Breath of Fire tv seriesdocumentary
- Original title
- Breath of Fire
- Year
- 2024
- Running time
- 102 min.
- Country
- United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Hayley Pappas. Story: Cassie Pappas
- Cast
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- TV Series. Documentary | True Crime
- Synopsis
- 1 season, 4 episodes. In 2013, Katie Griggs, a millennial YouTube astrologer, rose to fame as the face of Kundalini yoga, opening the RA MA Institute in Los Angeles, donning a white turban and reinventing herself as Guru Jagat. This docuseries explores the evolution of Guru Jagat while telling the powerful secret history of Kundalini through its origins in the 1960s to its expansion in the United States and its presence in wellness circles today. Based on Hayley Phelan's Vanity Fair feature, "The Second Coming of Guru Jagat," the series puts the spotlight on the culture of modern spirituality by revealing complicated issues of cultural appropriation and the dangers of self-proclaimed gurus.
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