Roujin Z animation
- Original title
- Rôjin Z
- Year
- 1991
- Running time
- 80 min.
- Country
- Japan
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Music
- Cinematography
- Animation, Hideo Okazaki
- Producer
- Genre
- Animation. Action. Sci-Fi. Comedy | Robots
- Synopsis
- In this Japanese animated science fiction adventure, an elderly man is chosen to be the recipient of a special robot, the Z-001, which will act as his caregiver. The Z-001 displays greater efficiency and skill than any human nurse. But while the robot does fine at first, there's one catch -- the Z-001 began as a military project, so when the old man's violent impulses rise to the surface, the machine begins to mirror them, and soon the machine is a danger to all around it ... including the man the machine is supposed to serve.
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