Grid reference TL4313
near to Eastwick, Hertfordshire, England
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11 images
for TL4313
St. Mary's Church, Gilston
St Mary, Gilston, Herts - Tower
St Mary, Gilston - south side
The church is grade 1 listed and according to the list description was the 13th century church of what became a deserted medieval village, restored and enlarged in the 19th century.
Gilston church
St. Mary's.
St Mary, Gilston, Herts - East end
St Mary, Gilston, Herts - Porch
St Mary, Gilston - north side
Four styles of building
A detail of St Mary's church Gilston TL4313 : St Mary, Gilston - north side showing the different architectural styles of the 13th century stone tower, later brick buttress, 19th century flint-faced south aisle and timber porch.
Gilston - church and cottages
Wheatfield and electricity towers, Gilston
Bridleway west of Gilston Park
The bridleway, carefully left by the farmer as a pleasant strip of grass at the edge of a wheatfield, runs along the western edge of the woodland that forms part of the Gilston Park estate.