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Center Mass: The Silencer Series, #20
Center Mass: The Silencer Series, #20
Center Mass: The Silencer Series, #20
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Center Mass: The Silencer Series, #20

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After a string of diamond robberies rock the area, it finally catches the attention of the Silencer team. Though their initial efforts don't reveal who the culprits are, they soon are given a list of names of the most probable suspects. Will they be able to find the people responsible before they hit again? One thing's for sure… it won't be as easy as it appears. As they check out the names at the top of the list, their investigation takes several twists and turns that they don't expect.

Release dateJun 9, 2023
Center Mass: The Silencer Series, #20

Mike Ryan

Mike Ryan retired from a thirty-year career as a financial advisor, author and teacher in 2011 and reawakened a passion for turquoise first begun in the 1970s. He is the author of Asset Allocation and the Investment Management Process and The Colors of Money: Finding Balance, Harmony and Fulfillment with Money.

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    Center Mass - Mike Ryan


    It was just after lunchtime, and Recker and Haley were bringing food back into the office. They ran out to the local delicatessen to eat some sandwiches. As they started setting stuff on the counter, Recker glanced over at Jones and noticed he seemed engrossed in something.

    Jones was leaning forward on the desk, his elbow resting on it, with his hand over his mouth. That was always a look of intrigue. And it usually meant something was happening that Jones had to get a handle on. Up to that point, they had nothing on the agenda. Though Jones usually had a few situations he was monitoring at any given moment, nothing was imminent.

    Something going on? Recker asked.

    Jones either didn’t hear him or was so focused on what he was looking at that he didn’t want to lose his concentration by responding. Recker and Haley looked at each other, getting the feeling their afternoon was about to pick up.

    Should I bother to make something? Haley asked.

    Recker shrugged. Can always eat it on the way.

    Maybe he’s playing solitaire.

    Recker smiled. Or the snake game. That’s a good one.

    For your information, I was doing neither, Jones said.

    Oh, well, look at that. He speaks. Now that you’re not preoccupied, should we be getting ready to leave?

    Not at the moment.

    Haley started making his sandwich. Guess I have time, after all.

    Should we ask what’s going on? Recker said.

    A robbery just went down, Jones replied.

    As Recker waited for more, it didn’t appear as if it were coming. Jones looked back at his computer. Recker stood there, then eventually threw his hands up. He wasn’t in the mood to play the guessing game today. Or ask fifty questions to get an idea of what was happening. If it was important, Jones would eventually spill it. And if it wasn’t, it wasn’t worth thinking about.

    This is good ham, Haley said.

    Told you it was good. Can’t believe you never ate here before.

    I think we need to start looking into this, Jones said.

    We’re already looking at it, Recker said. The ham is good. We got some turkey too. And some bologna. Which do you want?

    I didn’t mean the food. I’m talking about this situation.

    Recker raised an eyebrow. Oh. You mean the situation you haven’t told us about?

    Maybe it’s the mysterious robbery, Haley said.

    Recker snapped his fingers. Perhaps. Maybe it’s the James gang. Or Bonnie and Clyde?

    Or Dillinger.

    Good one.

    OK, OK, you two have had your fun, Jones said. Can we get back to the real business at hand?

    David, you haven’t told us any business at hand, Recker replied.

    Jones gave him a strange face. I told you a robbery went down.

    Recker glanced at Haley. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure a ton of robberies go down in this city every day. I don’t think that’s really news, is it?

    I guess it would depend on the circumstances, Haley answered. A bank is big news. A liquor store. A jewelry store. That’s pretty big news. A newsstand might not qualify.

    Do they even have those anymore?

    Pretty sure they’re only in shopping malls by the food court.

    Are you two done? Jones asked.

    Recker looked at his other partner again. I don’t know. Are we?

    Haley shrugged as he took a bite of his sandwich. I don’t have anything else.

    I guess we’re done, then.

    There’s a situation that bears watching, Jones said.

    Oh, nice. Are we going to watch it with one eye or two?

    Jones just peered over at him. Sarcasm will get you nowhere, Michael.

    Recker curled his bottom lip. Maybe. Gotten me this far, though.

    Are you ready to hear about this or not? Or should I talk to our pretend dog?

    We have a pretend dog? Why is this the first I’m hearing about this? He glanced at Haley. Did you know about this?

    I definitely did not, Haley said.

    Is it a German Shepherd? A Lab? A Boxer? Oh, how about a Poodle?

    Jones took a deep breath, then looked up at the ceiling. Why do I bother some days?

    Recker tapped his partner on the arm. We didn’t stop for dog treats.

    I can go back out and get some, Haley replied.

    Jones lowered his head, clasped his hands together, and put them on the desk in front of him. It looked like he was praying.

    You good over there? Recker asked.

    Jones didn’t reply.


    Oh, don’t worry about me, he finally said. I’m just wondering to myself how we suddenly became a comedy club.

    Recker and Haley started laughing, knowing they were getting to their friend. It helped to break up and loosen the tension that their lives were usually filled with.

    OK, let’s be done with all the jokes and stuff, Recker said. Why don’t you tell us what’s going on?

    Jones wasn’t quite sure he believed that his friends were done with the jokes. They would often say that, then come back with another line or quip. He looked at them with a distrustful eye.

    There is a…

    Jones didn’t finish, half-expecting to be interrupted. Both Recker and Haley, though, had food in their mouths.

    As I was saying, there is a string of robberies that has gone down over the last five weeks. Number three was today.

    What kind of robberies? Recker asked.


    Recker raised an eyebrow. OK. That is pretty big news.

    And the third one recently went down today.

    Why is this the first I’m hearing about it?

    A lot of things go on in this city, Michael. We can’t be kept abreast of everything. Especially when we’re already on other things. Not to mention that these things never appeared on our radar.

    OK, so we already know they’re not communicating through text or email.

    Or just not saying anything dumb through them, Haley said.

    Three robberies in five weeks. That’s a pretty good haul so far.

    How big are these scores?

    From what I can gather so far, their take is about a hundred thousand dollars so far, Jones answered.

    How many people are we dealing with? Recker asked.

    Preliminary indications are three people. Doesn’t mean there couldn’t be others though, too.

    Could also be a driver, maybe a lookout, or someone behind the scenes.

    Jones made a couple facial expressions as he dug further into the situation. He was uncovering more fascinating information.

    What else? Recker said.

    It appears the value has gone up in each of the three robberies. First one was worth about twenty thousand. Second one was thirty. And this one today was worth about fifty.

    Increasing each time.

    According to reports, it also seems they did not grab everything they could have. Strange.

    What do you mean?

    There was other jewelry around that they did not take. They did not even take all the diamonds that were being stored at these places. Very odd.

    First one or two were trial runs, Haley said. Getting the lay of the land. Making sure they had everything worked out. Everyone doing what they were supposed to. That’s why it keeps increasing.

    Recker nodded. They’re getting more comfortable.

    And experienced.

    But why leave money on the table? Jones asked. Why not take everything while you’re there?

    Maybe they were nervous about being caught, Haley said.

    Recker continued to agree with his partner’s assessment, snapping his fingers and pointing at him. They were on a time limit. They gave themselves five minutes, ten minutes, whatever it was, and once that was up, they were out, regardless of how much they got or what was left.

    Smart. That’s how a lot of criminals get tripped up. They get greedy.

    These guys are getting in and out before the police show up. Do you know how long these robberies took?

    I do not have that information currently, Jones replied.

    I’m sure it’s not long.

    I’m sure it’s not either, Recker said. Probably taking what they can get within five minutes and splitting.

    Instantly makes them smarter than most.

    A little intelligence is a dangerous thing. No idea on who these guys are? Any calling cards left or anything?

    Jones shook his head. Not as of yet. Police have no leads that I can tell. All wore hoods and masks, dark clothing, pants, long-sleeve shirts, automatic rifles.

    Making sure they don’t have any visible marks to be identified.

    Due to the lack of clues, they are believed to be a professional crew.

    So we’re not dealing with amateurs.

    Maybe, Haley said, not so sure himself. The increasing scores still indicate they might have just been practicing with their first couple.

    Not necessarily, though. Could just be coincidence or how it worked out.

    Yeah, could be.

    But can’t be discounted either, Recker said. All options are on the table right now.

    What about the getaway cars?

    Nothing there, either, Jones answered. In two of them, the car wasn’t even seen. And in this latest one, it was described as a black sedan.

    Probably stolen, anyway, Recker said.

    Most likely. In any case, there was no license plate noticed, and cameras lost sight of it within a few minutes.

    So they still had a plan for after they left these places.

    Yeah, not like the usual robbers, who just try to go as fast and as far away as possible.

    I assume all three of these places were jewelry stores? Recker asked.

    That is correct, Jones replied. All three were in shopping centers or strip malls.

    Any indication on whether these guys are gonna strike again? Haley asked.

    No reason not to, Recker said. They haven’t had a close call yet. And they haven’t gotten enough money to be satisfied.

    Not that I’m necessarily disagreeing, but what makes you think they’re not satisfied? Jones asked.

    Well look at the total on what they’ve got. A hundred thousand. Sounds like a big number. But once you start breaking it down, it’s not so big. Split three ways, that’s a little over thirty-three thousand each. And that’s if there’s only three of them. If you think there’s a getaway driver, now you’re down to twenty-five.

    Or someone behind the scenes, Haley said.

    Now you’re down to twenty. If you’ve got an inside contact somewhere, they’ve gotta be paid. If you’re selling them to someone else, you’re not likely to get dollar for dollar. If you’ve got a third party you’re selling them through, that’s another expense.

    So what you’re telling me is that they’re basically in the red? Jones said.

    Recker smirked. Certainly could seem that way, couldn’t it? So if you assume there’s five of them, you’re down to ten to fifteen thousand each. But even if it winds up being just the three, you’ve still got the fence, and the discounted value for selling, so it’s definitely not going to be enough to live on.

    Which means they’re not done.

    Recker shook his head. They’re not done. Not by a long shot.


    As the team started digging into the situation a little more, they tried to see if they could see a pattern. Maybe if the robbed stores were in a certain location, they’d be able to narrow things down a little more. Unfortunately, there was no pattern that they could see. All three stores were in completely different areas.

    No discernible pattern, Jones said.

    And nobody was hurt in any of these, right? Recker asked.

    Not a soul.

    Recker continued looking at the information on his screen concerning the robberies. He was hoping that something would jump out at him, scream at him that he was overlooking something obvious. It wasn’t the case, though. He leaned back in his chair.

    There’s nothing here.

    We’re just gonna have to wait until they hit again, Haley said.

    Problem with that is… if they’re as careful, and as good, as they were the first three times, we won’t hear about it until they’re long gone.

    Not if they make a mistake leading up to it.

    You mean like texting each other about what robbery they’re gonna do?

    Something like that.

    Didn’t do that the first three times. Or they’re talking in some kind of code so that our system doesn’t pick it up.

    People get complacent, Haley said. Especially once they start having success. Start thinking it’s always gonna be like that.

    Yeah, but I’m not sure we can count on that.

    What we need are ears on the street, Jones said.

    Recker shot his partner a look. It was rare that Jones made such a declaration.

    Strange coming from you. You’re always about the tech world. Everything can be found out online.

    And I still believe that in most cases.

    But not this one? Recker asked.

    Even I can admit there are instances where you need eyes and ears on the street to uncover certain things. Mostly in the infancy stages of something, where there is not yet enough information to deduce a conclusion about the evidence you’ve uncovered. A computer cannot digest anything if there is no data that they can pull from. In this case, no computer system can pull information from thin air. We need a starting point.

    Recker nodded, agreeing with the sentiment.

    Unfortunately, we don’t really have eyes and ears on the street anymore, Haley said. Tyrell’s mostly retired. And we’ve never found a replacement.

    We’ve never looked that hard, either.

    Well, we tried with… Haley snapped his fingers. What’s his name? Anyway, that didn’t work out so well.

    Recker sighed. It’s hard to duplicate that with someone else. Tyrell just kind of fell into my lap. It wasn’t like we advertised for the job and his application stood out from all the other candidates.

    Maybe we should have Tyrell help screen.

    He knew the last guy we tried too. Like you said, that didn’t work out so well.

    To be truthful, not only did they not have luck with the last person Tyrell recommended, they were all pretty gun-shy about bringing another person into the fold. Though none of them verbally said it, having another situation like they had with Phillips was still fresh in their minds. And even though an informant like Tyrell wouldn’t be directly working with them every day, showing up at the office, watching their backs in a dangerous situation, it was still a new person they’d have to develop trust and chemistry with. It was hard to do that now. They tried it with Phillips and it went up in flames. Tyrell recommended someone and it didn’t work out. They were hesitant to try it again. Even if it was a good idea.

    Vincent? Haley asked.

    Recker shook his head. Jewelry store robberies aren't exactly what Vincent’s known for. He doesn’t really play in that world. I don’t think he’ll have any more of an idea than we do.

    Well we gotta do something. Unless we just wait.

    Recker didn’t like any strategy that was available to them. But there were no good options. They had nothing. But they weren’t likely to acquire anything either. He hated feeling like they were helpless, basically trapped until the robbers struck again somewhere. But that seemed to be the situation they were in.

    We just don’t have enough data, Jones said. We need a break. Maybe I can keep digging and find something we’ve overlooked.

    Recker was skeptical of that happening.

    Maybe we should start running ex-cons that have been released in the last year, Haley said. See if any of them have a penchant for this kind of stuff. Start tracking their movements.

    It was an option, but Recker felt like

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