The Last Castle
- Original title
- The Last Castle
- Year
- 2001
- Running time
- 131 min.
- Country
- United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Robert Redford
- James Gandolfini
- Mark Ruffalo
- Delroy Lindo
- Clifton Collins Jr.
- Steve Burton
- Brian Goodman
- Paul Calderon
- Frank Military
- Michael Irby
- Samuel Ball
- Jeremy Childs
- George W. Scott
- Robin Wright
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Action. Drama | Prison Drama. Army
- Synopsis
- After being court-martialed and stripped from his rank, General Irwin (Robert Redford) is sentenced to a maximum security prison, called the Castle, run by an iron fisted warden, Colonel Winter (James Gandolfini). Although Winter respects the once great general, the feeling soon fades as Irwin constantly confronts him on his methods on running the prison. Each time Winter tries to tighten his grip on Irwin, the ex-soldier becomes more defiant. Meanwhile, Irwin's defiance rallies the other inmates who wish him to lead a revolt against Winter and take control of the prison.
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- 70 My Top 10 Movies from 2001 (26)
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