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Rescued: Illness and God's Glory
Rescued: Illness and God's Glory
Rescued: Illness and God's Glory
Ebook56 pages45 minutes

Rescued: Illness and God's Glory

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Living with diabetes and epilepsy, the author has experienced seeing both the spiritual world and the world in which we currently live. Rescued: Illness and God's Glory covers her experiences from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. As her relationship with The Holy

Release dateSep 3, 2024
Rescued: Illness and God's Glory

Mika Rae Pierce

MIKA RAE PIERCE is a Christian, Texas author, registered nurse, advocate, is a Christian, Texas author, registered nurse, advocate, and educator. She grew up in the church and lives with diabetes and epilepsy. and educator. She grew up in the church and lives with diabetes and epilepsy. She obtained her bachelor's degree in nursing from West Texas A&M University. She obtained her bachelor's degree in nursing from West Texas A&M University. She went on to pursue her master's degree at Lubbock Christian University in She went on to pursue her master's degree at Lubbock Christian University in Nursing Leadership and Nursing Education. She has dedicated her career to Nursing Leadership and Nursing Education. She has dedicated her career to education, spiritual awareness, and healing.

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    Book preview

    Rescued - Mika Rae Pierce

    Table of Contents

    Part I: Childhood

    Chapter One: 1985

    Chapter Two: 1989

    Chapter Three: 1990

    Chapter Four: 1992

    Chapter Five: 1993

    Chapter Six: 1995

    Chapter Seven: 1997

    Part II: Adolescence

    Chapter Eight: 1998

    Chapter Nine: 2001

    Chapter Ten: 2002

    Part III: Adulthood

    Chapter Eleven: 2005

    Chapter Twelve: 2012

    Chapter Thirteen: 2017

    Chapter Fourteen: 2021

    Chapter Fifteen: 2022

    Chapter Sixteen: 2023


    About the Author


    When babies are born into the world, parents pray for healthy babies with no illness, disease, or complications. As we all know, that is not always the case. Genes, prenatal care, and environment can all play a part in welcoming a newborn into the world. In my case, it was the genes passed down that brought to light the struggles I would endure the rest of my life. At age six, I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes and later diagnosed with epilepsy. However, it is through these conditions I have been able to strengthen my relationship with the Holy Trinity of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I have had several experiences with the Holy Trinity throughout my lifetime from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. This book will take you on the journey of my life and a few events I have experienced. I have been rescued by God in these events and blessed by the people, doctors and family around me. I hope you find comfort and affirmation of my events.

    Part I: Childhood


    Mark 14:15 (NIV)

    Chapter One: 1985

    It is hard for a family when one of their own is diagnosed with an illness. In my case, I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes or type 1 diabetes at a young age. I grew up with my mom, dad and two sisters. This diagnosis would change life for us all. For me, I started out in the hospital: learning how to check my blood sugar, what range to keep my blood sugar, which foods to eat, how to give insulin injections and how all these things played into controlling my diabetes for better health. I stayed in the hospital for two weeks. I learned a lot of information in a short amount of time. I even got a doll that had places in her arms, legs, and stomach where she could get insulin shots. I practiced as much as possible on my new doll. After being quizzed about food choices, blood sugar ranges, activity, protocols for high and low blood sugar levels and giving injections, it was time to prepare to leave the hospital and return home.

    My care manager asked, Is there anything else you have questions about before you leave? I thought long and hard. I had learned so much but was still uncertain about giving my own insulin injections. I asked, Can I give my dad a shot? If he doesn’t cry, then I know I can do this! My dad’s eyes got big. The care manager replied, We can arrange that if your dad is willing. To my amusement, my dad agreed, and the care manager left to get supplies. When she returned, she had an insulin syringe filled with saline. My dad said, Okay! Where are you giving my injection? The stomach, I replied, because it hurts the most there. So, we started the process. He raised his shirt, I picked a spot, cleaned it with alcohol, pinched the skin and delivered the injection. My eyes constantly sneaking looks at my dad for a tear or a cry. They never came. My dad was brave and strong. I thought, Okay! I can do this! We left the hospital and headed home. Life changed not only for me, but for my family as

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