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The God of His Word Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video
The God of His Word Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video
The God of His Word Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video
Ebook236 pages1 hour

The God of His Word Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video

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About this ebook

There are more than a hundred names for God used in the Bible. And each of them reveals something essential about his nature and character.

In this six-session video Bible study (streaming access included), the authors of The Rock, The Road, and the Rabbi Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel explore the meaning and importance of six different attributes of God—his creativity, his wisdom, his mercy, his power, his radiance, and his inclusivity of all people.

The God of His Word (part 2 of The God of the Way Study Series) will help you understand these attributes and how they apply to your life in a way that will change your faith and the way you think.

Each session includes clips from The Way that brings the story of Scripture to life with contemporary orchestral arrangements, powerful narration and visuals.

Sessions and video run times:

  1. God of Creation (20:00)
  2. God of Mercy (19:30)
  3. God of Power (19:00)
  4. God of Wisdom (20:00)
  5. God of Light (21:00)
  6. God of All People (21:00)


This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

  • The study guide itself—with discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader's guide.
  • An individual access code to stream all video sessions online (DVD also available separately).

Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2028. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

Release dateApr 18, 2023
The God of His Word Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video

Kathie Lee Gifford

Kathie Lee Gifford’s four-time Emmy Award winning career has spanned television, film, recordings, Broadway, cabaret, and commercials. She has authored numerous books, including her most recent book, The God of the Way, and five New York Times bestselling books, including The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi and It's Never Too Late. She is also an actress, singer, songwriter, playwright, producer, and director.

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    The God of His Word Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video - Kathie Lee Gifford

    A Note from Kathie Lee

    My passion for understanding the Scriptures is rooted in my desire to know what the Hebrew in the Old Testament and the Greek in the New Testament actually say. King David wrote, "As for God, his way is perfect: the Lord’s word is flawless" (Psalm 18:30, emphasis added). So, it’s important for us to know the original words the authors used when they wrote God’s Word.

    As I’ve grown in my knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures through decades of study and rabbinical trips to the Holy Land to deepen my experience, I’ve grown ever more passionate to pass along what many of my teachers, who have vastly more knowledge and insight than I do, have shared with me about the Word of God. For example, consider that there are more than one hundred names for God mentioned in the Bible. Imagine that!

    I love that there are specific names, though, for various aspects of God’s nature—many of which we will cover in this study. El Roi, for the God Who Sees. Jehovah Jireh, for the God Who Provides. Jehovah Elohim—one of my favorites—for the God who Creates.

    And he’s not just the creator of everything that has come before. He is the God of all creation and is creating new things even this moment. In Isaiah 43:19, the Lord says, See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. In other words, God is saying, Hey, look around, everybody! I am the God who never changes! I am doing brand-new miracles all over the cosmos—and even in your life! Open your eyes! Open your hearts!

    I also find it interesting that when God was creating the first humans to populate the earth, he spoke these words: "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground" (emphasis added).

    Who is this us and our that this verse in Genesis refers to? The New Testament’s complementary passage, John 1:1, tells us, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This is profound in every way. John is stating that Jesus was not only with God at the beginning of creation but also was God—that he created all things. Jehovah God (Adonai), Jesus (his only begotten Son), and the Holy Spirit (the Ruach, or breath of God) worked together to bring all things to pass—and still work together to sustain all things.

    But we learn even more eye-popping revelations just a few verses later in John’s Gospel: The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us (verse 14). The same Word who spoke all of creation into existence is the same Word who followed the will of his Father to come to earth in human form and be born to a virginal teenage peasant girl in order to provide the ultimate sacrifice of His blood for the salvation of all of humankind.

    Who among us can even begin to fathom the depth of the mystery of such a cosmic event? Only the creator himself. But the Bible tells us in John 14:7–9 that Jesus is the reflection of the face of the Father. When we see Jesus, we literally see God incarnate.

    Jesus walked the earth he created so he could teach us how to walk in this world as he did. He promised that if we believe in him and the One who sent him, we, too, could do all things in his name. We, too, could learn how to truly love and truly forgive. We, too, could have the strength to carry our cross and sacrifice our will for the Father’s. And ultimately, because of Jesus’ death, we, too, could be resurrected into eternal life with our Creator.

    I am stunned by God’s grace and overwhelmed by his incomprehensible love for me, because I know I don’t deserve it. We read in Isaiah 64:6, All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags. The Hebrew word for filthy rags refers to menstrual rags. Being a woman, I am completely familiar with what that means.

    But the Bible also tells us in Isaiah 1:18 that Jesus has forgiven us of all unrighteousness and made us as white as snow—completely new creatures. We don’t worship a God we have to visit in a building once a week. No, in him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). Every second of every hour of every day of our existence, he is the giver of every good and perfect gift and the lover of our soul (James 1:17).

    God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to work after his work was finished and to have dominion over everything that he had entrusted to them. This truth has never changed. We were also created to cocreate with Jehovah Elohim! Our work should still reflect our relationship with the living God we worship—the Holy (Kadosh) God but also Abba Father, the loving and compassionate God who longs to protect and guide his children into all blessing.

    How to Use This Guide

    The Scriptures reveal that the God we serve is not some impersonal being who just created the earth (and everything we know) and then stepped back to let it run its course. No, the God we serve is a personal being who desires to have an intimate relationship with us. As Jesus said, Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me (Revelation 3:20).

    In this study, we will explore several important characteristics of God as revealed in the pages of his Word. We will start with the creative aspects of God through his design of the world and humankind. We will examine aspects of his mercy and his power. We will also look at the ways in which God provides wisdom to us today and reveals the way that we should go by casting his divine light on our path. Finally, we will examine the inclusive aspects of God’s nature and discover that he is truly a God who invites all people to come to him.

    Before you begin, keep in mind there are a few ways you can go through this material. You can experience this study with others in a group (such as a Bible study, Sunday school class, or any other small-group gathering), or you may choose to go through the content on your own. Either way, know that the videos for each session are available for you to view at any time by following the instructions provided on the inside cover of this study guide.

    Group Study

    Each of the sessions are divided into two parts: (1) a group study section, and (2) a personal study section. The group study section is intended to provide a basic framework on how to open your time together, get the most out of the video content, and discuss the key ideas together that were presented in the teaching. Each session includes the following:

    • Welcome: A short note about the topic of the session for you to read on your own before you meet together as a group.

    • Connect: A few icebreaker questions to get you and your group members thinking about the topic and interacting with each other.

    • Watch: An outline of the key points that will be covered in each video teaching to help you follow along, stay engaged, and take notes.

    • Discuss: Questions to help your group reflect on the material presented and apply it to your lives. In each session, you will be given four suggested questions and four additional questions to use as time allows.

    • Respond: A short personal exercise to help reinforce the key ideas.

    • Pray: A place for you to record prayer requests and praises for the week.

    If you are doing this study in a group, make sure you have your own copy of this study guide so you can write down your thoughts, responses, and reflections and have access to the videos via streaming. You will also want to have a copy of the God of the Way book, as reading it alongside the curriculum will provide you with deeper insights. (See the notes at the beginning of each group session and personal study section on which chapters of the book you should read before the next group session.) Finally, keep these points in mind:

    • Facilitation: If you are doing this study in a group, you will want to appoint someone to serve as a facilitator. This person will be responsible for starting the video and keeping track of time during discussions and activities. If you have been chosen for this role, there are some resources in the back of this guide that can help you lead your group through the study.

    • Faithfulness: Your small group is a place where tremendous growth can happen as you reflect on the Bible, ask questions, and learn what God is doing in other people’s lives. For this reason, be fully committed and attend each session so you can build trust and rapport with the other members.

    • Friendship: The goal of any small group is to serve as a place where people can share, learn about God, and build friendships. So seek to make your group a safe place. Be honest about your thoughts and feelings . . . but also listen carefully to everyone else’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Keep anything personal that your group members share in confidence so that you can create a community where people can heal, be challenged, and grow spiritually.

    If you are going through this study on your own, read the opening Welcome section and reflect on the questions in the Connect section. Watch the video and use the prompts provided to take notes. Finally, personalize the questions and exercises in the Discuss and Respond sections. Close by recording any requests you want to pray about during the week.

    Personal Study

    As the name implies, the personal study is for you to go work through on your own during the week. Each exercise is designed to help you explore the key ideas you uncovered during your group time and delve into passages of Scripture that will help you apply those principles to your life. Go at your own pace, doing a little each day or all at once, and spend a few moments in silence to listen to what God might be saying to you. Each personal study will include:

    • Opening: A brief introduction to lead you into the personal study for the day.

    • Scripture: A few passages on the topic of the day for you to read and review.

    • Reflection: Questions for you to answer related to the passages you just read.

    • Prayer: A prompt to help you express what you’ve studied in a prayer to God.

    If you are doing this study as part of a group, and you are unable to finish (or even start) these personal studies for the week, you should still attend the group time. Be assured that you

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