About Us

The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) is a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation.

Introduction and History

The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) was launched with a mission to identify breakthrough complementary and alternative therapies and to research and report on their effectiveness.

FAIM's mission also places importance upon the affordability of treatments in the belief that the world needs cost-effective solutions to bring health to the greatest number of people.

The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) has four major goals: Public and Professional Education, Investigation, Research, and Implementation.

Mission and Approach

The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) provides a service to the field of alternative and integrative medicine by educating the public with cutting edge information through collaboration with experts in the field and by assisting researchers and practitioners in research evaluating promising therapies and theories in natural health care.

Systematic Process

The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) identifies effective alternative therapies using a four-pronged systematic approach including site visits, conferences, retrospective studies and clinical trials, and networking to integrate new therapies into practice.

Meet the Founder

Businessman and retired Congressman Berkley Bedell founded the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine in 1998. It was formerly known as the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine and changed its name in 2009.

Staff and Coordinators

The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) has staff and coordinators throughout the world.