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Grid reference NJ3265

near to Garmouth, Moray, Scotland


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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from NJ3265 [3] taken pre 2000 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 128 for NJ3265 - View this square in the Browser >>>
NJ3265 : Vanishing Defences by Anne Burgess Vanishing Defences
All the tank traps and pill boxes to the right (east) of this one have been engulfed by the shingle, and it won't be long before these ones disappear too. NJ3265 : Vanishing Defences is the same scene just over two years later, showing almost no... (more)
NJ3265 : Stony Road by Anne Burgess Stony Road
This used to be a conventional sort of rough road, with and earth or mud base and a supply of modest potholes. The December 2012 storms have covered this stretch of it with pebbles and cobbles washed up off the beach, making it harder to... (more)
NJ3265 : Concrete structure by Mick Garratt Concrete structure
NJ3265 : Reappeared Pillbox by Anne Burgess Reappeared Pillbox
In only a month or so since NJ3265 : Reappearing Pillbox was taken, the sea has moved the shingle still further inland, and the tank trap closest to it is gone.
NJ3265 : Common Heath Moth (Ematurga atomaria) by Anne Burgess Common Heath Moth (Ematurga atomaria)
Thanks to Penny Mayes for help with identifying this moth. The whitish ground colour indicates that it is a female.
NJ3265 : Pillbox near Kingston by Alan Murray-Rust Pillbox near Kingston
Now surrounded by shingle which has grown enormously in the decades since WW2. (PSG:e10058)
NJ3265 : Eyebright (Euphrasia sp) by Anne Burgess Eyebright (Euphrasia sp)
Fitter, Fitter and Blamey say that there are at least 20 microspecies of Eyebright, that they are very difficult for even an expert to tell apart, and that they hybridise readily. Having said that, the maps and descriptions point to this... (more)
NJ3265 : Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca) by Anne Burgess Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca)
A common vetch, often forming large clumps, but this year rather less luxuriant.
NJ3265 : Shingle Beach by Anne Burgess Shingle Beach
The beach has shifted again this winter. These tank traps were buried, and have now been exposed again as the shingle has been moved landwards. This is the same stretch of shingle as in NJ3265 : Reappearing Tank Traps, viewed in the opposite direction.
NJ3265 : The Next Obstacle by Anne Burgess The Next Obstacle
One of several obstacles on the path, the result of trees being blown down by Storm Arwen. Fortunately it's easy enough to walk round this one.
NJ3265 : Windpump by Iain Macaulay Windpump
Farmer at Gladhill has reclaimed land and this was probably used to pump water away.
NJ3265 : Vanishing Defences by Anne Burgess Vanishing Defences
Rather to my surprise, I can see no difference in the amount of shingle in this shot compared with NJ3265 : Vanishing Defences taken two years ago. Maybe the shingle banks are not moving quite so fast as they once did. January 2013. Maybe they are,... (more)

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