Strata exposed in the bank of the Canley Brook, Canley, Coventry
by Robin Stott
for square SP2977
Below the top layer of glacial deposit are layers of sandstone, Mercia Mudstone... (more)
Fathoming the geology of the Canley Brook, Canley, Coventry
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2977
Members of the Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group Link... ( more)
Teen zone, open space by Canley Brook, Canley, Coventry
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2977
It's well understood by local authorities and the play equipment industry... (more)
Open space to the south of the Canley Brook, Canley, Coventry
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2977
This wide green space keeps the railway (on embankment) and the brook at a... (more)
Charter Primary School, Canley Children’s Centre, Mitchell Avenue, Canley, Coventry
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2977
A Coventry City Council school. The sign at the gate carries the 'Sure... (more)
Flats and houses, Donegal Close, Canley, Coventry
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2977
The view is from the open space between the residential area and the railway,... (more)
South on Mitchell Avenue (north of Charter Avenue), Canley, Coventry
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2977
It looks at first sight like dual carriageway but it isn't. The road on the... (more)
Shultern Lane, Canley
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3076
Once a country lane, now a pedestrian and cycle route between Cannon Park shops... (more)
Empty house, Ivy Farm Lane
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3076
Category: House
This was Canley Hall and under the pebble-dashing and shuttering is an early... (more)
Bikes at Canley station
by John Winder
for square SP3078
The Falcon racer in the middle looks to have a rather badly buckled back wheel.... (more)
Canley railway station
by John Winder
geograph for square SP3078
Looking towards Birmingham. There's not much to see here: the station is... (more)
Canley railway station footbridge
by John Winder
geograph for square SP3078
Looking towards Coventry.
Canley Hall Farmhouse, Ivy Farm Lane
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3076
A grade II listed building, early 19th century.
Shultern Lane and Ivy Farm Lane
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3076
Category: Lane
The junction of Shultern Lane (foreground) with the end of Ivy Farm Lane. The... (more)
Phantom Coach, A45
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3077
The Phantom Coach is a typical 1930s road-house style public house, opened in... (more)
Tutbury Avenue
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3076
Behind the red horse chestnut is one of a set of five blocks of flats dating... (more)
The Phantom Coach, Fletchamstead Highway
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3077
One of several 1930s 'road-house' style public houses scattered around... (more)
Moat House cottages
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3077
Category: Listed building
Nos. 1 and 2 Moat House cottages, no. 2 being the nearest, according to the... (more)
Moat House cottages
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3077
Category: Listed building
At the end of Moat House Lane and facing woodland, a timber frame and brick... (more)
Ex-school, Prior Deram Walk
by E Gammie
geograph for square SP3077
Category: Redevelopment
Looking towards the site of what was Sir Henry Parkes primary school and, in the... (more)