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They Gave Me Dreams
They Gave Me Dreams
They Gave Me Dreams
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They Gave Me Dreams

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They Gave Me Dreams is a unique collection of Children's stories written by Pixie Eagle Speaker. Each story is special, as every tale was originally handwritten for each of the Author's children and Grandchildren. An Excellent multicultural read, this storybook highlight authentic Native traditions and teachings while inviting us into the lives of each character. While every story is different, the message is the same. To compliment the beautiful storytelling of a grandmother and illustrations hand-drawn by one of her grandchildren. She was born gifted using only the imagination of each story and her artistic abilities. One-of-a-kind images were created and included in this special edition book.
Release dateApr 17, 2023
They Gave Me Dreams

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    They Gave Me Dreams - Winnifred "Pixie" Eagle Speaker

    © 2023 Winnifred Pixie Eagle Speaker. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 979-8-8230-0434-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-0435-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-0433-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023905566

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/23/2023


    Thank you to my granddaughters:

    Shonda Vielle

    Logan Little Plume


    Natacha Messerly Doney

    For bringing my book to life.


    1.     Little Brave

    2.     Corn Girl

    3.     Many White Horses

    4.     Horse and Early Sun

    5.     Yellow eyes

    6.     Wild Rose

    7.     Red Paint

    8.     Many Hearts

    9.     Eagle Boy

    10.   Morning Shine

    11.   Morning Star

    12.   Sky Blue

    13.   Buffalo Calf

    14.   Little Bull

    15.   Berry Girl

    16.   Red Eyes

    17.   Shadow

    18.   Two Faces of The Wind

    19.   Gray Eyes

    20.   Moonrise

    21.   Snowbird

    22.   Girl Across the Waters

    23.   Many Colors

    24.   Young Brave

    25.   Morning Rises with the Sun

    26.   The Music Stick

    27.   Traveler

    28.   Morning sun

    1. Little Brave


    Little Brave was a small boy who lived in a large Tribe. He had seen other boys go off with the men to hunt. And even off to battle if needed. Singing Eagle and other members of the Tribe would talk about a battle that might be coming their way and how they will have to save their people from harm. Then, when the men were done talking, they all parted and returned to their lodges. Little Brave followed his father back to their lodge. He sat by his dad for a long time, looking at him now and then, and was trying to find a way to ask his father if he could go with the other men and him.

    Finally, the time came to ask. Little Brave sat before his father and said, Can I go with you into battle? I am strong, and I know how to run. Sitting Eagle smiled at his son and said,You are too young Little Brave. We need you and the other boys your age to help at the camp while we’re gone. Singing Eagle did not know that an elder was listening to what he was telling his son. The elder told Singing Eagle, Your son is not a woman. He should go if he wants to help and save his people. Singing Eagle did not speak at first. He looked at Little Brave and said, Yes, you are right. He has become a young man before my eyes. Yes, he is old enough to go.

    The day came for the battle. As Little Brave walked away from his village, he looked back at his sister and mother and said, I will be back. They watched Little Brave walk away until they could no longer see him. The battle had gone on for many weeks, months, and years. Little Brave felt himself getting older. The battle was not only with the men in the blue and gray coats, but they were also in a battle with other Natives from different Tribes. They had taken the battle away from their people, so the elders had a chance to move their people far away for safety. Little Brave had gotten lost and could not find his dad or the others. This battle went on for so long.

    Little Brave was an older man now. He was getting tired and felt like he could no longer go on. He knew that he had to find his way home with hope in his heart. He did not know how old he had gotten on his journey. Little Brave sat for a while and thought to himself. I don’t know my way home. That is when he knew he was lost. Little Brave had walked many miles and decided to stop and pray, and he asked for the great spirit to guide him home. As he was walking, he often asked himself why he went into that lodge to ask his father to go into battle. What he thought was fun back then is very scary now.

    Little Brave had walked over small and large hills, and his feet were hurting badly, so he sat down for a while. As he rubbed his feet, a deer approached him and asked if he needed help. The deer told Little Brave, Lay back and sleep; when you wake up, your feet will feel better. When Little Brave woke up, his feet were perfect. He was no longer around when he looked for the deer to thank him. Little Brave’s feet felt so good that he did not notice how far he had walked.

    The sun was getting hotter, and he became very thirsty. As he looked around, he did not see any water, but he did see a small bird flying around him. The bird had passed by and then came back. Little Brave thought, Maybe he wants me to go with him to the water. Little Brave ran as fast as he could. He lay on the bank and drank as much as he could. He rested again but knew he had to keep moving to get home; so off he went. The water kept him full for a while, and he was very thankful for the bird bringing him to the water, but his body craved food. He looked around for roots, berries, or anything. But no luck. He was starting to feel weak and sick, he needed to sit again.

    While resting under a tree, he heard a noise from what sounded like a big animal. When he turned to look, he saw a big black bear coming for him. Little Brave got to his feet and ran. He ran over hills, through thick trees, and as fast as his old legs would take him. He said to himself I will no longer run; I am too tired and too old. I will ask this bear not to kill or eat me. He would not enjoy my skin, it is tight and old. When he stopped to face the bear, he was gone. This pleased Little Brave. As he turned around to move on, he noticed a large berry brush with big red berries. Again, he filled his stomach he slept under the tree until the next day.

    When Little Brave woke, he prayed to thank the great spirit for everything he had gone through. He said, "I’m lucky you made me a warrior. When my feet hurt, you sent a deer to help my feet feel better. When I was thirsty, my friend the

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