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Hillside High: Book Four
Hillside High: Book Four
Hillside High: Book Four
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Hillside High: Book Four

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Some preventative measures are required to eliminate the newest and most menacing bully at Hillside High. Together, victimized students form an alliance to conquer their own fears as well as bravely face their tormentor in this unusual approach and unique student-led endeavour.

John realizes that endless party nights and a full time course load arent as easily handled as he had previously believed, and some drastic changes will need to be made in order to get things sorted out.

Breaking up isnt as quick and painless as both sets of couples would have anticipated. The ensuing chain reaction requires some major emotional maturity to overcome.
Release dateMar 8, 2013
Hillside High: Book Four

Emilia Lafond

Emilia Lafond is a Canadian author who currently resides in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. With a Master's degree in Education, she has been working in that field for over ten years. She has done some extensive travelling and has been culturally inspired by such places as Europe, Asia, South Africa, U.S.A, and undoubtedly her own beautiful and majestic country. Emilia's bilingual high school days in Hamilton, Ontario, largely influenced the development of the person she is today. She hopes to influence and inspire teens (and adults too!) who are transitioning into adulthood.

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    Hillside High - Emilia Lafond

    © 2013 by Emilia Lafond. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse     03/01/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-2322-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-2323-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013903871

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    This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events; to real people, living or dead; or to real locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and their resemblance, if any, to real-life counterparts is entirely coincidental.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine


    At some point we must each and every one face adversity in our lives, some more so than others. I truly believe that it is in learning to deal with all of these difficult situations that we become stronger and more resilient as a people.

    Be kind to yourself. Be kind to your family. Be kind to your friends. Be kind to a stray dog or cat in your neighbourhood. Be kind to a stranger in need. It is through acts of kindness that we will see a surge of positive change in our world.

    Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.

    Albert Schweitzer

    Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.

    Princess Diana

    Chapter One

    Kelly and Rebecca were crowded into the upstairs bathroom for the harried morning ritual of beautifying themselves for school. This much anticipated first day of school had finally arrived and neither of them had slept well the night before as they were overwhelmed by first day jitters! Kelly’s mind had swirled out of control, regurgitating all sorts of random thoughts. She wondered if her subconscious mind was trying to sabotage her well-being! Would their classes suck? Would their teachers be cool? Would there be any new students—preferably of the tall, dark and handsome persuasion? Would there be any ridiculous new rules and regulations—wasn’t this always the case every year? Would anyone comment on how obscenely thin Rebecca looked? Would anyone notice the giant zit on my chin? These questions had plagued her throughout the night as she tossed and turned uncomfortably. Kelly had tried everything to ease her anxiety-ridden mind, but to no avail. It happened every year, even though she was in grade eleven now and had nothing to fear. And she could only imagine what her little sister was going through. Rebecca had suffered terribly in her last year of school as a grade 8 student due to the relentless bullying she had endured; it had all but destroyed her spirit. Fortunately, with the aid of family and friends as well as an excellent child therapist, Rebecca had overcome her worst fears and could now cope with regular activities once again. She was like a butterfly tentatively coming out of her heavily guarded, protective cocoon.

    Naturally, they were both dressed in the new clothing they had picked up over the past couple of weeks for the intensive ‘back to school’ shopping adventures. It had become an annual end of August tradition for the Armstrong family, where their mother took them on one or two major free-for-all shopping sprees. They were each allowed a certain budgeted amount to spend and then were set free to roam the mall, picking and choosing the most appealing items, ranging anywhere from shoes, to clothing, to cosmetics. They had their fixed budget and thus it became their personal responsibility to make it last. If they chose to blow the whole amount on one pair of brand name shoes, then that was their prerogative. It was an entirely new experience for Mrs. Armstrong to now have TWO children attending high school. She mourned the loss of her babies—figuratively speaking of course. She could only pray that Kelly would watch over her younger sister and provide the much needed guidance that she often seemed to need. Mrs. Armstrong couldn’t help thinking that if only Kelly had still been at the same school as her younger sister to watch over her, none of the terrible circumstances would have occurred. She was enormously comforted now that they were together once again, as she had vicariously suffered alongside her youngest daughter during the traumatic ordeal. Things were now finally back to normal.


    The massive crowding of students at the front entrance of the school was larger than usual, as everyone was slightly intoxicated with the nostalgia of being back together again. This phenomenon would be short lived, but for now, they were buzzing around each other like bees in a hive. The first day of school offered one of those occasions where the socializing aspect far outweighed anything scholastic. There was an undeniable electric current pulsating through the air as the students vainly attempted to ingest two months’ worth of chatter and good gossip in the twenty or so minutes they had remaining before the bell sounded. Sixty days was considered a long interval in ‘teen’ time. For the most part, people seemed to be in good spirits, laughing and joking about, exchanging stories and filling each other in on the main events of their extensive summer vacation. There were quite a few new faces within the crowds; many of whom were the younger siblings of the senior students.

    The first item on the agenda for the day was their regularly scheduled ‘back-to-school’ assembly. Here, many issues would be discussed at length, including the notification of all new school staff (e.g. teachers, admin, custodial or otherwise), and any changes that had occurred in the classes, clubs, councils, sporting teams or schedules. All Hillside High student had been sent their individual class schedules via email, but of course there were those who had lost them, forgotten them, never received them or were brand new to the school with no active school account—causing tremendous line-ups at the front office.

    Interesting, said Kendra to River while gazing upon the incredibly long queue. They only had ONE thing to do today and that was to bring in their class schedule and they couldn’t even do that. Losers!

    Yeah, good luck getting organized for the rest of the year, stated River harshly. She looked down at her own schedule and was very pleased that she had gotten every class which she had selected as her first choice. Things didn’t usually work out so perfectly. Now that we are in grade eleven, we are finally going to get some well-deserved respect around here!!

    Yeah, maybe, said Kendra with skepticism. Hey there’s Rebecca. I hope she will be okay this year. I know she had it pretty bad at her last school. She’s still looking rather fragile. I hope she doesn’t break any bones in gym class, she said in all earnestness.

    Yeah, but now she’s got us to look out for her, said Leigh protectively, popping into the conversation from out of nowhere. They all smiled at each other, happily sharing hugs in the hallway. An announcement over the loudspeakers indicated that it was now time to head over to the gym for their first period assembly. It would in all

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