Grid reference NZ1507
near to Whashton, North Yorkshire, England
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7 images
for NZ1507
Looking North on Bridleway from Comfort Lane to Warrener Lane. With Pond Dale Farm on the left.
Holme Beck
This photograph shows a view of Holme Beck as it approaches Whashton Bridge. The picture was taken looking in a north-westerly direction towards Ravensworth.
Farmland, Hartforth
A view across arable farmland and plantations from the footpath at Pond Dale Farm.
Pond Dale - carbohydrate farm
The fields seem to be growing a mixture of potatoes in some fields (leaves all brown and died off) and wheat (now harvested). The green and blue trailers are both full of red potatoes. Judging by the occasional odd set of potato leaves... (more)
Fields Near Pond Dale
Taken From Kirby Hill. The zigzagging field boundary follows the line of a beck, a tributary of Holme Beck. The Public Footpath from Pond Dale to Ravensworth can be seen crossing right to left just above the lower tree.
Path through the barley
A narrow path has been left for the public right of way through this field, though one suspects that it should be a metre wide and not just a thin walkway.
Ruin, Holme Beck
A ruin structure along the side of Holme Beck. Maybe housed an hydraulic ram at one time.