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Umbrage: Washington At The End of the Day, #2
Umbrage: Washington At The End of the Day, #2
Umbrage: Washington At The End of the Day, #2
Ebook56 pages48 minutes

Umbrage: Washington At The End of the Day, #2

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Everything you have ever loved or hated about the Washington political scene including in this edition espionage and office rattery. A thick stew of intrigue, deception, lies, and a sack of other juicy words too naughty to mention here. Tune in and you'll never stray. It's got to be Washington At The End of the Day!

Release dateSep 1, 2023
Umbrage: Washington At The End of the Day, #2

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    Umbrage - Grover Flintridge

    Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare they have become the tools of corrupt interests, which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

    T. Roosevelt 1912

    The cover photo: A late model 4 rotor Enigma Machine. First developed and marketed in the early 1920’s it was used commercially by several countries. Most infamously it was Nazi Germany’s unbreakable code machine in WWII. Nevertheless it was hacked by the British who used the secrets hemorrhaging from therein to great and devastating advantage. The ‘Son of Umbrage’ program portrayed in this book is simply one of Enigma’s great grandchildren.

    To paraphrase a great and prescient quote... In America it was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was the most dangerous of times.

    Nothing good ever happens after midnight. The camera of the mind flies to a point on the map, Washington DC, and continues zooming in to a middling apartment complex, the dowdy Suffolk Bainbridge. Inside now, the camera floats down the hall to the doorway to room 411 and on inside.

    It is an immaculately kept four room abode, if you count the well scrubbed bathroom. In the master (and only) bedroom a man sits at a computer table in one corner, the room lit only by the glow of a 60 watt bulb of a banker’s lamp which sits on the top of the console above the glowing screen.

    The camera pauses at the doorway to reveal the man sitting in his high backed computer chair, shoulders slumped, a glass half full of ice and liquid to one side on the table top. Sweat drips down from the vessel to leave a ring of water underneath.

    The camera noses around to a point where we can see the man’s face now. He is in his forties with an excellent haircut and quite drunk. His eyes are bleary as he stares at the maddeningly bright screen, which is out of place in the gloom.

    Now we see through his bloodshot eyes. The ENTER button seems to expand and contract. His right hand yearns to press it, but is subdued and defeated by what’s left of his urge to self preservation. The battle in his mind rages.

    ~ ~ ~

    Several thousands of miles away at the Kremlin, Mstislay Utkin, the Russian President, has his top brass standing on his sumptuous carpet in front of his desk at a mid morning meeting. He has challenged them all to tell him if any of them are colluding with the Amerikanski newspapers to undo the new presidency of Timothy E. McClane.

    Nearly a dozen deep, all sporting medals, some with a veritable vegetable garden of same all shake their heads vigorously and deny in a cacophony of what sounds to the American ear like English spoken backwards and harshly.

    Do you understand, he asks of the group of startled generals and functionaries, "That I have an upcoming meeting with the new American president, on his ground and the first thing I must do is convince him that our side is not working with their stupid American newspapers? All the propaganda sources there, with no proof mind you, say that we are. I am! Even our propaganda sources are beginning to ape these lies as if it is truth."

    The Minister of Communications and Mass Media, Pavel Podkin, stepped forward. Of course we have our highly placed news sources, comrade Utkin which we may activate as needed, but they have not been activated. Nyet! We have talked much among ourselves about the American press blaming Russia for all the ills of America, but we are in the dark!

    Utkin fumed.

    ~ ~ ~

    The following day, in Washington, DC we visit Soledad

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