23 min listen
24 How To Write 3D Formative Assessments
40 minutes
Mar 2, 2020
Podcast episode
In this episode, Erin talks to Brendan Fitch from Inner Orbit about crafting three dimensional formative assessments for your NGSS classroom. Resources Referenced:>> Inner Orbit >> RocketLit>> Contact Brendan Finch >> NGSS Evidence Statements>> Using Evidence Statements To Write Objectives>> NGSS Progressions By Grade: Disciplinary Core Ideas>> NGSS Progressions By Grade: Science and Engineering Practices>> NGSS Progressions By Grade: Crosscutting Concepts>> Achieve Task Annotation ProjectLearn more...>> Check out Nicole's blog and resources at iExploreScience!>> Check out Erin's blog and resources at SadlerScience!>> Enroll in the free, 4-day mini-course designed to kickstart your transition to the NGSS and discovery-style instruction - Kickstart Aha!>> Looking for a comprehensive professional development program that will give you a step-by-step guide to "NGSSing" your science class? Check out the Explore To Aha! Academy.>> NGSS For Middle and High School Science Teachers Facebook Group
Mar 2, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
5 How You Can Ditch The Scientific Method by Teaching Science In 3D