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18. Gentle Parenting Tips

18. Gentle Parenting Tips

FromPeace Starts with You Podcast

18. Gentle Parenting Tips

FromPeace Starts with You Podcast

12 minutes
Oct 13, 2022
Podcast episode


Parenting can be so challenging when you are in the middle of a situation and trying to figure out how to guide your kids. This weeks episode is a power round of some gentle parenting tips.

0:46 - 10 minute power round
0:55 - Using distraction to cope with uncomfortable feelings
1:57 - Forced apologies
3:57 - Kids who are shy
5:12 - A shift in perspective
6:10 - Holding our boundaries
7:55 - When your kids says “your mean”
11:02 - Quote
Oct 13, 2022
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (28)

Peace starts with you! If you want your home to be a peaceful safe haven for your kids, it starts with you. I want you to delight in these ordinary, often mundane, days of motherhood. Rooted in confidence in how you are raising and speaking and nurturing your kids. Building a bond that is strong and unbreakable. Short episodes for the mom with her hands full and only a few minutes to spare here and there. I hope each episode reminds you that we are all in this together... learning, growing, & giving ourselves the grace we deserve. You are not alone.