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Keto Bread: A Carbohydrate Lover's Dream: fitness, #8
Keto Bread: A Carbohydrate Lover's Dream: fitness, #8
Keto Bread: A Carbohydrate Lover's Dream: fitness, #8
Ebook28 pages17 minutes

Keto Bread: A Carbohydrate Lover's Dream: fitness, #8

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Carbohydrates, oh my. For centuries, those lovely tiny molecules have been the apple of our collective gastronomic eye. Remember how much fun it was to break apart a new baguette or how a slice of mom's homemade sourdough made you feel? If nostalgia had a flavor, many of us would undoubtedly associate it with bread.


However, there has been a new diet in town in recent years - one that has taken the world by storm. The ketogenic diet is often known as the keto diet. A brutal need is at the heart of this diet: limited carbs. Yes, you read that correctly. A world without pasta, pizza, or pastries! Its tragedy is nearly Shakespearean. "Parting with carbs is such sweet sorrow," Juliet could say.


For those who have managed to avoid the flood of cookbooks, celebrity endorsements, and Instagram posts, the keto diet focuses on a high-fat, moderate-protein, and highly low-carb diet. This combination nudges the body into ketosis, in which, deprived of its beloved carbs, it reluctantly begins burning fat for fuel. What were the outcomes? Weight loss, better energy, and other health advantages are all possible. That all sounds rather impressive, does it not? But there is a downside: the no-bread zone. It is like a horror film for carbohydrate fans, with every twist and turn to bring the haunting knowledge that your favorite bakery goodies are no longer on the menu.


Enter the desire for bread. Bread is more than just a source of carbohydrates. It is a matter of culture. That is history. It is what you eat idly while waiting for your main course at a restaurant. It is the comfort you seek in a piece of buttered bread. Bread has been a dietary and emotional staple throughout history and across civilizations.


Consider a future in which dietary guidelines instruct you to avoid this age-old companion. It is as if all the movies went silent at once, or all the hues faded to shades of gray. Okay, that is a little dramatic, but the sentiment among carbohydrate enthusiasts is genuine!


But do not despair, dear reader; all is not lost! There is always a way where there is a will (and a slightly obsessive passion for bread). This book introduces that ray of sunlight, that glimpse of promise. Okay, let us cut to the chase: we are talking about keto bread. That is correct, keto-friendly bread! It is not an oxymoron; it is a carbohydrate lover's utopia.


Let us talk about the elephant in the room: skepticism. It is understandable to be skeptical. Can this keto bread compete with its carb-laden counterpart? Is it made with any unusual ingredients that sound like they belong in a science fiction film? While there may be a few new terms to learn (hello, psyllium husk! ), the end result is well worth the effort.


So, whether you are a seasoned keto devotee trying to reintroduce yourself to your favorite sandwiches, or a curious bystander contemplating a move to this high-fat, low-carb lifestyle (but urgently craving a croissant), you have come to the correct place. We will go through the world of keto bread together, learning the ins and outs, the dos and don'ts, and, of course, the epic flops and mouth-watering successes. Because, let us face it, not every loaf will be a winner, but that simply adds to the journey's flavor!


Before we begin our bread-filled journey, I would like to make a promise: there will be humor (both planned and unintended), tons of knowledge, and an unending love for all things baked and (keto) breaded. So put on your favorite apron, put on your baker's hat, and let us start this carb celebration keto style!

Release dateAug 11, 2023
Keto Bread: A Carbohydrate Lover's Dream: fitness, #8

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    Book preview

    Keto Bread - Jerry J. Jensen

    Keto Bread: A Carbohydrate Lover's Dream

    fitness, Volume 8

    Jerry J. Jensen

    Published by Jerry J. Jensen, 2023.

    Keto Bread: A Carbohydrate Lover's Dream

    By Jerry J. Jensen

    Copyright © 2023 by Jerry J. Jensen.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission of the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    Also by Jerry J. Jensen


    Elixirs of Youth: The Anti-Aging Power of Natural Ingredients


    Cooking Up a Storm: The Ultimate Hamburger Guide

    Mastering the Art of Cooking Spaghetti

    Culinary Oasis: Cooking With Rare Herbs And Spices

    Diet Delicacies: Cooking for the Health-Conscious


    Mastery in Moderation: Cooking for a Calorie-Conscious Diet


    The Ultimate Keto Cookbook: Over 100 Inspired Dishes for a Healthier You

    Keto Daily: 365 Recipes for Every Day of the Year

    Keto Desserts: Indulgent Delights Without The Guilt

    The Ultimate Keto Desserts Handbook

    Keto Bread: A Carbohydrate Lover's Dream

    The Keto Gourmet: Elegant Dishes for Low-Carb Living

    The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss Success

    Weight Loss Cooking Mastery: The Ultimate Guide

    Sip by Sip: How Water Benefits Every Cell

    The Health and Fitness Handbook: Exercises, Diets, and Mindsets

    The Science

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