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Dark Star
Dark Star
Dark Star
Ebook61 pages47 minutes

Dark Star

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What happens when the seemingly perfect new girl isn't so perfect after all? A group of high school students take an extra-credit field trip to the bluffs to watch a midnight meteor shower. However, it quickly becomes dangerous when the new girl sets her sinister plan into motion. Perfect grades can't hide her true intentions. As the countdown to midnight begins, students start disappearing. Suddenly, passing science class is the last thing on everyone's mind. How will they all make it out alive? And who is this mysterious new student?

Release dateJan 1, 2017
Dark Star

R. T. Martin

R. T. Martin lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. When he is not drinking coffee or writing, he is busy thinking about drinking coffee and writing.

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    Dark Star - R. T. Martin

    Copyright © 2017 by Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.

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    Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA

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    The images in this book are used with the permission of: © Illia Balla/ (meteors); © (cliff); © SKY2015/ (night sky); backgrounds: ©; ©; © Smigielski.

    Main body text set in Janson Text LT Std 12/17.5. Typeface provided by Adobe Systems.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Martin, R. T., 1988- author.

    Title: Dark star / R.T. Martin.

    Description: Minneapolis : Darby Creek, [2017] | Series: Midnight | Summary: An innocent extra-credit assignment to watch a meteor shower turns dangerous when a student goes missing. Will everyone make it out alive?— Provided by publisher. | Audience: Age 11-18. | Audience: Grade 9 to 12.

    Identifiers: LCCN 2016022759 (print) | LCCN 2016037651 (ebook) | ISBN 9781512427691 (lb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781512430998 (pb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781512427899 (eb pdf)

    Subjects: | CYAC: Supernatural—Fiction. | Missing persons—Fiction.

    Classification: LCC PZ7.1.M37346 Dar 2017 (print) | LCC PZ7.1.M37346 (ebook) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

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    Manufactured in the United States of America


    Chapter 1

    Thursday 11:00 a.m.

    Mr. Petsky dropped the test onto Claire’s desk with a big red F written at the top. This is not good, Claire.

    She stared at it, feeling sick to her stomach while her teacher wound up and down the rows of desks passing out the rest of the exams. This was bad—really bad. Too many Fs. Claire was definitely failing and she knew it. Her parents were going to demolish her social life when they found out about this.

    At least one of you studied, beamed Mr. Petsky. Val is the shining star of this class: one hundred percent, plus extra credit. Well done.

    Of course Val got an A. She transferred to Middleton High two weeks ago and, ever since then, has only impressed Mr. Petsky. Meanwhile, Claire kept digging her grades into a deeper and deeper ditch. Now she was at the bottom of that pit looking at an impossible climb out.

    She had actually tried to study this time. The night before the exam, she read chapters fifteen through eighteen twice. How could this have happened? Claire liked Mr. Petsky. He was a good teacher, but he gave really hard tests, and science had never been her strongest subject. She was better at history or English, although she wasn’t particularly good at those either.

    The bell rang.

    Remember, your next test is in three weeks! Mr. Petsky shouted over the noise of students getting out of their desks and picking up their books and bags. I recommend asking Val to study with you. Have a good day.

    Claire left the room in silence with her head down and a sinking feeling in her chest. She pictured herself studying even harder for the next test and still getting it back with another F at the top. Even if she did manage to pass it, there may be nothing she could do to salvage her overall grade.

    Claire! Claire! Cooper was running down the hallway toward her. He had done this—run down the hall at full speed—every time he saw her since the fourth grade when they met. How’d you do on the test? As usual, he was out of breath.

    Another F. I don’t think I can pass the class anymore.

    There’s still one more test though, right?

    Yeah, Claire said. "But I think I’ve failed too many now. Even if I get an A on it, that

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