgess
for square NO6844
I was just about to photograph a cluster of Bramble flowers when a Green-veined... (more)
Flora in a roadside verge
by Philip Halling
geograph for square SP2007
Flora in a roadside verge with Eastleach Downs Farm in the distance.
by Anne Burgess
for square NT3473
I didn't recognise it, and I am indebted to M J Richardson for help with... (more)
Spring is Sprung!
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3761
Category: Flora
The buds on the bushes are just bursting. However this image was taken while... (more)
Harbinger of Spring
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ1262
Category: Flora
Today is (by some reckonings) the first day of spring, and here is an ash twig... (more)
Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ6163
Category: Flora
One of the striking features of the countryside at the moment is the profusion... (more)
A Harbinger of Spring
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ5163
Category: Flora
A plant of Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) growing in a cleft among the gnarled... (more)
Scarlet Berries
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ1765
Category: Flora
I thought I knew what this was, but on consulting the book on my return home I... (more)
Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ6717
Category: Flora
This is unusual enough nowadays for it to be a special pleasure to find one of... (more)
St John's Wort (Hypericum)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3458
Category: Flora
Unfortunately I don't know which species of Hypericum this is. Its flowers... (more)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
I can't make up my mind what species this is. It isn't as tightly... (more)
Hawkweed or Hawkbeard
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
Unfortunately I did not have a book to hand, and omitted to note the differences... (more)
Coppery Monkey Flower (Mimulus x burnetii)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2420
Category: Flora
Many years ago I found a plant of this growing wild, or rather naturalised, in... (more)
White Honesty (Lunaria annua)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2156
Category: Flora
Hybrid Bluebell (Hyacinthus x massartiana)
by Anne Burgess
for square NO8988
Category: Flora
The cliffs are thickly carpeted here with bluebells, but sadly these don't... (more)
Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ1663
Category: Flora
Introduced and commonly naturalised, as here at Newton House, snowdrops are... (more)
Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ8257
Category: Flora
Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ8257
Category: Flora
The palest of a small clump of orchids growing beside the trig point on Hill of... (more)
Sheepsbit (Jasione montana)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3365
Category: Flora
Interestingly, the distribution map in my book suggests that this plant does not... (more)
Caucasian Stonecrop (Sedum spurium)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3365
Category: Flora
Bramble (Rubus fruticosus)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
There are something like 400 microspecies of Bramble, which is a member of the... (more)
Mountain Everlasting (Antennaria dioica)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF8139
Category: Flora
This insignificant plant is widespread on moors and mountains. This is a male... (more)
Common Butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF8138
Category: Flora
Butterwort is a common plant of boggy land, and occurs widely throughout northern Britain.
Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF8138
Category: Flora
I think this is what these flowers are, but I am willing to be corrected.
Common Dog Violet (Viola riviniana)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF7636
Category: Flora
The commonest and most widespread violet species.
Lousewort (Pedicularis sylvatica)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF7636
Category: Flora
One of two species of Lousewort, this plant of damp areas is short and... (more)
Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3135
Category: Flora
This plant grows almost exclusively in small streams and burns, and this was the... (more)
Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3136
Category: Flora
Not being an expert on orchids, I am willing to be corrected, but I think... (more)
Mouse-Ear Hawkweed (Pilosella officinarum)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3437
Category: Flora
This hawkweed is distinguished from other hawkweeds because its flowers are... (more)
Moonwort (Botrychium lunaria)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3365
Category: Flora
This is a relative of the ferns. It is the only species of moonwort found in... (more)
Coralroot Orchid (Corallorhiza trifida)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
This used to be much more widespread on the Lein Nature Reserve, with several... (more)
Lesser Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera bifolia)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
Lesser Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera bifolia)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
This is one of only two known specimens in the square, and the exact grid... (more)
Common Wintergreen (Pyrola minor)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
This can be distinguished from other wintergreens by its pale pink flowers, and... (more)
Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3460
Category: Flora
This is an unusually dark flower. The plant is also called Indian Balsam and... (more)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF6604
Category: Flora
The exact species of this orchid is still a matter of debate. It is probably... (more)
Spring Squill (Scilla verna)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF6604
Category: Flora
The pale star-shaped flowers of Spring Squill carpet the machair of the golf... (more)
Heartsease or Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF7173
Category: Flora
The yellow variant of this common wild flower.
Infant Plant
by Anne Burgess
for square NF7376
Category: Flora
This is the vegetable equivalent of a day-old chick - it was only about the size... (more)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF8675
Category: Flora
The jury is still out on the exact identification of this orchid. It could be... (more)
White Water-lily (Nymphaea alba)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF8756
Category: Flora
A telephoto view of a single flower. It was not practical to get any closer as... (more)
White Water-lily (Nymphaea alba)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF8756
Category: Flora
These flowers may be of the smaller subspecies N alba occidentalis, which occurs... (more)
Cuckoo Flower or Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF8274
Category: Flora
This is a very common plant all over the islands on damp ground.