Virgin Birth
Ancient Scriptures
Great Red Dragon
Chosen One
Forbidden Knowledge
Forbidden Fruit
Forbidden Love
Spiritual Awakening
Mad Scientist
Lost Civilization
Ancient Wisdom
Lost World
About this ebook
Hilton Hotema is the author of numerous books on dietetics, fasting, fruitarianism, breatharianism, vitality, cellular regeneration, longevity, higher consciousness, spirituality, alternative medicine and ancient wisdom.
Hilton Hotema
Hilton Hotema, born George R. Clements (February 7, 1878 - August 9, 1970), was a 20th-century American alternative health writer, esoteric author and mystic, who also adopted the names Kenyon Klamonti and Dr. Karl Kridler. Born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, Hotema authored numerous books on dietetics, fasting, fruitarianism, breatharianism, vitality, cellular regeneration, longevity, higher consciousness, spirituality, alternative medicine and ancient wisdom. In addition to writing his own books, Hotema provided many introductions to the systematic reprintings of rare, out-of-print, esoteric books published during the 1950s and 1960s. He decided to become a vegan at the age of 9 after reading a book about health at school. He worked as a fruit picker alongside his mother from a very young age, so he was able to snack on an endless supply of fruit throughout the day. He noticed that this diet gave him an abundance of energy and unparalelled vitality. He lived as a breatharian-fruitarian for almost 80 years.
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The Great Red Dragon - Hilton Hotema
Ptolemy Philadelphus (309–246 B.C.), ruler of Egypt, was a learned man. He offered a rich reward far the best religious scrolls and manuscripts for his great library.
Impelled by a desire for this reward, wise men of many nations went to Alexandria with their precious writings; and Ptolemy secured some 280,000 scrolls and manuscripts of the most valuable writings in the world.
In comparing the various works, Ptolemy made the most startling discovery of the age. To his amazement he found that all systems of religion were the same in basic principles.
How could it have been otherwise? All men spring from the same source; they all inhabit the same Universe, in which all elements and forces, all suns and stars, all mountains and men, all water and women, are basically the same.
Churchward said that inscriptions on stone tablets found all over the world indicate that all the earth was originally colonized by one people, from one source, and that was the lost continent of Mu or Lemuria.
Furthermore, the evidence shows that all religious systems are but copies of one original system, and vary in different countries only as the customs of the people vary.
So all ancient religions, based on this Grand Cosmic Unity, were basically the same for all nations and for all races,—one grand, harmonious system of worship. And Ptolemy had inscribed over the doorway of his chief Temple this sentence: Experience is the guide of all morality.
The evidence shows that this Grand Unity of Religion prevailed in principle through the ages until the 4th century A.D. Then there came a shocking change under the leadership of Constantine the Great, in his founding of the Roman State Church.
Then the Fathers of the Church
went into vigorous action for the success of their newly created institution, and for the suppression of all competition.
To Alexandria they went, and culled what they wanted from Ptolemy’s vast library of scrolls and manuscripts.
They copied, interpolated, twisted and distorted these ancient writings for the making of their Bible. To make their work more effective, they personalized the ancient symbols and literalized the ancient allegories.
Under their scheming hands startling changes occurred. The Sun of the Universe became the only begotten Son of God
(Jr. 3:16).
The twelve signs of the ancient Zodiac became the twelve apostles of their gospel Jesus (Lu. 6:13).
The Redemption of Man became a blood-washing process, in which all sorts of criminals and murderers were cleansed of their sins by their belief in a crucified savior
(Mk. 16:16; Rev. 1:5).
To aid in the promotion of the new religion, Constantine issued an edict freeing, all criminals and slaves upon condition that they embrace the new religion.
This was only the beginning of the atrocious work. For a thousand years the people of Europe were to witness and to suffer the most horrible catastrophe ever recorded in the annals of history. Read the Holy Inquisition,
and The Bible, Church and God
by Wn. McCarthy.
To enforce this newly invented, unscientific and preposterous religion upon the masses of the Roman world, required the destruction of ancient literature and ancient history, the burning of manuscripts and libraries, the demolition of ancient temples, the slaughter of more than seventy million people, and the plunging of the Roman Empire into a state of intellectual darkness that lasted more than a thousand years.
Then ancient history was rewritten by the church, to serve its ends and to hide the facts; and that is the history contained in modern encyclopedias.
That worldwide crime could not forever be concealed. Fragments and traces of the Grand Unity of Ancient Religion were preserved by inscriptions on stone monuments and temples of all nations, and in symbol and allegory which could be interpreted only by Initiates of the Ancient Mysteries.
Creative Power
In all ages the most awe-inspiring attribute in the Universe is the Creative Power. The mysteries of Life hold no greater secret than that of procreation. That power naturally inheres in all living things in all kingdoms of existence.
In every age, this deepest mystery of Life attracted the attention of the great philosophers and scientists. The Key to the Secret of Life, opined they, lay in the Creative Function. It could be nowhere else.
The Cosmic Principle of Creation of humanity inheres in the Creative Centers of Man for Creative Action; and that action determines man’s status in life.
Accordingly, a study of the Creative Function was, with the Ancient Masters, scientific in intent and pure in purpose. In their scientific and exalted state of Mind, they regarded as most sacred and most vital that part of Man possessing the mysterious power of Creation.
In possessing that Cosmic Power, Man is a Creator in his own right. He is an independent creature. He is the God of his own being and existence. He has in himself the power of propagation and perpetuity. He can never become extinct. For he has within himself the power to go on forever.
Nor was that magic power given to man, or bestowed upon him by some imaginary god. It is an inherent part of him, of his very being, and cannot be given to him nor taken from him.
The Creative Power in Man is as eternal as the shining sun, the Father of all Creation.
The Christian Bible
We have said that the Bible was compiled from the writings of the ancient wise men. Such writings did not treat of an anthropomorphic God nor a fabulous Heaven. It dealt with the great mystery of Life; Man and his Creative Powers.
The Bible was not prepared for the masses, but for the church. It was not prepared to enlighten the masses, but to enslave the masses. And that job has been well done.
Thru greedy political influence and the ultimate dominance by a selfish and mercenary priesthood, the Doctrine of the Ancient Masters was gradually discarded and debased, and in the succeeding centuries a system of dogmatic theology was formulated and developed from a literal interpretation, the dead letter, of the ancient symbols and allegories, being corrupted by spurious interpolations and ascititious distortions, many of which are so obvious and glaring that a sixth grade student can detect them.
These interpolations and distortions so badly cloud and obscure the context of the Bible, that it is a common saying: Nobody can understand the Bible.
The reason is clear: A literal interpretation of the Bible does not make sense.
Another reason why it is difficult to grasp the correct meaning of the context of the Bible is the fact that slight changes creep into the meaning of words and phrases from age to age, and in the course of two or three thousand years, these changes become so great that a literal translation of the ancient literature would leave us in darkness as to the original meaning.
There is still another factor too important to be disregarded: The contents of the Bible were translated from foreign languages unknown to us, and it is impossible to translate one language to another by a mere change of words. The best that can be done is to express the sense and meaning of another language, that is, to interpret, explain, or recapitulate.
At this point grave danger enters in the work of translation. It puts in the hands of the translator the power to express, in his own way and according to his own views, bias and prejudice, the sense and meaning of the material he is translating; and we take what the translator gives us.
The ancient scriptures were translated by a group of men who were preparing literature for their own Bible; and it was their desire, intention and purpose to make their Bible teach what they wanted it to teach; what they were instructed to have it teach.
That they tried to do, and that they did do; and that is the reason why the result of their work is such a maze of puzzling pictures, that nobody can understand the Bible.
And so—
"The ways of heaven are dark and intricate,
Puzzled with mazes, and perplexed with error.
The best that any man can do, in his search for the secret of the Science of the Ancient