The Furies
- Original title
- Las furias
- Year
- 2016
- Running time
- 125 min.
- Country
- Spain
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Mercedes Sampietro
- José Sacristán
- Carmen Machi
- Bárbara Lennie
- Gonzalo de Castro
- Pere Arquillué
- Emma Suárez
- Alberto San Juan
- Macarena Sanz
- Elisabet Gelabert
- Gloria Muñoz
- Raúl Prieto
- Lucía Balas
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Drama | Family Relationships
- Synopsis
- Marga, a 65 years-old woman, decides to sale the family country house in order to get the money to retire and travel with Julia, her young girlfriend. Noticing it to the family, all them reunite in the house to distribute the household goods: three sons of Marga, Casandra (a radio announcer) and her husband Gus, Héctor (a wealthy businessman) and his incoming wife Ana, and Aquilles "Aki" (an unsuccessful actor) who lives in the country house writing his autobiography. The reunion completes with Julia (disguised as Marga's assistant), Leo (an old famous actor with dementia and Marga's ex-husband, father of Casandra, Héctor and Aki), and María (Casandra and Gus' daughter), a teenager girl trying to overcome her early schizo. Meanwhile Marga tries to find the way to announce her relationship with Julia to her family, Julia tries to save her marriage after Gus discovered a love affair of her, Héctor and Ana face their wedding with a terrible secret that only they know, and Aki feels ...
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- Awards
2016: Festival of Valladolid - Seminci: nominated to Best Picture - Golden Spike.
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