POWER OF THE MIND KNOW YOURSELF: Your Hidden Unconscious-Mind
About this ebook
Know yourself – the real you within your layers of thinking.
The unknown potential which exists in each of us lies in our Unconscious-mind. As a medical doctor and plastic surgeon. I had observed the way a patient’s health and well-being was influenced by the thoughts they held in their mind, especially their Subconscious and the deeper levels of that. Appreciation of Surgical results can be closely affected by the Self Image Body healing is run from the Unconscious mind. But how we feel about results is influences from the Subconscious.
Later when I retired from surgery and retrained as an artist I was given skilled help for a couple of years to explore in deeper levels of Consciousness. I had the intuitive desire to know who I really was – beyond the family identity I was born with. I had found in childhood the ways knowing could just arrive, and sought the source when given the opportunity.
The Subconscious is a working part of our everyday life and we use it all the time without knowing.
We are more influenced from the Unconscious mind than we may realise. We each Have these 4 basic levels in our system which we explore through the book.
Our real identity and meaning is to be found in these deeper levels of Consciousness hidden away from the world. If you want to know more of your own meaning, then look within your Self. For it is all there, stored in the Unconscious levels of your mind.
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Book preview
Copyright © 2023 by Dr. Anthony Emmett.
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Second Edition
Chapter 1 Importance
Chapter 2 Beginning
Chapter 3 The Subconscious
Entry Techniques
Health Problems
A Filing System for Everyday Life
Editing Function
Our Self-image
A Guidance System in the Subconscious
Ways to Actively Use the Subconscious Level - A Filing System for Everyday Life
Chapter 4 Everyday-Consciousness
Sight Inversion - Image from the eye is upside down
Filed Patterns of Movement
Filed Patterns of Learning
Limb Coordination
Golf Stroke
Learned Recognition Patterns - of Self, world, and beliefs
Emotional Attitudes
The Unconscious-mind
We Join it in Sleep
From Birth
Thoughts as we Grow
The Subconscious
Chapter 5 Sleep
A Great Influence
Inducing Sleep
Spiritual Catch-up
Great Ideas
Connect to your Higher-self
New Knowledge - Write it down when you first wake
The Real You of the Unconscious-mind
What You Remember From Sleep
Chapter 6 Reality
Reality of Life
See the World
Hear the World
All Incoming Sensation
Create Your Own Reality
Created Systems of Belief
Chapter 7 Patterns of Thinking
Methods of Enquiry
Neuronal Cross Connections
Inherited Patterns
Chapter 8 The Self-image
Self-image in the Unconscious
Daily Guide
Role Model
Chapter 9 Confidence
Chapter 10 Our Self
Layered Energy Within
Self-image as a Subconscious Control
Chapter 11 Deeper Levels of Mind
Impressions and Memories of the Unconscious-mind
Unconscious-mind’s Internet-like Link into the Creative Source in the Dimension of Spirit
Widening the Connection Within
A String of Precious Jewels
Who You Really Are
Confusion about the Self and God
You have the Kingdom of Heaven Within
Introduction to this Study
Chapter 12 Past Lives
Energy Forms
Chapter 13 Neuroplasticity
New Brain Pathways
Neuroplasticity in Action
Chapter 14 The Higher-Conscious
What the Higher-Conscious Holds
The Lake of Knowledge in the Unconscious-mind
Within your Higher-Conscious
Near-death Experiences
The Higher-Conscious, All That Is, God-within
Importance of the Higher-Conscious
Higher-Conscious Life
Our Ongoing Parallel Life in the Higher-Conscious
The Soul, The Eternal-Self, Our Real Identity in Each Higher-Conscious
Summarising Understanding of Your Higher-Self, the Higher-Conscious
Chapter 15 Unconscious-mind Influence on the Everyday
Chapter 16 Happiness
The Hormones of Happiness
A State of Mind
A Default Attitude
Chapter 17 Attraction
The Good News
More Good News
Chapter 18 History
Belief Systems
Chapter 19 Stories of Ruth Montgomery
Chapter 20 Seth
Chapter 21 Beryl
Chapter 22 Aurobindo
Chapter 23 Sathya Sai Baba
Religious Competition
Prophet For This Modern Age
Chapter 24 Forgiveness
Solving Problems with Forgiveness
Automatic Reaction Process
Lifelong Lessons
A Science
Love from the Heart
Many Lessons
Chapter 25 Luck, Serendipity, and Destiny
Chapter 26 Multidimensionality
The Multidimensional Nature of the Unconscious-mind
Multidimensionality of Energy, Harmonic-Dimension
We live with Multidimensionality
Levels of Multidimensionality
Multidimensionality of Matter, Harmonic-Dimension
Multidimensionality in Practice
Our Other Life, Multidimensionally
It is All One
Chapter 27 Religion
Daily Life
Chapter 28 Earth Energies
The Pendulum
Chapter 29 The Basis of Society is the Self-image
Given to Children
Self-image the Mind-personality
Self-image Composition
Guard Your Self-image
Our Role Model
Child Abuse in Society
A Successful Self-image
More Self-image Effects
Techniques for Adding to the Self-image
Love - Part of the Self-image
Chapter 30 Realisation
The Journey of Life - To Realise the Self
Thoughts We Carry Unconsciously
Your Conscience
Chapter 31 Edgar Cayce
Past Lives
Collected Works
Chapter 32 The Role of Karma
Chapter 33 Soulmates are One of Life’s Surprises
Many Times
Chapter 34 A Beautiful World
Living Structure
Further Reading
Books by the Author
Alterations to the text have made the subject clearer in response to questions from students and readers. We are indebted to Ann Emmett, Bronwyn Anderson and Michelle Holyhead for help with suggestions and editing. Thanks also to all those who asked and added at lectures and courses.
We live each day in our thoughts which we have in both Conscious and Unconscious mind levels. The Conscious-mind contains the everyday reality we have made for ourselves in our daily life. We connect with the Unconscious-mind in sleep, and as the Subconscious, and the Higher-Conscious. Body systems are run from the Unconscious-mind with automatic controls and instinctive responses over breathing, sex, hormones, heart and bowel.
The anatomy of the brain is the hardware like a computer and the mind is the software, with mind energy levels a constant influence, having diverse programs in the different levels. This Eternal you is hidden within, in level 4 where we access the energy of destiny, the intelligence of the universe, ‘All That Is’ - called God. The way we are all joined into this hidden world is the ongoing story of our life-meaning and achievement.
One of the events drawing my early attention to the everyday importance of the Subconscious was the occasion when I perceived that a power pole was being deleted from my vision, which I describe further in Chapter 3. This was a graphic illustration of influence from my Subconscious occurring ‘before my eyes’.
T HERE EXISTS IN each of us an unknown potential which lies in the Unconscious-mind. Understanding the multilayered nature of human Consciousness helps us to understand the meaning of human life.
This book is about an analysis of our Consciousness into its working layers and energy levels, so that we can see how to use this wonderful mechanism we are gifted with.
Freud’s work making the Subconscious level of mental influence known, was followed by Jung’s description of the deeper Unconscious-levels of the Subconscious. This has given us a basis on which to expand more modern understandings, with brain scans and neurological studies of the ability of the brain to heal itself.
In seeking this understanding of ourselves we need to look at the way we think, to look within. The Subconscious level of the Unconscious-mind controls much of what we decide in our daily lives, in Chapter 3. We outline the Everyday-Conscious levels of mind in Chapter 4 - this Everyday-Conscious-mind builds up the reality we think is everything. That level we depend on and go to as sleep is in Chapter 5. But the real you is Your Higher-self deep in the Unconscious-mind - discussed in Chapter 14.
As we take you through these 4 levels of our mind energy working in the anatomy of the brain, we see how these levels of our Consciousness control the destiny of our life here on earth, much of which, the influence of the Unconscious-mind, is virtually unknown to us in our everyday life.
To know yourself within, understand that the Self you are now, formed with the energy of Consciousness entering your young brain, while the body developed in the uterus. You are influenced during sleep each day since birth, when you are exposed to the Higher-intelligence of your Unconscious levels of mind.
We live in the computer age, the age of space satellites and instant communication, the petroleum age of massive wealth, and the age where in the last seventy years, our population worldwide has quadrupled. It is a most wonderful time where careful thought is needed with problems on a global scale.
Understand that much of our life and destiny are run from the Unconscious-mind, which not only runs the body systems but also influences attitudes and decisions through the Subconscious effect on everyday thinking.
We create our own reality, in the newly born Conscious-mind, and use this as our meaning for life here. The Subconscious-mind works for us as a filing system, an editing system, and a guide. See that the deeper level of our Unconscious-mind is our Higher-self connecting into the higher energies of All That Is, the energy field holding creation in place, known as God to societies and religions. It all connects together.
The hidden longing which has driven man to build cathedrals, churches, mosques, and more, through the ages, is explained as man has intuitively sought to find and worship that which is connected within in our deeper unknown layers of mind energy. We are each connected by an unseen bond of power and love in the deeper levels of our Unconscious-mind.
We seek and fight to have for ourselves that purity of love which lies hidden in each of us in our deeper levels, in a different plane of energy; a dimension of love-power deep within, immortal and Eternal in each. That which we seek we already are.
We create within the levels of mind the mechanisms which are the reality of meaning for our life here, for the duration of our body and the lifetime of learning on this unique planet. We find that in a deeper dimension of our Unconscious-mind lies the knowledge of our former lives and our ongoing existence in higher energy planes - and this can be accessed when we allow it. I was fortunate to be shown. This was the answer I had looked for to explain my childhood knowing.
I had sought this knowing through a medical career and later pursued it further, finding much in guided meditation access to the wisdom with Sathya Sai Baba, a great teacher of this age. My meeting this learned sage in the higher energy Spirit planes gave me the insights and knowings which have led me on. He lived in India at the time in a human body which has since died but his energy form is very active around in this turbulent time. The composite energy field we call God is very active through the many enlightened entities alive now.
In showing me who I have been in the former lives of the entity that I am, they were continuing a further phase of my education. I had studied the Subconscious levels of influence in my patients and through my own medical experiences for many years, and have collected a lot of information of great value. In addition Carl Gustav Jung had described the Universal-Unconscious as an extension of his studies on the Subconscious, encountered in treatment of patients coming to him.
This explanation was further developed by Phyllis Krystal with Sathya Sai Baba describing the ‘Higher-Conscious’ as a deeper level than the Subconscious, and the deeper Eternal aspect of our Consciousness. It corresponds with Jung’s Universal-Unconscious. We will see the way the energy harmonics of human thought, and the power-energy-harmonics of the world, cosmos and Multiverse, are all connected as similar energy in different frequency levels or harmonics.
Seth channelling through Jane Roberts described more of the Eternal nature of this Higher-self we have within; which Shirdi Sai Baba has described as the being within us, which is not born and won’t die. This is your Spirit or Soul which gives you life in the body and is your life when the body goes.
In short, the energy of this ‘Self’ is with us for our life here, and is our continuity of life. All this is further documentation of the truth that Jesus said as ‘I and my father are one’. We have God-within. And he said that we each ‘have the kingdom of heaven within’ - which is the infinite energy within each of us, in our deeper Unconscious-mind. There are many other evidences of these truths from a diversity of sources.
This was all further confirmation of my childhood observations of knowledge coming from my Unconscious-mind when I needed it.
We can go further with these conclusions and see that when Socrates advised looking within for wisdom he was referring to this Self we carry in the deeper Un-conscious levels of mind, separated by a step in energy frequency from our Daily-Conscious, but available there.