Boy Meets Girl
- Original title
- Boy Meets Girl
- Year
- 1984
- Running time
- 100 min.
- Country
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Denis Lavant
- Mireille Perrier
- Carroll Brooks
- Elie Poicard
- Maïté Nahyr
- Christian Cloarec
- Hans Meyer
- Anna Baldaccini
- Jean Duflot
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
Jean-Yves Escoffier (B&W)- Producer
- Genre
- Drama. Romance | Psychological Drama. Romantic Drama
- Synopsis
- This highly acclaimed first feature by wunderkind filmmaker Leos Carax (he was only 22 at the time) is an unconventional, moody tone poem that centers on a young man cruising the dark side of Paris. Having just split with his lover, the young man, Alex (Denis Lavant), is depressed and, happening upon a party, decides to crash it. There he meets an aging actress who has also just left her lover, and the two begin a complex relationship that grants them a temporary reprieve from the cruelties of everyday existence.
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- Awards
1984: César Awards: Nominated for Best First Work
- Critics' reviews
"The director's slight uncertainty creates a fascinating tension that works in 'Boy Meets Girl's' favor. You empathize with the characters' struggles even as they are both kept at a critical distance."
"A debut feature of extraordinary passion and vigor."
"Ecstatic cinema and ecstatic living join together in a pressurized promise of glory and misery, a flameout waiting to happen-and to be filmed."
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