The American Soldier
- Original title
- Der Amerikanische Soldat
- Year
- 1970
- Running time
- 76 min.
- Country
- Germany - West Germany (FRG)
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Karl Scheydt
- Elga Sorbas
- Jan George
- Margarethe von Trotta
- Hark Bohm
- Ingrid Caven
- Kurt Raab
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
Dietrich Lohmann (B&W)- Producer
- Genre
- Film noir. Thriller | Crime. Neo-noir
- Synopsis
- After his return from Vietnam war, an American with German origins comes to Germany for a visit - not as a tourist but as a hit-man. Policemen from Munich have hired him. He is supposed to kill some people which they cannot do themselves being correct law enforcement officers. The killer attends to the job professionally but then his clients want to get rid of him.
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