Grid reference TM3846
near to Boyton, Suffolk, England
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13 images
for TM3846
Swan with ploughed furrows
The path to the sea wall runs by a small canal, this region is favoured by swans
Footpath To Boyton Hall Farm
Footpath from the sea wall to Boyton Hall farm near to Boyton, Suffolk.
Track to Boyton
A footpath linking in to the coastal walk following the River Ore along the embankment.
Not a land locked submarine
As an apprentice at Rowhedge Ironworks Ltd, Rowhedge, Essex, near Colchester, Essex, I took this photograph on the marshes at Boyton in Suffolk, in the late 1950's.
It shows a pumping station, built at the Ironworks, in a drainage... (more)
Swans grazing in front of WW2 fortification
Swans were feeding in this field - the concrete in the background is a military fortification
Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly (Aglais urticae)
Observed by the path from Boyton to Flybury Point.
See Link for more details. Many thx to Stan for the species ID
Gate and Stile
gate and stile on the path to Flybury Point
Sea Wall
Sea wall looking north east near to Boyton, Suffolk.
Pumping station
View towards Boyton Hall Farm
Taken from the Suffolk Coast Path on a seawall section. The farm is behind the wood. The gate and stile are on the footpath to the farm.
The lane to Boyton Hall Farm
Looking south-east as the lane starts to descend towards Boyton Marshes.
Emerging winter cereal crop near Boyton Hall Farm
Looking south-east from the Mill Lane.
Winter cereal crop near Boyton Hall Farm
Looking south-east from Mill Lane, with Boyton Marshes visible in the distance.