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These stories reflect the life of ordinary people, with their problems and different destinies. It's no secret that life is quite a complicated thing. No one knows where they will find and where they will lose. How to find your life path? How to avoid all the traps of trouble and disappointment. We go through this art of living correctly only through trials: love, happiness, deception, betrayal, death of loved ones, loneliness. Some were very lucky, and despite the obstacles, they found the strength to live as their hearts dictated, while others simply gave up. You should not judge anyone, you just need to draw conclusions. The world does not favor everyone and lends a helping hand, loved ones are insolvent, the surrounding reality is collapsing before our eyes, and they smile in spite of this. Although there is drama in these stories, do not despair. There is still a ray of light breaking through the darkness of adversity, failure, and disappointment.

Release dateJun 11, 2024

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    Rita - Got77

    I know it's her

    One beautiful autumn morning, when the leaves had just begun to fall, I was walking down the streets in the center of town. The woman I had dreamed of all my life walked past me.

    No, she is not a beauty, not particularly remarkable. She was dressed like ordinary ladies. The hairstyle is not the most expensive. Her age is about forty. I can't say why I liked it. But I thought that this was the one I had dreamed of all my life. My heart rate increased; discomfort began in my whole body.

    Every man has his own type of woman. Some like scary ones, others of average build. True, there are exceptions, someone is attracted to plumps or tall girls. For example, Rembrandt painted appetizing fat women. And in general, women in the body used to be in fashion. And now, on the contrary, thinness began to prevail over fatness.

    But this is a matter of taste for everyone. Although women also have their own tastes in relation to men. When you sit in a café and drink coffee, I always sinfully look at some person. Oh, this one is all with her, this one is as slender as a gymnast, and the one has such beautiful breasts or hips. Whatever you say, but they meet by their clothes. What a beautiful blouse she is wearing, and she is wearing cool jeans. Wow, what a gorgeous dress on a blonde or brunette.

    You take another sip of Americana, and your eyes run wild. One is better than the other. You begin to imagine her next to you. I wonder how we would look together? But most of all, women behind the wheel are attractive. Although someone thinks about them - this is a monkey with a grenade. In fact, they are very charming in the car. Both in the Lexus and in the cheap Opel. This is a special category of women who stand out from the crowd.

    Of course, there is no ideal, everyone has their own idea of the ideal. Some people don't like their noses, others have too small breasts. And this one's rear is too thick. But the funniest thing is that they think the same about us. This small one, that donut, that thin and long one. So, the exchange of views is mutually proportional.

    I met a friend and said, - Listen, I saw a woman, well, almost perfect.

    And what does it look like?


    Is this your type of woman?

    — In principle, yes, but there are no special features in it.

    "Strange, I thought she was beautiful.

    — Not at all, I just liked it and that's it.

    Did you meet her?

    "No, I walked past and looked at her.

    It was the happiest morning of that autumn month. I would like to start a conversation with her. At least an hour to talk. Find out about her, who she is, where she works, whether she is married or has a boyfriend. What she does, her hobbies. Favorite movies, writers, paintings. Her life lobby. Then I can go to a café and I'll find out her preference. What does she prefer: Latte, Cappuccino, Smoothie? Her favorite pastries: Croissants, Donuts or Eclairs.

    If I met her again. What would I do this time? He came up and said hello.

    Good morning, girl. Sorry to bother you, but you can't tell me where to buy roses for such a beautiful lady. 

    No, it's more like a pickup truck. We need to come up with something else. For example, ask where the cheapest stationery or mobile phones are. Again, I begin to trifle. Then, where are the most expensive? Everything is ridiculous, everything begins to get lost, thoughts run away one by one. And then she passes by me, disappears into the crowd of passing people.

    Now I already know what to say to her. Good, the thought comes later. You could tell her a story, no matter if it was funny or sad. Watch her reaction laugh or feel sad. Offer to take a walk in the park or go to the movies. Watch a new masterpiece of the film industry. Women are addicted to various stories. They begin to imagine themselves in the place of the heroine. They think what I would do if I were in their place. Although this is a fairy tale about Cinderella, dreams sometimes come true.

    An ordinary melodrama story: two loneliness met and fell in love with each other at first sight. Then we sat for a long time in a café, drank coffee, ate cake and looked into each other's eyes, afraid to lose sight of this moment. Romantically, the most exciting thing is the farewell scene. When you accompany her to the bus stop, it feels like you will never see her again. And in her eyes, you read the same thing. Love and separation are the most terrible things in this story.

    How did it all end? This morning, passing by it and meeting our eyes, we walked past each other. Without even turning around. They simply dissolved in the time of everyday existence.

    Life drama.

    This is what I should have said, and she probably wanted to hear.

    Trees that look like people

    The trees visible from the window of the old café looked like people. Between the clusters, you could see the outlines of someone's face with an unimaginable eye. And the shadows from the trees resembled bodies. You could watch for hours and think about what kind of world we live in. In the world of people or in the world of trees. It feels like trees are people only in a different guise. It was very hot on this July day. A wonderful middle-aged couple was sitting in the café.

    To have a drink like that? The woman said to the man sitting next to her.

    It's very hot, said her companion.

    Let's have a milkshake.

    Girl, can I have two cocktails? The man asked the waitress.

    What do you want? The girl asked.

    Me with a banana, the woman said.

    And I'm going to have chocolate, the man said.

    The peddler soon brought two cocktails on a tray. The woman took off her straw hat and placed it on the table. She looked out the window and looked at the trees. She found it fascinating to look out for the figures between the branches.

    Like real people, the visitor smiled.

    Yes, there is something, the man said.

    — I wonder if artists draw people from trees? she asked.

    Perhaps it's a matter of skill, he replied.

    It's so cozy here, the woman said.

    "Yes, I like it here too.

    Tell me, do you want a child?

    "Of course, dear, but not now.


    "We are in financial difficulties now, so I want to leave here.

    Honey, maybe we'll stay here after all, it's so beautiful here.

    "I completely agree with you, my dear, but there are no prospects here.

    "Unfortunately, you're right, my love.

    She looked at the amazing trees and imagined her childhood. How she walked with her mother in the park. I remembered my grandmother, who did her homework with her, cooked dinner while her mother was at work. Her whole life seemed completely carefree. But alas, childhood ended, the bustle of life began. School, college, job search, small salary. Then an unsuccessful marriage. And finally, she met him. Although he is not very attractive, he loves her very much. And he does everything he can for her. She even wants to move to another city to provide her with a carefree life.

    Do you really love me?

    "My love, I love you very much, I will do everything I can for you.

    I'm so happy to have you.

    "I'm also very happy that I met you, otherwise I would have left alone.

    The woman looked at the trees again and it seemed to her that she saw her mother, grandmother. A tear flashed in her eyes, she misses them so much. They are no longer with her. And I really want to go back to my childhood. Walk through the places where they walked. A lot has changed in the city. Toys were once sold across the street. Although not often, but the mother tried to pamper the baby. And I bought her toys, albeit not expensive, but still toys. And she was the happiest when she was presented with a beautiful doll. She would have given everything in the world to return to that beautiful time for a moment.

    Forgive me, my love, the woman said, wiping away a tear.

    Why my dear, the man asked.

    I can't go with you.

    How do you want to leave me? - he was surprised.

    "No, I just can't leave here.

    But why?

    "Everything here is very dear to me; you don't understand it.

    Have you fallen out of love with me?

    — No, but I want to be close to my loved ones.

    But they're dead, aren't they?

    "Yes, that's true, but they're always with me.

    Are you serious?

    Go away yourself, won't you?

    "Of course, I can't live without you.

    That's fine, I'll be waiting for you.

    Maybe you'll change your mind?

    No, dear, I'll stay here.

    As you wish?

    All right, I have to get ready for the train tomorrow.

    "All right, my dear one, go. I'll come home later.

    The man paid for the drinks and left the café. She put on her hat, a gift from her first husband. And she walked along this old street, where once her mother bought her her favorite doll. The woman walked past those trees that looked like people. She was heavy in her heart, but she was reassured that she had a beloved person who loved her very much.

    I'm sorry, I won't go

    Lisa was bored at the window and watched as evening began to fall. She leaned against the windowsill, feeling tired. There were few people on the street, it was starting to drizzle. She remembered her cloudless childhood. She was playing with her friends in the yard. They often ran away to the park, and then their parents looked for them. Now this courtyard has changed a lot. A new playground for children was installed, parking for cars was made. They cut down old trees that reminded her of her childhood. Many left, only a few of the old people remained.

    Lisa also wants to leave. Did she make the right decision? Here, after all, she has her own home, work. Yes, she is often tired after work, and there is something to do around the house. Her work in the store exhausts her like a leaf in the wind. But they pay on time and in warmth. And most importantly, close to home, you don't need to go somewhere. I wonder what they will think of her when they find out that she left with her boyfriend. Probably, they will consider her a fool, and instead of her they will find another girl.

    The head will be sincerely glad to see her disappear. She always dislikes her:

    Lizanka, we need to work faster, there are a lot of buyers, we need to move. Don't forget, girl, you work from the output. The more goods you sell per shift, the more you earn. Don't you want more money?

    This mop won't be too upset if she leaves. But what awaits her in another country? How will it be treated? Will she be respected there? What awaits her there beyond the horizon? All the money that she earns gives to her father. Mom does not work; she is on a disability pension. Previously, my father was kinder, but then, as my mother could no longer work, he became kind of callous. Greedy as Plyushkin. I began to save every penny. Of course, he can be understood. He alone supported the whole family. Mom's small pension is not enough for much. And also, medications, visits to the doctor. True, Lisa also began to work, this is already a help to the household budget. But dad has changed a lot. Maybe he felt sorry for his mother. Or he is tired of work. He has little left until retirement. Therefore, his grumpiness is quite understandable.

    In fact, the household fell entirely on Lisa. In addition to work, home cleaning, cooking. Going to the market, shopping. She wants so much to buy herself a beautiful dress or blouse. But the father gives out the money like a cat cried. It seems to her that it lasts for an eternity. And now there is a chance - this is Sergey. They began to meet in secret from their father. Therefore, if he had found

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