Grid reference NJ4648
3 km from Coachford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NJ4648
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We have
12 images
for NJ4648
Balloch Wood
A wet track heading through thick sitka towards the summit of Balloch Hill.
Balloch Wood
A gap in the forest allows a blink of sunshine to pick out the track of a forest harvester.
Heathery slopes above Balloch Wood
Balloch Hill
View across moorland towards the summit.
Water Supply Dam
A dam on the Herricks Burn bears a warning that it is the property of the water authority, so presumably this is part of the water supply for Keith which is processed at the nearby Herricks water treatment plant.
Pool on Herricks Burn
The deep dark pool created by the dam on the Herricks Burn.
Herricks Burn
There is a burn there, inconspicuously flowing under the tall trees on the left. On the right is a track that is part of the route round Meikle Balloch, a very pleasant five-mile walk.
Track to the Summit
The track up to the summit of Meikle Balloch is clear and mostly dry underfoot but the surface is rough and stony.
An Unhappy Pine
This pine tree shows the effects of exposure to the prevailing wind, which is from the left. However none of its admittedly few and scattered fellows seems to have suffered quite so severely. Perhaps they are all young and their turn will come.
Pool on the Path
A nice puddle always makes a good foreground for a photograph. Fortunately it was confined to the track and easy to get round dryshod.
Forest Road
One of several routes to the summit of Meikle Balloch.
British Soldier Lichen (Cladonia cristatella)
A striking species of lichen with its red tips. My thanks to David Howard for identifying it.