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What is Filmaffinity? How does it work?

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Who are we? Born in 2002, Filmaffinity is the #1 Movies & TV Shows website in spanish worldwide, and its 177,000,000 votes from our 1,050,000 users make us the leading site for site for movie recommendations by personal affinity (The best and most accurate form of recommendation that exists and will ever exist).

Filmaffinity (FA) is an independent film site where the user is placed at the center of the experience. At Filmaffinity, we do everything we can to nurture your love of film and help you explore the world of cinema. You'll be able to rate any Movie & TV Series, create customized lists, keep a personal film logbook, and above all, find movie recommendations based on your affinity with other users - your Movie Soulmates™.

With over 1,000,000 registered users in over 91 countries, FilmAffinity is a leader in a growing, international film community.
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If you register with Filmaffinity, you will access a customized universe in which to explore your love of cinema. You will be able to expand on your knowledge, discover lots of exciting new stuff to watch, rate the films you've loved (or hated!) and write your own reviews, as well as accessing your favourite critics' reviews and publications!

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Make your voice heard by rating movies. The more movies you rate, the better, so start rating now! Share your old favorites, new must sees, or simply warn other users about snoozefests! We recommend you to start with well known films that almost all of us have seen.
Once you have rated a bunch of movies, you can find out who your Movie Soulmates™ are.
You can check out their ratings and see recommendations by your Movie Soulmates™ on the following categories:
The more movies you rate, the more accurate your Movie Soulmates™ will be. You can rate as many movies as you like.
We recommend that you start rating as many movies and series as possible, so your friends, your Movie Soulmates and other users can also check them out. This way, we build a thriving FA community network. You can start looking up movie titles or full filmographies on our browser.

You can check the default lists ranking here.
Welcome to the new FA search engine: it allows you to search even with misspellings
do multiple searches (De Niro Pacino) and colloquial searches (Ex: Tom Holland's Spiderman)
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