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The Popes Wrote - Important Encyclicals

The Popes Wrote - Important Encyclicals

FromTraditional Catholic Audiobooks

The Popes Wrote - Important Encyclicals

FromTraditional Catholic Audiobooks

414 minutes
Jan 8, 2021
Podcast episode


This file contains the following: 
Unigenitus-Pope Clement XI (Condemnation of the Errors of Paschasius Quesnel), 
Unam Sanctum-Pope Boniface VIII (Outside the Church there is neither salvation nor the remission of sins), 
Quartus Supra-Pope Pius IX (On the Church in Armenia), 
Ineffabilis Deus-Pope Pius IX (The Immaculate Conception), 
Acerbo Nimis-Pope St. Pius X (On teaching Christian Doctrine), 
Quanta Cura-Pope Pius IX (Condemning Current Errors), 
E Supremi-Pope St. Pius X (On the Restoration of all Things in Christ).   
The Oath Aginst Modernism-Pope St. Pius X, 
Quo Primum-Pope St. Pius V, 
Levate-Pope Pius IX (On the Afflicitons of the Church), 
Qui Pluribus-Pope Pius IX (On Faith and Religion), 
Syllabus of Errors Condemned by Pope Pius IX, 
Mirari Vos-Pope Gregory XVI (On Liberalism & Religious Indifferentism), 
Exeunte Jam Anno-Pope Leo XIII (On the Right Ordering of Christian Life).
Jan 8, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

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