Grid reference SP0590
near to Handsworth, Birmingham, England
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St Mary, Handsworth
A place of commemoration for James Watt and Matthew Boulton, pivotal figures in the history of the steam engine thus paving the way to the Industrial Revolution. See Link
Footbridge across railway at Handsworth
Ahead are houses in Bromford Close off Church Lane, Handsworth. The footbridge crosses the railway line and joins the two sections of Handsworth Park. To the right is the site of former Handsworth Wood Station. To the left is the smooth... (more)
The Snooks Grave - Handsworth St Mary's graveyard
The grave of Elizabeth and Isaiah Snooks. Unusually the carved face of this grave had unlayered itself from the rest of the gravestone.
Selbourne Road, Handsworth
Hamstead Road By Entrance to Handsworth Park
SS Journey
SS Journey depicts a man standing on the bow of a steamship and looking into the distance. He is modelled on Hector 'Mr Handsworth' Pinkney, OBE, a well-known and respected figure in the local community. The sculpture is the work... (more)
Flats on Handsworth Wood Road
The Endwood
A leafy corner of Handsworth.
Ghost writing on a gable wall
At the western end of Church Hill Road, the lettering implies that assorted confectionery and cigarettes have been available here for some while, and it's still trading as a corner store and newsagent. The name Bull Flake seems to... (more)
Fallen memorials, Handsworth parish churchyard
Headstones may be pushed over by vandals or they may topple due to subsidence. The neglect of this churchyard is shocking, as it is said to contain the graves of important figures in Birmingham's history.
Pyramid Tower, Handsworth Park
This galvanised steel tower was designed by the Birmingham artist Pauline Bailey. The mandalas cut into the truncated pyramid roof were designed by Bailey in co-operation with local elders, mainly Bangladeshi women from a sewing group, who... (more)
Trinity Way, Handsworth Wood
Off Hamstead Road.