Grid reference SK9029
near to Stroxton, Lincolnshire, England
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15 images
for SK9029
Ponton Heath Farm, near Great Ponton, Lincolnshire
Gate by Heath Lane
Looking east towardsPonton Heath Farm.
Heath Lane, heading west, Ponton Heath
At the 129 metre spot height.
Ponton Heath
A heavy downpour bounces off Heath Lane.
Green Gate
Opening onto arable land with wide headland near Ponton Heath Farm.
Field gate on the south side of Heath Lane
One field west of Ponton Heath Farm.
Greening field, south of Heath Lane
South-west of Ponton Heath Farm.
Gap in the field boundary hedge, south of Heath Lane
No doubt the gap improves access between fields.
Tree on a field boundary, south of Ponton Heath Farm
Also at a 124 metre spot height.
Ponton Heath Farm, Ponton Heath
On the north side of Heath Lane.
Eastern edge, arable field, Ponton Heath
On the north side of Heath Lane.
Southern edge, arable field, Ponton Heath
On the north side of Heath Lane.
Road to Pasture Farm
The road passes Cindertrack Plantation. There is still frost from the previous night in the shaded areas, despite the sun.
Ponton Heath Farm, Heath Lane
Farm track near Cindertrack Plantation