Grid reference NO1162
3 km from Lair, Perth And Kinross, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NO1162
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We have
3 images
for NO1162
Footpath waypost
The post marks the point where the public footpath from Kirkmichael to Lair turns east, leaving the track that runs north into Coire a' Bhaile. The hill due north with a covering of snow is Meall Uaine [[NO1167].
Half-way between Lair, Glen Shee, and Kirkmichael
Moorland with boulders and approaching walker
The location is the northern end of Creag nam Brataichean where a hill track is being followed by the walker in red. The track is clear on the ground but is not marked on OS maps, probably as it is just a track, i.e. a route created by... (more)