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Grid reference B8547

near to Tory Island, Tory, Co Donegal, Ireland


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Images in B8547 Breakdown list taken pre 2000 [2]
We have 4 images for B8547
 : Crags, Tory north coast by Richard Webb Crags, Tory north coast
Some very good looking climbing at lower grades on the slabby fangs of granite sticking out of Tory's north coast.
 : View from Ardlarheen, Tory Island by Kenneth  Allen View from Ardlarheen, Tory Island
Looking south-east along the bay
 : Oyster catcher, Tory Island by Kenneth  Allen Oyster catcher, Tory Island
He's looking down at the view that Richard Webb captured B8547 : Crags, Tory north coast That's three of us sharing this view!
 : Exposed granite, Tory by Richard Webb Exposed granite, Tory
Much of the island is covered in granite gravels with thin or no soil. There was a peat covering in places but it has all been burnt.

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