Elder (Sambucus nigra)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ9555
One of the splendid sprays of elder berries on a tree beside the former railway line.
Common Hemp-nettle (Galeopsis tetrahit)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ9856
This is one of the few plants whose seed heads are actually more interesting... (more)
Smooth Sow-thistle (Sonchus oleraceus)
by Anne Burgess
for square NK0161
The Sow-thistles here seem to have gained a new lease of life, and are flowering... (more)
Spear Thistle (Cirsium vulgare)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3752
One of the commonest wild plants, and always spectacular as long as you... (more)
White Water-lily (Nymphaea alba)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF8756
Category: Flora
These flowers may be of the smaller subspecies N alba occidentalis, which occurs... (more)
Butterbur (Petasites hybridus)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3357
Category: Flora
Late flowering this cold spring, this species of Butterbur is more widely... (more)
Horned Pansy (Viola cornuta)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ5851
Category: Flora
I've never seen this plant before, but Fitter, Fitter and Blamey say that... (more)
Heather or Ling (Calluna vulgaris)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
The heather which turns much of Scotland purple in late summer.
Dandelion Head
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ9341
Not looking as fluffy as usual because of the dewdrops glistening on the hairs.
Pink Purslane (Claytonia sibirica)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ9146
There were large patches of this plant in the shade of the trees alongside the path.
Field Forget-me-not (Myosotis arvense)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ9248
One of the commonest species of Forget-me-not, with very small flowers and hairy... (more)
Mouse-ear Hawkweed (Pilosella officinarum)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ9351
There are several patches of this on the side of the track. It can be... (more)
Hogweed Leaf Patterns
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ9354
Well-grown leaves of a clump of Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) make lacy... (more)
Pink Purslane (Claytonia sibirica)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ9354
There are great drifts of these flowers beside the path.
Bluebell (Campanula rotundifolia)
by Anne Burgess
for square NX1894
This is the Scottish Bluebell, called Harebell in England. The flower which in... (more)
Larch Cones
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3362
These are this year's cones on a European Larch (Larix decidua). All... (more)
Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3055
One of only three conifers native to Scotland, the others being Juniper and Yew.
Purple Milk-vetch (Astragalus danicus)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3565
Having had to wait until now for the Covid-19 lockdown to be eased enough to... (more)
Wood Stitchwort (Stellaria nemorum)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2950
This plant occurs mostly in northern England and Southern Scotland, with an... (more)
Moth on Ragwort
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ5108
My thanks to Hugh Venables for confirming that this is probably one of four... (more)
White Butterbur (Petasites albus)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ5340
An alien introduced to and becoming increasingly established in damp shady... (more)
Bluebell (Campanula rotundifolia)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ7650
This is the true Scottish Bluebell, known in England as the Harebell. The spring... (more)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ4300
Heather, also called Ling (Calluna vulgaris) is the plant whose flowers turn... (more)
Eyebright (Euphrasia sp)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
Fitter, Fitter and Blamey say that there are at least 20 microspecies of... (more)
White Butterbur (Petasites albus)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ5849
Category: Flora
This species of Butterbur is apparently commonest in eastern Scotland.
Cowslips (Primula veris)
by Anne Burgess
for square NN9555
One of the best known native British species, found almost everywhere in... (more)
Cowslips (Primula veris)
by Anne Burgess
for square NN9555
One of the best known native British species, found almost everywhere in... (more)
by Anne Burgess
for square NT3473
I didn't recognise it, and I am indebted to M J Richardson for help with... (more)
Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ6163
Category: Flora
One of the striking features of the countryside at the moment is the profusion... (more)
A Harbinger of Spring
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ5163
Category: Flora
A plant of Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) growing in a cleft among the gnarled... (more)
Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ8257
Category: Flora
The palest of a small clump of orchids growing beside the trig point on Hill of... (more)
Lousewort (Pedicularis sylvatica)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF7636
Category: Flora
One of two species of Lousewort, this plant of damp areas is short and... (more)
Moonwort (Botrychium lunaria)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3365
Category: Flora
This is a relative of the ferns. It is the only species of moonwort found in... (more)
Lesser Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera bifolia)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
Lesser Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera bifolia)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
This is one of only two known specimens in the square, and the exact grid... (more)
Spring Squill (Scilla verna)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF6604
Category: Flora
The pale star-shaped flowers of Spring Squill carpet the machair of the golf... (more)
Infant Plant
by Anne Burgess
for square NF7376
Category: Flora
This is the vegetable equivalent of a day-old chick - it was only about the size... (more)
by Anne Burgess
for square NF8675
Category: Flora
The jury is still out on the exact identification of this orchid. It could be... (more)
Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3160
Category: Flora
A close look at some superb specimens of these most familiar flowers. If only... (more)
Periwinkle (Vinca major)
by Anne Burgess
for square NR7487
Category: Flora
Whether native or naturalised, these provide a large bank of bright colour... (more)
Violets (Viola riviniana)
by Anne Burgess
for square NR7361
Category: Flora
An unusually thick patch of wild violets by the side of the road.
An Unsuccessful Pod
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ6746
Category: Flora
This pod of Broom (Cytisus scoparius) has exploded in the proper manner, but... (more)
Broom (Cytisus scoparius) Pods
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ6646
Category: Flora
In the warmth of the sun, the black dried pods of broom explode with a sharp... (more)
Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3457
Category: Flora
One of the commonest of spring flowers, its cheerful yellow announces the... (more)
Devil's Bit Scabious (Succisa pratensis)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3165
Category: Flora
One of the few plants of which the book says that it flowers until October.... (more)
Rosebay (Chamerion angustifolium)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3647
Category: Flora
Like everyone else who has submitted an image of it, I always thought that the... (more)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2653
Category: Flora
A close-up view of a few shoots of sphagnum.
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2653
Category: Flora
Brightly coloured cushions of sphagnum give warning of wet ground underfoot.
Green Nightshade (Solanum nitidbaccatum)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2060
This wasn't a surprise, as it was one of the species we had come to see,... (more)
Green Nightshade (Solanum nitidbaccatum)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2060
This wasn't a surprise, as it was one of the species we had come to see,... (more)