Tubular bells, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
geograph for square J0319
Tubular bells at Slieve Gullion Forest Park.
'Calliagh Berra', Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
for square J0319
The face of the giant Calliagh Berra at Slieve Gullion Forest Park.
Giant's chair, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
geograph for square J0319
Giant's chair at Slieve Gullion Forest Park.
Book sculpture, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
geograph for square J0319
'The Giant's Book of Fairy Tales' at Slieve Gullion Forest Park.
Fairy door, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
for square J0319
'The Nosey Fairy' at Slieve Gullion Forest Park.
Fairy door, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
for square J0419
Unnamed fairy door at Slieve Gullion Forest Park.
Fairy door, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
for square J0419
'Wise Oak Fairy' at Slieve Gullion Forest Park.
Summit, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
geograph for square J0220
The summit of Slieve Gullion with the trig point and nearby toposcope... (more)
Graffiti, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
geograph for square J0220
"F McWall, 4 1980" carved into living rock at the summit of Slieve... (more)
Summit path, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
geograph for square J0220
The path between the south and north summit cairns on Slieve Gullion. The north,... (more)
Flush Bracket, Slieve Gullion Triangulation Pillar
by Rossographer
for square J0220
Slieve Gullion Triangulation Pillar
by Rossographer
geograph for square J0220
Trig pillar at the summit of Slieve Gullion. The pillar has been built directly... (more)
Calliagh Berras Lough, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
geograph for square J0220
Calliagh Berras Lough, on the northern summit of Slieve Gullion, is the highest... (more)
Spider, Slieve Gullion Triangulation Pillar
by Rossographer
for square J0220
Bench Mark, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
for square J0220
Pivot bench mark on Slieve Gullion, on living rock at the western side of... (more)
Ice Cream Van, Slieve Gullion
by Rossographer
geograph for square J0419
'Super Whip' ice cream van in Slieve Gullion Forest Park.