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Elsimore’s Anxiety
Elsimore’s Anxiety
Elsimore’s Anxiety
Ebook84 pages36 minutes

Elsimore’s Anxiety

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About this ebook

Elsimore is a rambunctious and fun-loving fourth grader who is in the middle of some of the worst anxiety she has ever felt. Although she is absolutely terrified to accompany her class on a trip out-of-state, Elsimore sincerely believes that she must go or she’ll be missing out on something so important that she won’t be able to forgive herself. If she stays behind, she’ll be left with a large hole inside she may never be able to fill.
As Elsimore fights with herself, her fears, and her mom, the author accompanying her on her journey begins whispering ideas that help the queen of terror work through each challenging moment. While Elsimore reviews her coping strategies and works on whether or not to use them to push through her panic, Elsimore’s mom has to figure out her own anxiety in order to help both herself and Elsimore. The big question is will Elsimore go, or won’t she?
In this powerful story, a fourth grader riddled with anxiety and her mom work together to push through a looming challenge that may just be an opportunity to grow.

Release dateMay 20, 2024
Elsimore’s Anxiety

Valerie J. Weesner Ph.D.

Valerie J. Weesner, PhD is a clinical psychologist who has worked with children and families for over thirty years. She is the clinical director of an eating disorder clinic and has co-written a workbook for individuals with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), their family members, and clinicians. Dr. Weesner lives in Indiana with her husband and two dogs.

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    Elsimore’s Anxiety - Valerie J. Weesner Ph.D.

    Copyright © 2024 Valerie J. Weesner, Ph.D..

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Archway Publishing

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-5523-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-5525-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-5524-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024900505

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 5/10/2024


    1. The Trials and Tribulations of Elsimore Hamm.

    2. No Sleep for Elsimore.

    3. Waking Up on Trip Day.

    4. Just How Much Damage Can A Tornado Do?.

    5. Whose Anxiety is it, Anyway?.

    6. Being Brave Doesn’t Mean Fearless.

    7. The Friends of Elsimore Hamm.

    8. Elsimore’s Story Ends.


    To Tom, for supporting me each and every day, for reading and editing many, many drafts, and turning them upside down when needed. To my lovely girls, for continuing to share your lives with me. You are wondrous in so many ways. Thanks, Rach, for the thought bubbles and the caricatures, and Han, for cheering me on when I got stuck. Thanks to Adele Lafrance, even though you don’t know me, for EFFT, which completely fixed the toughest scene in the story. And thanks to the real Elsimore, and your mom, for being my biggest fans and for encouraging me to take a silly little story and turn it into a book.

    And last but not least, thank you, Amanda, for your constant nagging, and for introducing me to Archway publishing. I can’t imagine not having spent the last 2 ½ years sitting across the table from you.


    The Trials and Tribulations

    of Elsimore Hamm

    E lsimore lives with her mom, dad, and sisters. As far as families go, she is fairly lucky although she won’t totally recognize this fact until she is 25 years old, and she won’t fully admit it out loud until she is 40. Her family loves her, and she loves them.

    Her father is a bit busy at times for her liking. Her mother is around home to see too many things, like when Elsimore doesn’t feel like doing her homework, or when she feels like growling at the dog. But they love her a lot and put up with her when she is goofy, and angry, and scared, and all of those other emotions she seems to feel a lot of the time.


    Elsimore being sandwiched between two sisters (the middle child) has its

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