Apparitions miniseries
- Original title
- Apparitions
- Year
- 2008
- Running time
- 360 min.
- Country
- United Kingdom
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Martin Shaw
- Rick Warden
- Siobhan Finneran
- John Shrapnel
- Luigi Diberti
- Shaun Dooley
- Michelle Joseph
- David Gyasi
- Romy Irving
- Sarah-Jayne Steed
- Mia Fernandez
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- TV Series. Horror | TV Miniseries. Supernatural. Religion. Exorcism / Evil Possession. Crime
- Synopsis
- TV Miniseries (2008). 6 Episodes. Father Jacob, is a kind of Vatican saint maker, a miracle detective and, in addition, he is an exorcist. His mission is to defeat Satan before the end of the world. Father Jacob (Martin Shaw) observes how the supernatural manifestations increase more and more: apparitions, possessions, signs related to the saints and, finally, miracles. This proves irrefutably that the struggle between Good and Evil is becoming more and more intense, and that Armageddon, the battle of the end of the World, is approaching. And this happens precisely at the worst moment for the Church, because the lack of faith makes it more vulnerable. Investigating the truth, confronting skepticism and pure evil, Jacob is a priest of extraordinary integrity, intelligence and compassion, but above all, he is endowed with great faith; all of which will be of great help to him when he is forced to confront his own demons, when he has to enter the heart of Evil and, above all, when he has to confront the Evil One directly.
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